
Blood For Blood

Hunt for the thrill of it, blood for blood, when a hunter finds himself in a world of monsters and more being a otaku from earth he only wants one thing. Cover art isn’t mine nothing but the oc is mine

Armoti_Nelson · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 12: Hunter Knight/ What Is Faith

[mc POV]

The bishop walks in as I change back to my second form. The coil sword loosing its heat as it sharp tip was pushed into the ground, cracking it.

"Wait here for your fate, there is a surprise I'd like to give the monster Dracula" looking down at the bishop.

(A.N he is the same size as Dracula from the anime series so 6'10, 6'8 somewhere in there, making him the boss size would be just crazy)

Bishop "yes master it will be as you will it" bowing at me and walking back to the podium.

Eileen "what should we do lord" pushing a arcane blood rune into her daggers, it melted in like it was apart of it.

Maria "we will do as you will, they are here lord" smelling the air.

"Go too the Belmont and sypha, Maria, if humans die it is not our concerned, make sure they live, Eileen go to high wall the jackal demons get rid of them, there spawning is annoying" walking forward too the door.

Eileen "very well my lord, I wait expectantly for your gift" touching her stomach, bowing then disappearing.

Maria "will you move like this now my love?" Coming up to me, reaching up and putting her hand my helm.

"Yes, I will let you hunt, till you rage for her is satiated" looking down, rubbing her face.

Maria "yes my lord" looking at me as her eyes glow, putting on her mask, disappearing.

"Soon I'll be able too provide them a better hunt" pulling my sword out, thinking if the future events.

Putting my hand on the door, pushing it open as I saw the torch lights, looking over to the sun, which almost completely gone as gargoyle type demons could be see moving far of in the distance. Waiting no time as I walk towards the mob.

City people "witches!"

"Kill the witches!!"

"Kill them and our city will be saved!"

Walking as my armor make noise as i step on the stone ground. People stopped seeing the a tall knight with a strange sword in its hand as the helm looked like it had a face in it, with crown like jagged spikes at the top.

"Move out of my way" in a deep voice I said as I stepped to them.

Random Priest "what are you doing?!" yelling at the giant that was me.

"Enough words move" as I pushed pass the people.

Priest "you are disturbing this holy cleansing!"pointing at me.

"Killing people who only wished to help? Holy haha that's funny, even brain washing this dumb people too do it in the name of god" still walking.

Walking I hear something hit my armor as the back, turning my head as I saw angry people faces.

City people "the bishop said it would save us!"

City people "Yeah who are you too speak down to us the most holy said he would save us" some point pitchforks and Poleaxes at me or picking up rocks and threw them.

"You are all going too die if you fight one another instead of the demons, killing them will change nothing, a butch of fucking idiots" my voice deeper as anger could be heard, people took a step back,then I continuing to Maria and the rest.

[Meaning while with the bishop]

The cathedral door slowly creep talking and then closed, The dim light in the sky crept in for a second, in the darkness, six blue eyes could be seen.

Blue fang "you stayed here" a voice rang out in the church.

Bishop "what Is the need too run?" saying as if not caring, as the demon walked closer.

Blue fang "have giving up?, do you believe your god will save you?!" Coming too the podium, as lesser demon climbed the church walls.

Bishop "my god has already given me a gift" as a mad grin spread on his face.

Blue fang "so you have lost reason, the gift of your god is a lie but I uhhhh!!" Saying until a large, black fur hand like that of a werewolf came from the bishop, Squeezing the blue fangs neck.

Bishop "my god does not lie, but I am glad he allowed me too show you how great he is" his voice changed, the flesh on his face peeling, a large black fur face, sharp yellow fangs, and white glowing eyes.

Blue fang "let go!, attack it now" as its face looked at the being.

Bishop "weak not even worthy too be in his sight!" As he latched on, ripping its head off.

The other demons moved back then dived down as a blood bath began, screams of demons could be heard coming from the Cathedral.

[mc POV]

"There you are" looking at Maria,Trevor and sypha who were surrounded by people, pointing there weapons and torches.

Trevor "now a fucking knight, god loves too Shit in my dinner" looking at me.

sypha "do you know this person?" Looking at Maria.

Maria "hello master" bowing a little.

Trevor/sypha "master?" looking back at me, as I take my helm off.

My black curly long hair blew, my blind like eyes looked around, then at the 3 of them.

Trevor "the death walker?, he's not a monster?, hold on....he's " getting cut off.

Sypha "he's blind,but I don't think it matters" looking at me with my smile.

Priest "they protect the witches and heretics!, kill them....." before getting a sword in his stomach, nailing him to the ground, the embers burned his flesh and muscle.

Trevor "thanks he was becoming a headache"

Rubbing the back off his neck.

Sypha "was that necessary?" Looking at the black skeleton on the ground.

"Haha show the priest in the city mercy? Would they show the same? Look at them? Never thinking to themselves what would happen if there wrong, I promised too keep you and your kind alive, if they wish to die they can" putting my helm on as the parts started to glow with fire.

Trevor "they followed the words in hopes that it would free them, they were scared" Coming to my side.

Sypha "he is right, the bishop influence them"

Maria "yet why would the horde care for that? Would they stop because more humans died? Or killed each other, scared or not the demons see no difference magic or not, if they had been the ones threatened to be killed how would they act, they find something to blame anything too blame scared too lose there lives so they use others lives. Pitiful" as she disappeared, reappear with a Priest head in her hand.


Slamming my sword tip in the ground as flames cracked through it.

"Enough they are here, Maria go protect the people kill every demon in this city," looking at the roofs as demons waited.

Maria "yes lord, frozen blood it is" firing a shot that hit a demons head as it Exploded, as its blood froze goin back into the body then firing out shooting holes into ones around them.

Trevor "need one of those, well back too work I guess" looking at the smoke came from Maria's barrel.

The people ran screaming as the demons opened there mouth too as yellowish red flame sparked between there teeth.

"Stop running women and children to come to me...." The people stopped as they hear my voice but looked at me hesitantly, as they watched Maria pull her face cover down, showing her gold mask, voices could be heard in the crowd of people.

People "d..de...dea...death walker"

"There real, they say they are city killers"

"Please spare my children"

All Manor of complaining could be heard, speaking there mind, some even begged her too save them.

"Too me now!" As a fire ball was shot at me engulfing me in flames.

Sypha "uhhh?! death walker?!" Looking at the spot that was hit by bolts of fire.

Trevor "wasn't that a little too easy look at her" point to Maria who looked unbothered then disappeared.

"Belmont, focus up the men sypha its time to use the gift I gave you" stepping out of the flames I saw the people stare at me in fear.

They finally understood starting to move the women and childern too me, hearing the screams of childern being bite who ran away as Maria flickered killing demons saving them as she moved them to the area the other women and childern were. Trevor pulled his short sword and whip dashing forward too kill lesser demons.

Sypha "what gift, how do I use it?" Looking at the childern and women who were hurt missing arms or legs.

"If you want to save them have faith in me, then hold it close too your heart, not all healing is through god" as I look off in the distance as a reddish black aurora burst out, jumping cracking the ground moving through demons as I grab one slamming it into the floor, stomping on its head cut most in half, there heads flying.

Sypha "what's that even mean" holding her hand in front of her face and one out in front of her a blue light a right at her finger tips, using speakers magic too support Trevor making a ice wall to stop a fire bolt from hitting him from the side.

Trevor "thanks I owe you one, they really are monsters" watching me make a path of blood making my way too the wall, looking behind him to hear the screams of demons the female death walker was last seen.

Sypha "yeah, do you know what he meant, god is the only one who heals?" Moving her hands to shoot ice like spears at demons.

Trevor "I don't not, I doubt death walkers believe in god anyway..uhhh!" using his whip that was consecrated too hit demons as they imploded.

"Ahhhhhh!" A yell from a child brought them from there thoughts, the gathered women and children, were attacked by small gargoyles who tried too carry them off, ripping and biting at them, shooting ice spears too stop one as a women desperately fought a demon too save her child, getting smacked away Trevor using his whip to hit its arms as it dropped the bleeding child and short sword too cut down others, sliding too the child who held his neck as sypha ran over, seeing the women and children with deep cuts crying some holding there family as others were on the verge of bleeding out.

Trevor "there's nothing too be done about some of them, they will bleed to death with those wounds" shaking his head as he looks down a child trying his hardest too hold on.

Sypha "no!, we must do something!" Going up to the child, going too her knees holding him as the mother drags herself too him.

Trevor "I'm sorry sypha we need to save those we can, the death walkers are dealing with most of them, all we can do is leave some of them in the hands of there god" lashing out with his whip, moving stopping lesser demons.

The women making it too her child try's to hold him.

Random women "please save my child!, I don't care if I die please!" Crying as she holds her child, putting her forehead on his as he slowly stopped moving.

Sypha "what will there god do Trevor, where is he now?, they are dying" looking at the mother and child.

Trevor "sypha listen" getting caught off.

Sypha "this is why speakers don't believe in god, his people suffer in his name, yet he does nothing the gift the death walker gave me, why give me something I can't use!" hitting her fist on the ground.

'Have faith in me, if you wish too save them' my words ringing in her ears.

Trevor "sypha" before he could say any more.

Sypha "have faith In you.....I will trust you, please help me save them!" Yelling in the sky.

*dumdum her heart beat hard, as the people watched her forehead and eyes glow golden, covering her entire eye.

A imagine flashes in her mind, a women with her face covered, sat with dying people around her, the begs and cry's of them filling her ears, a small girl lay in her arms as she struggled too breathe, the women looked up at the dying people all around her, her eyes and forehead glowing.

Unknown women/sypha "faith is something that lives in all things, even if the gods abandoned you, I will not, use me as a vessel too save them, let my faith in you be the fuel, let my love and trust be the spark that lights it - holy light-" As a massive array with symbols spread out from her, the light that could blind, but felt gentle washed over them as if turning back time, as Trevor looked as the the light went into the people and him giving a feeling of comforting, like a mother's hands holding there precious child.

Unknown women/sypha "-Grand heal!" The light growing brighter as green flickers of life light could be seen.