
Blood and Roses.

In the 19th century, a pack of spirit beings, marauders wipe out most of humanity. Leaving only Two kings ─ ¬House Adnahtis and House Caspian− with scanty population less than three million. As the quest for survival heightens, the proximity to feud is not far away from both kings. Nectar Evander rumored to have a rare ability of communicating with marauders – a gem is kidnapped by House Caspian. In his attempt to right his wrongs with the marauders his first daughter Aria Caspian falls in love with Nectar whilst in her father’s prison- an alliance which could be a great threat or ally for both kingdoms.

blood_dan · LGBT+
5 Chs

chapter 2

She tilted her head towards the right making the view between her and Harp her half-brother switch places in other to get a better view of her father's facial expression. Hoping to read the efficacy of the situation through his eyes.

Her hope was shattered when she looked at him. His face seemed fixed and cold, his eyes were frozen and unmovable like it was castrated just before the announcements.

She was a royal herself. A princess, she could easily ask her father what they were about to ride up against, but she recalled how every time that conversation emerged it led to copious argument. In the most recent argument he had attached little importance to how much she understood politics, kingdoms, provinces and the reputation of her fore fathers. But she was stubborn struggling to comprehend how her father used the alleged reputation as a decoy that caused great slaughters toward kingdoms for insignificant reasons.

She had zero doubts on the balance politics held in the survival of kingdoms but never made peace with how a whole kingdom flooded with children, wives and mothers had to suffer retributive bloodshed owing to miniscule clashes their king had with her father.

It was like understanding why they were killed with a sympathy to spare but at the same time not been able to do anything.

However as she drifted in her thoughts she concluded this to be the reason her father had displayed so much facial pretense avoiding eye contact with her all evening.

Clearly he had no room for any emotional interceptions.

"That would be all for now, "Saturn concluded, squeezing his dramatic voice into her thoughts yet again.

He had always been swift with announcement. Everyone knew. He was a very busy fella that knew the ill fare of how making lengthy announcements would affect his productivity.

The hall began to rattle with boots as citizens prepare to sail there ship. Just before conversation began to break among the humans, Saturn turned with a flick with his eyes boring thick holes initially on the skin of the knights before dragging them down to the crowd

Aria watched as the intensity in his eyes birth tension on the knights.

"One last thing, " he said with his eyes still burning but calm. It was a kind of calm that would still trigger you to jump off a cliff.

"The laws of the land remains the same, you steal you lose a hand, speak ill of the king you lose two hands - for as long as this additional statement lasted only the cooing of babies was heard the hall was dead silent like grave yard allowing his voice hit the four corners of the building - you give vital information out to foes I would be happy to have your head", he ended straining his last words.

Even the dumbest person in the hall could tell he was revisiting the earlier scenes of today.

Just as quickly the final words from his mouth dropped. The king stood up from his throne the action causing a large number of knights to pledge their allegiance by bowing their heads as he made his way towards a large wooden door that led to the Royal Chambers. Saturn following behind.

Aria continued to sit still at her chair- it looked like a non-adjustable threadlike wood having strong texture at first glance. She figured it was fine for her to dissolve the debate whether Saturn enjoyed imputing these punishments or not, because after today she concluded he did. It wasn't just his job. He loved it.

And irrefutably she worried he was quite good at it.

The moment the king and his accomplice were out of sight, conversation stroked between commoners. Like an assemblage of peacocks at the opera the hall was filled with dissatisfaction. Couple number of people review the episode of the guard featuring Saturn. While a vast number converse about the final words of Saturn "we march to take the city" they perceived quite well what he meant but just couldn't settle their hearts on it.

Aria scanned the room with her eyes, trusting to catch the presence of her brother maybe she could get something out of him. She eventually stood up, giving her leg the chance to help her eyes as she tried to get a better view.

As she peered with her eyes filtering the numerous heads obstructing her hunt, she pondered on how fast Harp had disappeared after the departure of their father.it made her worry a little considering It was not in him to act like that. After multiple trials of straining her neck, she decided to relax her muscles but her eyes were yet filled with curiosity even in her relax state.

It couldn't be he stomped of because he knows something or maybe he had a lead on the upcoming battle or maybe…

As these thoughts grew in her mind, she remembered the default nature of Caspian been tensed. The city was dark and quite gloomy but still not every day did this type of heat arose. Not every day did the king, his second and predecessor scurried away at the same time.

Something didn't feel right and she knew it. She tried to derail her mind off the option of approaching her father for answers. She had just witnessed the scenario of someone losing his hand and had no spare energy for arguments or fatherly lectures.

Still battling with curiosity she decided to hunt for Harp at all cost as she snapped into motion, jumping off her chair ignoring the squeak sound the wood let out. She rip open the door that led to the chambers of the royals.

Each doors were heavily guarded by trained knights that pledge there homage as she approached them.

While she continued to rush down towards the hall way it was almost impossible for knights to keep their eyes unobserved. Some of them quickly took in her appearance, seeing her long blonde hair weakly fall down cascading her shoulders that were covered with a relatively milk gown. They also took in the fact that she appeared so casual and calm for a princess even though her facial expression at the moment was perturbed.

She deliberated as she moved in haste on journeying directly to her father's chambers realizing her mind still proposed on that motion. Just as she pondered internally she noticed from her peripheral vision one of the doors halfway closed with no guard standing in front of it. It was enough to draw her attention since doors in this part of the city were always closed and heavily guarded.

But she chose to storm off trying to ignore any occurrence that might hinder her from her hunt. Then suddenly she heard a voice. A feint familiar voice. It was the voice of harp.

She moved slowly and carefully towards the large door her ears still trying to filter further. As she moved closer she realized he wasn't alone, she heard broken voices of her father and another familiar voice. Saturn's voice.

She figured jumping into the conversation would only produce a new wave of silence so she decided to eavesdrop.