Hair. The mane that he had previously styled now looks messy. It was all because of one person, namely Amel who was none other than his own best friend. Amel often annoyed him, especially today. Alika had already imagined how her best friend would react to her relationship with Devan.
However, his expectations were wrong. Amel even responded normally, as if it was nothing extraordinary.
"Amel! Watch out for you, I will repay you for what you did!" Alika shouted, ignoring the people who heard her voice.
Feeling annoyed, covered with anger, Alika walked with the feet she deliberately jerked towards her class.
Arriving in class, Alika saw Amel who was already sitting in her place while looking at herself from behind a small mirror.
Amel always includes a small mirror in her bag. She often dresses up at every opportunity. Whether it's in class or outdoors. Amel doesn't care, she just wants to continue to look beautiful in public. で好きな作者や翻訳者を応援してください