
First Mission Of Saving The World, Party Planning

- Hale-

I woke up warm and laying on Lev's couch , she was awake, watching me intently on the arm chair.

"Hey," she hummed.

I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window, it was dark out. I'd fell asleep again.

"It's only six-thirty. You still have time to get back," she reassured.

"I can't believe you let me sleep, you should have woken me up," I fussed, sitting up.

"And miss all your sleep talking? Never," She grinned.

I swatted her shoulder.

"I do not talk in my sleep,"

She shook her head and poked my side.

"Sure ya don't. So listen I know you have to leave soon, but I wanted to ask you something. I don't need an answer tonight, just think about it,"

My heart skipped beats and I readjusted myself.

"Ok now I'm worried," I admitted and fidgeted.

Lev sighed.

"Calm down. You have to move out of the school and I just wanted to let you know that if you wanted to, you can always move in here,"

I froze and gripped the couch to stay in place.

"Before you book a bus ticket for Mexico, you don't have too, I just want to make sure you have someplace safe to stay,"

I managed to get a few words out of my frozen mouth.

"I'll think about it, don't you think it soon?"

Lev shook his head.

"Not for me. We are soulmates, nothing feels better than having you close by. But I promised slow, so I understand if you say no,"

I nodded and looked down.

I was pushing my luck I needed to get back before I missed lights out.

Lev walked me to the building, she didn't mention the subject again.

When I got to my room there were empty boxes and a packet of paper with a sticky note on top.

Be smart and Don't get into trouble - Ms. D

I set them down and crawled into bed, I didn't have any more energy for this today.


It was too early to be awake.

I was sitting in the parlor trying to stay awake as I waited for everyone else.

Hale dragged in a half-asleep Peyton, who came and sat next to me.

"I wanna die," she groaned, trying to curl herself into the chair.

"Same," I grinned.

"I mean what is so important at eight o'clock in the morning?"

"I'm glad you asked," Mayline chirped sitting down in her normal chair.

"They think they found something to help find our father," Jade explained sitting next to Hale.

"Not something, someone. A very powerful enchanting warlock, Caspain Steel. He is very well known," Mayline continued.

"Okay, so where is he?" Hale asked.

"He owns a loft here in the city. We've found the best night to approach him,"

"Why's that?" Peyton asked.

"He's hosting another one of his parties, they are all the talk in the supernatural world,"

"What do you mean supernatural?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"There is a lot more out there than witches and warlocks. Vampires, Fae, werewolves, pixes," Jack listed.

I nodded and leaned back into my chair.

We really did enter a whole new world.

"So this party, we can just walk right in?" Hale questioned, getting back on track.

"Yes, Steel's party is known for being very large and lavish. Steel is very extra about everything,"

I hated being in a room with more than five people, I was not looking forward to an apartment fullied with just about the whole city.

"You'll have to blend in, it's a week from now. I expect you to be prepared." Mayline ordered.

The front door opened grabbing all of our attention.

A young women walked in carrying a suitcase in one hand and multiple bags in the other. She was tall but the man behind her was even taller, he was carrying even more then the women.

"Hey! We're home!" The women called setting down everything at the door.

She looked to the living room and froze as she saw all of us.

"Babe! You can't just stop walking," the guy mumbled to her almost waking right into her.

"Sorry," the girl blushed as she looked at us. "Sorry, I didn't realize you all were going to be here this early,"

Peyton rolled her sleepy eyes in agreement.

Mayline smiled bright, something you didn't see very often.

"Oh Ivory, welcome home," she hugged the girl tight.

"Hey Aunt Mayline, thanks," the girl, Ivory I guess, said as she hugged the women back.

They withdrew from their embrace and the guy gave her a goofy smile.

"Good to see you too Dimitri,"

Mayline turned back to us who were trying to act normal.

"Ryker, Jade, Peyton, Hale, meet Ivory. I told you about her a few days ago,"

We all have her a brief hello.

The guy stepped forward.

"And I'm Dimirti, hi. They always forget about me,"

Ivory rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, no we don't,"

"You literally just did!"

Mayline intervened their small spat.

"You came at a good time, we found a led, I'll get you caught up. It will be good to have you go with them, more experience," Mayline took the girl over to the counter and filled her in.

The guy picked up the bags and took them down the hall.

- Peyton -

Jack left too.

Ryker tilted his head back and let out a long groan.

"I hate this!"

"Yeah, well, tough. So does anyone know how to dress for a supernatural party?" I asked looking at Hale and Jade.

"Don't look at me, I was raised to act ladylike," Hale retorted.

"Caused that turned out so well," Ryker snorted.

Hale gave him a mocking glare.

"Well we have a week to figure it out," I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Hale slumped down in her chair.

I did not want to do this. I was perfectly comfortable in my jeans and sweaters. Exposing my skin was exposing myself to judgment.

Ryker bumped my knee, I looked at him.

"If you stab me I'll stab you," he whispered holding up his pinkie finger.

"Well, I'm not going to say no," I muttered.

"Then I will," Hale grunted. " If I have to suffer then you two will suffer with me,"

"We can kill you too! It can be a bonding experience!" Ryker exclaimed.

"No, we are going to this party and going to be miserable like a real family," Jade piped up.

Ryker and I groaned, sharing our agony.

Ivory joined us in the living room, taking Mayline's normal spot.

She was pretty. Her hair was a soft brown, and longer then Hale's. Honey brown eyes and tan completion. Easily above 5'8. A stone hung around her neck, but it didn't match any of the classes They had mentioned.

"What stone is that?" I asked my eyes still on her pendent.

Her hand automatically shot up to touch it.

"Oh moonstone. Arcane crystal,"

"Your an Arcane witch?" Jade asked, trying to keep the deep curiosity out of her voice.

"We sure are," the guy answered. Leaning on the back of Ivory's chair. "She's the best around thou. Most powerful Arcane witch in decades,"

Ivory rolled her eyes at him again.

"He's over exaggerating. I'm decent. Nothing like the magic you four have I'm sure. My Aunt and Uncle were telling me about how strong your magic is,"

We all drew back a bit.

I was starting to feel like Harry Potter. Everyone knew more about us then we did.

"Well it was nice meeting you, but me and Peyton need to get going," Hale said standing up and looking at me, I pouted back at her. It was gym time.this was turning out to be an bad morning.

- Jade -

When I got home I used the living room to practice. The recital was tomorrow night and even though I could do every step in my sleep, it didn't help the nerves.

Music blasted in my ears, drowning out any noise around me, so when large arms clamped around my waist I gave a high-pitched yelp and on instinct swatted at the arms.

"Jade! Jade! Would you stop! It's just me!" Cut through the air as my earbud was ripped from my ear.

I stopped hitting as I identified the voice as Liam's.

A full breathed sigh left my lungs and let my body slack and relax into him. My head rolled back to his chest and I gazed up, he was looking down at me.

His bright smile peering down, his eyes shining.

"Sorry for scaring you," He drawled. "I did knock, and call your name a few times, I liked the preview though,"

His voice was light and teasing.

I scrunched my nose and squinted at him.

"As much as I'd love to spend time with you, I need to practice, and you're a distraction," I smirked.

He shook his head down at me.

"Well I think you could use a good distraction, in fact, I know just the place to go for a well-needed break,"

I opened my mouth to protest but was caught off guard as a light shone around Laims's shoulders and he pulled me back.

I felt like I was falling through mid-air, Just the quickest second, a few steps back, but so free falling.

My next few steps back were taller and left clinking noises. My legs and arms were colder, more exposed.

I looked down at myself, my once barefoot feet were now nestled in strappy heels, my sweatpants replaced by a short tight skirt of red and black, my torso only covered my a dark black mesh top, my breasts covered my a cropped red tanktop.

Liam released me and I whipped around, he was in dark jeans and a grey V-neck, covered by a black jacket.

I took in the scene around us. It was some type of club, dark but colored lights pulsed and a heavy beat carried through the air and vibrated into my bones.

A waiter went by us and Liam grabbed a flute from her tray as she passed.

In a blink, he turned it into a glass mirror and turned it to me.

"Well, how did I do? I'd say your the only captivating person in the room," He chuckled darkly.

I looked into the mirror and almost gasped. My face was like a dark rose. My eyelids swirled with dark reds and blacks, my lips as red as blood, my pin-straight hair was magically curled in big loose waves.

I looked hot, no more than that, sexy.

My eyes flicked back to Liam, who I could tell was trying very hard to keep his eyes up.

"It's perfect," I purred and looked back to the club. "So where did you get this scene from? Some movie?" I asked each detail was exact.

Liam laughed and shook his head.

"No, this isn't an illusion, our clothes are but this," He opened his arms to the club. "This all real, welcome to Paris France,"

I gaped at his and took in the scene.

"Wait how-" My sentence trailed off as I slowly turned to take in the whole club.

"I portal jumped us here. We can have our fun then be back before a single soul knows," Liam explained.

I sucked in a breath and glared at him.

"Liam I can't be in France! I have a dance recital tomorrow! I need to practice!"

Liam angled me to the dance floor.

"Then go, dance. You need to relax Jade, have some fun,"

I sucked on a tooth. The beat of the bass was like a siren's call and I flicked my narrowed eyes back to Liam.

"One song, then we go home,"

Liam nodded and took my hand casually and lead me to the crowded dance floor.

One song passed, then two, then five, and then I lost count.

Each one was better than the next. Liam's body synced up to me as we dance, leaned, and grazed, like one fluid motion.

My hair tangled as I ran my hands through it, jumped, and whipped it around.

Liam's hands barely touched me when we got closer, just whispered and they moved over my hips, feather-light when he spun me around.

The song ended and the next started its beat entrancing and pulsing.

Liam's eyes racked over me darkly and he came closer and like a magnet, I moved closer to him.

Our body a hairsbreadth apart as they swayed and waved side to side. I let my arms trail up my neck, Liams eyes following their movement, then they brushed past my hair and twirled in the air.

Liam towered over me his hands were like a shadow, hovering over my sides, moving as I twisted. Then I stepped forward, breaking that space, still dancing as my nose trailed his collarbone, he leaned his head down to meet me. His skin was hot and I wanted to feel more of it, wanted him to stop hovering and touch me.

I almost gasped when his hands touched my waist and slithered up my torso, then pushed me away, only to catch my left hand and right when I thought Id fall, pulled me back to him, spinning me to when I met back with his my back connected to his chest.

He was teasing me. I wondered if he could read me the way I read him. Heat burning our cores, the want of each other skin, to feel that heat, to get rid of any space between us.

He knew what I wanted, and he was toying with me. Our game of control was still on and he thought he was winning.

I smirked and rolled my head back onto him in a slow movement, then I twisted my waist so that It agonizingly circled back into him, taking back that control as I felt him harden.

I swore I heard him growl then pushed me again, his hand tightened on mine when he pulled me back again, this time when I could control my body, I was just inches from his lips.

He let go of my hand and returned to my hips, I was still swaying into the beat. This time they didn't go up my torso, they went down, gripping.

I shuddered and leaned into that touch.

He was winning, but I wasn't going down without a fight.

I pressed my hands to his stomach and let them trail up, up, up, till they were around his neck, I pulled him down and just ever so lightly grazed a kiss to his neck then slide my tongue up to his earlobe and nipped.

This time I was sure he growled and he pulled me closer and forced me to step back as he stepped forward.

I did fall this time, Liam followed with me.

My back hit a soft mattress layered with a cushy white comforter.

He had portaled us to some hotel. Maybe still in France, or Rome, or perhaps even Greece, It didn't matter as his lips crashed on top of mine, as he straddled my hips and leaned down on top of me.

His lips were scorching hot on mine, my hands clawed at his back, closer, I wanted him closer.

His tongue slipped into mine and then I remembered the game, he was playing dirty.

I rolled my hips and dug into him until the momentum forced him to turn and I was on top of him.

My hands found the sides of his head, my fingers curled in his hair and Liam whispered into my mouth.

"Nuh-uh, darling you're supposed to be relaxing,"

Liam flipped me to my back again.

My legs crossed over his back.

The game was lost in my mind overtaken by the want.

My core burned and ached, I needed him, to feel him.

I didn't break the kiss as I tugged at his jacket, he happily let me. Then I scraped at his t-shirt, he only broke the kiss for a second to let his slip over his head.

I pawed at the tight mesh shirt but Liam clamped his hands over mine.

"That's okay, I can do it," he growled into my ear.

My body thrummed as his hands moved under the shirt, fully on my torso.

He pulled the shirt over my head and took the tank top with it.

I moaned into his mouth when his hands went to my back and I felt my bra unclasp, his chest pressed against my now bare chest.


I wanted him now.

I bucked my hips up into him, demanding what I wanted.

He lowered his head to my ear.

"So impatient," He coo'ed darkly. " I haven't even gotten to explore yet,"

I bite my lip as his hands moved from my back and cupped my chest, brushing my nipples as He kissed down, and down and stopped, and my navel, where the skirt stopped him.

I panted as he slowly, oh so slow, tugged on the zipper, and pulled it from my waist, I also noted he took my underwear with it.

Too slow, he was going to slow to have control.

Without him towering over me it was easier to turn my body and straddle his waist.

I gave a long moan as I felt his tongue against my chest, nipping and sucking.

My hands couldn't move fast enough. Un-doing his belt, the button to the jeans, the zipper, getting them off him.

I didn't know when but he had already taken off his shoes which I was grateful for.

I hissed as I felt him beneath me, finally skin to skin, nothing keeping us separated.

"Oh I don't think so," He breathed and pinned me back beneath him, this time he didn't release my hands.

His length, his very impressive length hovered over my core.

I moved to meet him, to do anything to get just to ease the ache, that pulsed through me.

Liam chuckled.

"I almost want to ask you to beg," He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes and raised an eyebrow and raised my hips to his.

He let a sharp breath escape his lips.

"You'd be waiting a while, and I don't know if you can wait that long," I taunted and I pushed more into him.

He moved our hands to that they were clasped together, fingers curled, palms stuck to each other near my head and In one quick movement, I felt him slide inside me.

I shuddered and a long surprising moan came from my throat.

Liam kissed the crook of my neck ad he buried himself in me.

I wanted to move my hand to his hair to push him closer to me, but every time I moved to move my hands he pushed harder on them, squeezing his fingers on mine.

When his hips started to move into mine, I let go. The ache won and I let myself give into him.

I prayed we didn't have any neighbors as I screamed his name over and over.

Time seemed to stop, I couldn't tell how long it went on, the building and building, I groaned as it almost became too much, when the ache in my core pulsed and threatened to explode.

My hands gripped his tight as I released, my back arching my body more into him, his kisses became sloppier and rougher and he slammed harder into me until I felt him release as well.

We both panted and looked into each other's eyes. Lust seemed to take up residence and in sync, our lip connected again.

My body seemed to scream again, again, again!

It was late when Liam portaled me back to my room. I didn't want to know how late it was, how long we'd been gone.

He gave me a deep kiss goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow, try and get some sleep," He kissed my forehead and then stepped back into that portal and was gone.

I fell back into my bed and let out a long sigh, then noticed that someone was at my desk.

I halted a scream when I saw it was just Hale leaning on the desk.

She was looking me over then scrunched up her face.

"Hale! Shit, you scared me," I huffed.

She nodded and pushed off the desk.

"Ya, your dad let me in, wanted me to tell you that he was heading to bed, that was three hours ago,"

My heart stilled and I decided I didn't actually want to know how long I'd been out.

"Oh, um what's up?" I asked shrieking back.

Hake shook her head.

"Know what it can wait till later, I'm gonna go. You should take a cold shower,"

She gave me a final look over, nodded, and left.

I bit my lip and headed to my bathroom.