
Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

Reincarnation is not bad, says someone who has gone through the process several times, there are only certain occasions that you die at the moment you are born or have a long and boring life as a servant of some noble, the most normal is to reincarnate as the 99%, but when I finally had the opportunity to reincarnate as the center of political power, a European king, fate played a cruel joke on me, sending me to Westeros, the land of treachery and intrigue, luckily I was not transported alone, but sometimes I think it would have been better if I had come alone. Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or Asoiaf. Disclaimer II:Some stories will feature topics such as torture, rape, sexism and xenophobia. These topics do not represent me, I only seek to give the most historical perspective possible to the social relations of a medieval era. Disclaimer III:I don't speak English, I am in the process of learning, so I will make several grammatical mistakes, any help on the lexicon is accepted, I am not a person so deeply versed in the lore of GoT

Chill_ean_GUY · テレビ
199 Chs

The fruits of victory

Any recommendations or opinion so far is appreciated

If there are spelling mistakes, please let me know.

200 power stones for the extra chapter

the extra chapter, with good faith that we will reach the goal.


POV of Wilhelm

Von Roon had cut off King Aerys' head and quickly tossed it to the Teutonic Maester.

''Go Charles hand it to one of our physicians so he can preserve it'' von Roon said.

Charles nodded and walked out of the throne room, quite furious.

'One of the few things Charles can't understand is betrayal, it's better that he's not here.'

''Well, I suppose you're Jaime Lannister, a knight of the King's guard, but not a very good one it seems'' i said turning to look at the decapitated body of King Aerys.

Jaime stopped playing with his sword and leaned back on the throne.

''By what right can you mercenary judge the lion?'' said Jaime.

''With the right, that I can have you executed right now if you don't immediately explain what happened here'' I replied with a cold tone.

Jaime gave a deep sigh and ran his gauntlet through his hair.

''I guess you are not deaf and blind because somehow you managed to bribe the guards, to open the gates for you, King Aerys was mad....''Jaime said and stood thoughtful for a few seconds

''And that gives you the right to kill the man you swore allegiance to?'' said Duke Helmuth with his marked taste for rubbing salt into the wounds of his enemies

''No, it doesn't, but before my vows as a royal guard to have to protect this king while he burned innocent and honorable people, while he raped his queen and caused her horrible wounds, came first my vows as a knight to protect the weak, I had no other choice'' said Jaime thinking every word he said.

''And you happened to remember your vows when you saw that your king had lost the war, rather convenient, don't you think, Lannister'' I said looking at Jaime.

I could see the annoyance growing in Jaime.

''That madman was going to burn the whole city with him, you entered this city to conquer it, but it could have been your grave, there were several warehouses with wildfire all over the city to kill everyone and the mad king was happy about it because he thought he could turn into a dragon when that would happen'' Jaime said quite annoyed.

Several of my men began to laugh at the Lannister.

''That's so funny, if it wasn't for me, you and your mercenary group would be dead'' said Jaime with a red face

''I apologize for the lack of decorum of my men, but what happened is that we knew about the mad king's trap, In fact, We had deactivated it using the same guards we had bribed to open the gates, they were removing the barrels full of wildfire changing them for barrels full of water, so the alchemists would not suspect that someone was stealing their barrels, there was no danger, the city had been saved several days ago'' I said with a kind tone.

Jaime's mouth opened wide with his eyes completely open and dropping his sword

''No, no, no'' said Jaime covering his mouth with his hand

''Yes, you broke your oaths for nothing, you didn't save anyone'' said Helmuth

''Ser Jaime, I'm afraid that even though you have decided to change sides, I cannot treat you as one of ours, your crime is serious, lord Arryn and the future king Robert might want to judge you for this crime, so from now on, you are my prisoner, so I ask you to take off your armor and give up your sword, you must wait patiently for the rest of the rebels to arrive, but I will save you from having to spend a rough time in the dungeons you will be locked in a room and you will be treated as one of our guests'' I said with a kind tone

Jaime was too perplexed to try to complain.

'Well, it was easy to take the arrogant out of him by taking away the only justification he had for taking the blame for what he had done'

Jaime began to remove his armor without a word, and my men quickly led him away to lock him in some room that would have been used by some noble loyal to the Targaryen.

''We're done here'' I said looking at my commanders.

''I would double the guard on that Lannister, I would not doubt that one of our men would try to kill him for committing such a crime, if even Charles wanted to kill him'' said Helmuth walking up behind me.

Yes, I will do that,'' I said, answering Helmuth.

''What do we do now my king'' said Roon

''Start the looting, you know the usual take the silver and gold from the population all the metals and force the blacksmiths in the area to help our people so they could melt everything we capture in the looting'' I said to Roon

''At your orders my king'' said Roon as he ran off to do my bidding.

As we were about to leave the great hall we found Aleksanteri had returned this time with his robes and mask in place.

''So everything went as planned'', Aleksanteri asked rubbing his hands together as he watched us.

''Not everything, the Lanister killed the king, he took the honor from us'' said Helmuth.

''Ah..... smart guy, I thought he wouldn't do it, he had many chances to do it before, so I had my doubts about whether he should be here, but it seems I was wrong''said Aleksanteri lifting his shoulders.

''Don't worry you did well, too well, you had problems?'' I asked Aleksanteri.

The Finnish man looked thoughtful

''A little bit Antti had problems, almost at the end of his infiltration the spider started to investigate the past of all the men in the city and our plan used as a cover some villages that if they were to ask for our names it would be incredibly easy to discover us so I had to make him start investigating me and waste his time with me and not with Antti and his men, but after that, it was all very easy, since I put the spider in the dungeons accusing him of being a traitor when I started manipulating the king'' Aleksanteri said

''That's good to know Aleksanteri, I guess you know where the Targaryen treasure is so you can start counting our profits'' I said smiling.

''Of course I know my king, but which of the two?,'' said Aleksanteri.

''Two? why would they have two treasuries in the same castle?'', said Helmuth.

''One for gold and the other for things truly valuable to the Targaryen things of their history and among various things, but I don't know what is truly in that treasury'' said Aleksanteri

''Well, take us there'' I said to Aleksanteri.

Aleksanteri signaled with his head for us to follow him, we moved through the labyrinthine corridors of the fortress until we came to a steel door that had several runes inscribed on it.

Aleksanteri took out a huge bunch of keys that he carried in one of the pockets of his clothes and began to look for the keys needed to open the door.

Aleksanteri began to place keys in a pattern and began to turn them one by one.

And a loud metallic sound from the gears of the door began to play

''A puzzle door, it has a trick because if it is not done in this order, the door will not open, whoever made this piece of engineering is already dead, but I was quite amazed the first time I saw it and the king showed me how it opened, but never what was inside'' said Aleksanteri answering the questions the duke and I were having without even telling him.

The door produced noises for several minutes until it finally opened and I was able to enter to check its contents.

Aleksanteri began to light the fires in the room, and the duke and my knights began to go through the Targaryen's personal treasury.

The Prussians were amazed at the excessive luxury in this treasury, many pieces of furniture were beautifully decorated with jewels and ivory, many skins of exotic animals, marble statues made to resemble the ancient dragons the Targaryen brought from home, there were many suits of armor intended to make the wearer look like a dragon and there were many displays showing porcelain objects and cutlery made of the rare metal of the Valyrians

''GOT, how many jewels does this table have and the surface is ivory, no, wait the whole table is ivory, where on earth would they have gotten that much more ivory for that much furniture''Helmuth said in amazement.

''If you consider that it is almost three hundred years of Targaryen rule this is to be expected, they have accumulated a lot of wealth, maybe gifts of state?'', said Aleksanteri

''I sincerely doubt it, luxurious gifts tend to a vicious cycle of gifts to neighbors until someday they get it back from another neighbor, to have so many accumulated must be for their personal use'' I said surprised.

'Well I can sell them to get a good price or use them as a gift, not a bad idea either, that ivory table with rubies could be extremely expensive'.

We started to go through the entire treasury looking for valuables

We found several crowns that probably belonged to earlier Targaryen monarchs

But what seemed most valuable was what was at the bottom of the treasury, and that was some ancient scrolls.

[When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone].

They were quite old scrolls, but they were kept in a glass case that had probably kept them secure for a long time

Near the scrolls were research notes.

[dragon that hatched][Summerhall][prince=dragon]

'This must be the prophecy that had the Targaryens worried'.

These scrolls have no value in themselves, the moment the glass case is opened it is likely to be destroyed when it comes in contact with the air, but I should take it anyway

I was about to give orders when Aleksanteri began to break a display case.

When he managed to break it he took out a Valyrian steel dagger from inside and slowly turned to me.

''What's up Aleksanteri you found something you like'' I said laughing seeing the Finn's excited eyes.

''HA, HA, HA, yes I found something that I like a lot'' said Aleksanteri running his fingers along the edge of the blade.

''Well then, keep it, you did well, consider it your payment for your important mission you performed in the city'' I said to Aleksanteri and he started practicing his neck cutting technique.

We started to move all the valuables from the treasury when Aleksanteri threw his dagger into the plate armor and it got completely stuck in the armor.

''Deadly, this dagger will make everything so much easier now'' said Aleksanteri very happily

Helmuth and I laughed

''We have to free the prisoners of the mad king, me and Helmuth are going to follow Rhaegar's army we will go with sixty thousand men, the rest will stay to guard the city and continue with the plundering'' I said to Aleksanteri

''Is there any mission that I should be in charge of? Aleksanteri asked

''Eliminate all those who try to do something against our garrison. Roon will stay in charge of the garrison, there shouldn't be many problems with the faith of the seven, the supreme septon must still remember our deal and what will happen if he breaks it'' I answered the Finn.

Are we going to hand over all our research to him?" asked Helmuth

''Of course we won't give him a few copies and have them burned, but we will always keep what happened so we can blackmail them when we can, but for the moment we should play it safe and not try to bite off more than we can chew'' I said smiling as I walked towards the castle exit.



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