
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · ファンタジー
23 Chs


With their eyes directly on his cold face, John and Ellen had a strange confused look on their faces, they were unable to understand the importance of that question nor what difference it may make to Kai's decision. 

As for Conor and Ken, both had dirty smiles on their faces after hearing Kai's question while Conor leaned over towards Ken whispering in his ear. 

"Psst… It seems our boy Kai is gonna be joining us in our 'Men Of Culture Club' don't you think…??" 

"hehe, our little boy wants to explore the wonders of the world… Is this what fathers feel like watching their children grow up…" 

Nobody was listening to their stupid conversation as everyone already gave up on trying to apprehend these two folks, but yet even if someone was actually listening to it, they wouldn't understand a single word of all the weird sh*t that was coming out of their mouth. 

"It's a female…" 

Eventually, though not knowing the point of the question, John responded honestly with a bit of a confused tone he couldn't hide… 

Kai's appearance seemed to have shone a little as his happy face looked even happier adding another layer to John and Ellen's confusion. 


Hearing a weird sound coming out of her side, Ellen turned her head alongside Commander John who heard the same sound before they noticed the weird face Conor and Ken were giving each other while pointing their fingers towards Kai before some small giggles ran out of their mouth. 

When the meaning behind the two's conversation eventually hit them, both John and Ellen looked away instantly as Ellen herself had a small tinge of red painting her cute beautiful cheeks. 

John cleared his throat trying to hide his embarrassment before questioning Kai for his final decision… Which Kai responded to positively of course. 

With that, the four finally had their own group, and they were probably the youngest people to ever get their own in history… 

Of course, the only sad part was that they couldn't brag about it as according to one of John's rules was for their existence to stay hidden as much as possible.

Yet it was still one of the best things to happen to them in their entire life… And with delighted expressions painting their faces, they left John's office heading towards their residences in order to prepare themselves for leaving to their new group's base. 

While so, in his office… John gripped a small picture from his desk's drawer, staring into the picture with deep regret hidden within his eyes, John questioned himself… Or perhaps the still, lifeless picture. 

"Did I do the right thing, Jenna?"


After packing up their goods, the group of four left heading towards the White Fang troop's base which will have their group's main headquarters inside of it…

Also, there will be the place where they'll meet their last member who's totally unknown to any of them and where they will get their first mission as well. 

Sitting inside the small military truck, Conor and Ken were both lost in their own dreams while Ellen was watching Kai's face and analyzing his facial expressions like she has been doing for the past two hours!! 

If Kai had to be honest it was getting kind of annoying at this point and so he didn't even hesitate to question her about it with his usual unconcerned tone. 

"What is it?!?" 

She looked him right in the eye making some long eye contact before she came with a question of her own, her voice filled with curiosity

"How did you know???" 

Kai Death stared at her for a millisecond before wearing a perplexed expression asking her the meaning of the question… 

Not realizing the look Kai just gave her, Ellen made herself clear with her question despite her knowing he already understood it. 

"Don't play dumb on me… You know what I'm talking about… How did you know that the commander will recruit us for a mission?!? And where did you get all this information about his troop in the first place???" 

Letting a small annoyed sigh while rubbing his forehead trying to fix his headache, Kai answered her question despite preferring not to do so… 

"I didn't know anything about any mission… In fact, I wasn't even expecting him to ask us to join any group, even a newbie's group…" 

"Then how did yo…" 

"Though I did know about his troop's situation before I came here, It wasn't that I knew our commander will be John in specific, but I read about every commander and every important person in the whole military since I was 7 and I've been reading everything about them since then…" 

"My father made sure I know everything about the world even though I never saw a single thing outside of the facility and my house's walls…" 

Speaking about his past, a sad look snuck onto Kai's face before going back to normal as he continued… 

"So to answer your question… I didn't know about the commander's intention of giving us any mission, I merely jumped on the chance we got, yet I did know that whoever the commander assigned to us will look into possible good soldiers with potential… That was the reason I wanted us to show more power than normal humans in the first place."

Ellen's eyes widened after hearing Kai's unexpected answer, she had found his decision of showing more power in their training in the first few days illogical as their goal was literally to not get caught as superhumans in their time here in the military. 

Ellen appeared to have wanted to say more yet she was cut off by the sudden realization Conor has come to… 

"Wait… We still haven't thought of any names for the group yet… That's unacceptable, we need a name right now…" 

Kai and Ellen looked at each other astonished as for once, finally… Conor has said something actually true… 

And now they had to think of a name for their special, legendary group. 


Arriving at the White Fang troop's base which wasn't that different from the normal military base for recruits, the four got down the truck one by one before moving off to their headquarters under the curious, interested eyes of their seniors and other newbies as well. 

Eventually, reaching a small, poorly-placed tent, the four's faces went dark as their expression was the one of a dead corpse. 

They were expecting something fancy, something glorious, something beautiful, yet they had to face the ugly reality… Very ugly reality… 

"Let's enter, it's not like staring at the thing is going to change it or make it better…" 

After they went inside, surprisingly enough… It was very clean and decent, though very cheap, yet better than what they expected after seeing the outside. 

But as their eyes swept over the room and to their amazement, the figure of a 19-year-old woman slowly showed up from behind one of the tent's rooms -if you could even call them that-.

Everyone's breath was taken as their eyes widened when they saw the woman who just presented herself in front of their eyes blessing them with her beauty.