
Blind Mate for Alpha

Anna Rose: Blind girl who moved to her aunt and uncle home for the summer and school year while her parents are traveling the world she doesn't know that their is a handsome man looking at her. Alex Black: Scared and respected by everyone and he is the alpha of the blue moon and he is toughest and roughest alpha in the in the world, longing to find his mate, what will happen when a beautiful woman that is blind and cought his eye.

Anna_Casey · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

date and a evil unexpected present

I got up from bed and at 6:30 I had aunt Alice set the timer for the time before aunt and uncle went to their meeting today. when I finished getting the dress the phone rings and I go to the phone and answer it, I said " hello" then I wait for a reply and it said "hey sweetheart how are you" I smiled and I knew who it was it was mom and dad I said " hey mom I'm fine how are you and dad doing? what are you see?" my dad came on he said " your on speaker sweetheart we are in Roma" I smiled and said " I bet it is beautiful there, what are you guys seeing" my mom said " all artifacts and museums and we need to go and caught up with our tour " I said "okay I love you guys be safe bye" my dad said "we love you too baby bye" we hung up and just in time I ear knock on the I went to the door. I opened the door and I smiled and smelled Alex's cologne and the reference of forest after it rains. I said " well don't you smell sexy and fresh after it rains" he chuckled and I thought to myself' what did I say, oh boy I just said sexy I'm embarrassed" he said "no need to feel embarrassed my love I'm happy you said that, you look so beautiful " I smiled and said "thank you" he gave me flowers I smelled them and said "thank you for the roses" I put them in a vase near the door. I took his hand and walked outside and closed the door behind me and he led me to his car and opened the car door I got in after saying thank you to him. he closed the door. I wait until he got in and when I heard the driver's side door open I know he was coming in the car. I felt nervous and little mad so I decided to sing "love will find away" and of course he sang the man part and I did the women part after we were done. I touch his face and said " want to tell what nervous and little bit mad" I quickly add " cause I can feel your emotions babe" he said" well my dad got a threatening note about you cause you are my mate someone found out and told rogue alpha and now he is after you" I was confused and he started up the car and we drove to are destination I said " were are we going" he chuckled and said "its a surprise my love. don't worry you will know when you smell it?" I giggled and said "i'm not worried but something is worrying you want to talk about it I'd like to help out if I can." he said " just hoping that this night goes well and nothing bad happens" I said " I'm sure everything will turn out okay" trying to ease his worry about it seems to have worked cause he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. then we continued a few more minutes. he said it is a 25 minutes a way he said " we are here my love" I smelled something really good steak cooking and cooked veggies. I smiled and said " it smells so good" he came around the car and opened my door and grabbed my hand. I stepped out and went in cause he opened the door for me and a waitress came over and said " welcome table for two." Alex said " yes thank you" and she led us to a table and Alex pulls out a chair and I set down and he went to the other side of the table and the waitress said "can I start you guys with something to drink?" Alex said " we both like your cherry wine and two of your steak and Fry's and cooked veggies please, unless you want something else beautiful," I smiled and said " no everything is alright with you I'm good with what your ordering for us." he said "okay just bring the order I said and thanks" she said "okay it'll be out shortly." as we waited for our order we talked and just laughed and got to know each other better I love each moment of it. I was happy and yet I feel something or someone evil present but outside watching us. Alex felt me tense up, before he could ask our food came and the feeling of evil present was gone. we counted to do small talk and we finished and he paid the bill. we left and we went to the car. When we got to the car. he turned me, I smiled and said " this the best date ever thank you" I felt him smile and say " it's not over yet" I smiled and said "really what else do you have planned babe " he chuckled and said "that a secret my sexy beautiful" I blushed and he kissed my check he said "come let's get you in the car and go to the place I want take you it's 20 minutes away from here" he opened the car door and I got in and said "thank you" then he closed the door and I waited for him to get in, when he got in the car. he started the car and drove off and he said "what made you tense up in the restaurant?" I know he'd ask sooner or later might as well just tell him. I said" I don't know but when we were waiting for our food I felt something or someone evil present watching us outside of the restaurant?" when I sad that he tended up too like he knows the person or something. about 20 minutes we talked and sang to our songs then he came to a stop and he got out and opened the door to my side of the car he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car and I smelled that we were in front of the forest I smiled and led us through the forest to what I heard made me happy I smiled and said " you took me to the waterfall" he said "yes I'd like to tell you something about your uncle, he is not human." I smiled and said " my uncle already told me, is he in your pack" as I said that being stunned was understatement of the year. he said " yeah but he retired cause his son is my friend took his place." I nodded and said " did he tell you about the threat and stuff," he said "yes he did." we talked a little bit more. we were setting in grass he said by my ear " may I kiss you." I turned my head and said " yes you may" he lend in and captured my lips when they touched fireworks flew and I moaned in his mouth and my arms went around his neck his hand was rubbing sooth circle on my side and he was kissing my lips and wanting access in my mouth. against my lips he said "open for me beautiful kitten" without knowing I opened my mouth and he took this opportunity to slide his tongue in to my mouth and explore every inch of my mouth. the feeling was great and I have to breathe so I had to break apart the kiss. I was heavy panting. I was smiling and blushed. he said " that was amazing." I said "yes it was" I smiled and we got you and we walked back to the car and he opened the car door and I got in and said " thank you" then he closed the door and went to the driver's side door and got in and started the car and drove off drop me off at home I was sad to leave him but had a great time with him. we made it back to my house and he pulled into park and got out and opened the door for me and got my hand and helped me out and we headed to the front door of the house and judging by the crickets I hear it's night we stopped at the door and I faced Alex and I said "thank you for tonight it was great I loved every minute of it" with a smile on my face. he said "your welcome I had fun we should do this again soon very soon" I smiled and nodded my head for ' yes we should' I opened the door and went in and turn to Alex and kissed him on the lips and said " good night my handsome alpha" he growled of approval and said " sleep well princess" I smiled and he left to the car and started it up. I closed the door and went to my room and when I entered my room I layed on the bed and thought about Alex and went to sleep with a smile on my face.