As soon as the mysterious energy dissipated, Orion found himself alone in a desolate alley. The transition had been abrupt, the vibrant hum of the portal replaced by an eerie silence. The alleyway stretched out before him, cloaked in shadows, devoid of any sign of life. It was as if the city itself held its breath, waiting for him to take the next step.
Orion spun around, searching for the dimensional gate he had come through, but it was gone, leaving no trace of its existence. The portal, it seemed, was a one-way passage. Looking around for moment, orion found a long spire, standing the tallest among other biuldings. It was the very inn orion was staying at. He was back in revlon.
Midnight hour had already cast its veil over the urban landscape, the first night of reverie making it's appearance. Diligently, orion ensured that no shadowy figures were following his steps, and only when he was convinced of his solitude did he make his way to the inn he was staying at.