
Blood And Briars

Garnetta Briars, a once-beautiful 17-year-old girl from a small town, is accidentally killed by a group of drunken boys while visiting her mother’s grave. As she lies dying, she is offered a second chance at life by Raphael, an ancient and mysterious vampire with a French accent. Raphael transforms Garnetta into a vampire, awakening her to a new world filled with both danger and power. Now, 200 years later, Garnetta lives a life of solitude and restraint, feeding only on wild animals and honing her unique vampire ability to grow and manipulate briar roses that can siphon the life force of others. The roses serve as both a defensive weapon and a surveillance system, allowing Garnetta to protect herself and those she cares about.

Socordia_Jade · 書籍·文学
125 Chs


The bond between Garnetta and Leah Clearwater had shifted the dynamics of everything Garnetta knew. The connection was unlike anything she had ever experienced—a powerful, unbreakable force that both frightened and intrigued her. As Garnetta navigated this new reality, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was standing at a crossroads, where every decision she made would have far-reaching consequences.

The days following her conversation with Leah were filled with a quiet tension. Garnetta had continued to maintain her network of briar roses around Forks, but the sense of an impending threat still loomed large in her mind. The roses, while providing some reassurance, hadn't detected any immediate danger, but Garnetta knew better than to let her guard down.

One morning, as the sun barely peeked through the thick cloud cover that was so typical of Forks, Garnetta found herself drawn back to the outskirts of the town, near the boundary of La Push. The pull she felt toward Leah had not lessened; if anything, it had grown stronger with each passing day. But Garnetta knew she had to be careful—not only for her sake but for Leah's as well.

As she approached the familiar forest edge, Garnetta could sense the subtle hum of her briar roses, their presence a constant reminder of the surveillance she had put in place. The air was cool, the smell of damp earth rising as she moved deeper into the woods, her senses on high alert.

Garnetta didn't have to wait long before she felt the familiar tug at the edges of her consciousness—Leah was near.

The gray wolf emerged from the trees with a fluid grace, her amber eyes locking onto Garnetta's with an intensity that made Garnetta's breath catch. For a moment, they simply stood there, the air between them crackling with the energy of the bond they shared.

Then, with a low growl that seemed more like a greeting than a threat, Leah shifted back into her human form. Her expression was serious, but there was a softness in her eyes that Garnetta had come to recognize as the imprinting bond at work.

"You're here," Leah said, her voice steady despite the tension in her posture. "I wasn't sure if you would come."

Garnetta nodded, taking a step closer but remaining cautious. "I felt the pull. I couldn't stay away."

Leah's gaze softened, and she nodded in understanding. "It's the same for me. No matter how much I try to fight it, I'm always drawn back to you. But this bond… it's complicated."

Garnetta sighed, feeling the weight of Leah's words. "I know. It's not something we can ignore, but it's also not something we can easily accept. There's so much at stake—our families, the treaty, everything."

Leah's expression hardened slightly, but there was still a glimmer of something vulnerable in her eyes. "I didn't ask for this, Garnetta. Neither of us did. But now that it's here, we have to figure out what it means—what we're supposed to do."

Garnetta could hear the frustration in Leah's voice, but she could also sense the underlying fear—fear of the unknown, of what this bond could mean for both of them. "I've been thinking about that too," Garnetta admitted. "We're connected, Leah, in a way that defies everything we've known. But maybe… maybe this bond is here for a reason."

Leah's eyes met Garnetta's, the intensity of her gaze almost overwhelming. "What reason? What could possibly be the purpose of bonding a vampire and a werewolf?"

Garnetta took a deep breath, her mind racing as she tried to put her thoughts into words. "Maybe it's to show us that there's more to our world than the old grudges and rivalries. Maybe this bond is meant to bridge the gap between our kinds, to show that we can coexist—maybe even work together."

Leah looked at Garnetta for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "You might be right. But it's not going to be easy. The Quileute tribe won't accept this bond easily, and I doubt the Cullens will either."

Garnetta nodded, understanding the truth of Leah's words. "We'll have to take it one step at a time. But whatever happens, we need to be honest—with each other, with our families. It's the only way we'll get through this."

Leah's gaze softened, and she nodded in agreement. "Honesty. I can do that."

For a moment, the two of them stood in silence, the weight of their conversation settling over them. Garnetta could feel the bond between them, a pulsing thread of connection that seemed to hum with its own energy. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, but there was something comforting in it as well—an assurance that, no matter what happened, they were in this together.

As the conversation continued, Garnetta felt the tension between them ease, replaced by a sense of mutual understanding. The bond was still new, still confusing, but it was also undeniable. It was something they would have to navigate carefully, but it was also something they couldn't ignore.

When they finally parted ways, Garnetta watched as Leah disappeared back into the shadows of the forest, her heart heavy with the knowledge of what lay ahead. The bond between them was still fragile, but it was there, and it was real.

As Garnetta made her way back to the Cullens' house, she felt a renewed sense of determination. The future was uncertain, and the challenges ahead would be great, but Garnetta knew that she wasn't alone. With Leah by her side, and with the support of the Cullens, she would face whatever came their way.

That night, as Garnetta lay in bed, her thoughts were consumed by the events of the day. The bond with Leah, the protection of Forks, the potential threats—they were all pieces of a larger puzzle, one that Garnetta was determined to solve.

With her briar roses in place and her determination unwavering, Garnetta knew that she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The shadows were closing in, but Garnetta was prepared. She would protect Forks, and she would protect Leah—no matter what it took.