

Welcome to the Darkness. That's what you call it, at least. To me, this world is not defined by light or darkness, but by a symphony of sounds, scents, and energy, or mana, as you all may commonly know it. I live in a different realm than most of you—one that is often misunderstood and feared. But for me, it is simply home.

Raised on the streets of Istem and blind from birth, I never knew my true identity or origin. My only constant was a kind beggar who took me under his wing and called me 'Sego,' a name which I later adopted and accepted. He taught me survival skills and shared what little food he had with me until one day, he was no longer there. Whether he left or passed away, I will never know. At the age of eight (or so I presume), I was forced to fend for myself and became a master of these streets. I know every alleyway, every corner, every shop—all through my heightened senses.

It wasn't until I lived alone that I realized just how sharp my senses were. I could smell a pie baking and accurately pinpoint its location without the use of sight. While others may rely on their eyes to navigate, I can do so effortlessly with just my nose and ears. These senses have allowed me to survive in this world, even when others deemed me as bad luck due to my blindness.

Every day, after waking up, I walk to a nearby lake to clean myself with fresh water. Living in an alley really isn't good for my nose when I'm extra sensitive to smells. So after freshening up, I walk around till I reach the bakery. The kind Mr. Roz, who is an excellent baker, usually keeps his unsold stock from the previous day for anyone in need, which ends up reaching my hands more often than not. I then walk around in the commercial area until I reach the spot I've always used for the past half-decade. A small rock with a flat top which acts as my seat. From there, I listen to the sounds of the world around me.

The commercial street was always bustling with activity, merchants peddling their wares and adventurers seeking new quests. To the untrained eye, the Smithy seemed like any other blacksmith shop, yet those in the know recognized the intricate symbols etched into the tools and weapons, giving them power far beyond the capabilities of the finest steel. Next to the Smithy stood the Alchemists Alliance, a quaint shop with shelves lined with vials of colorful liquids and rare ingredients. From any corner of the town, I could easily hear the ringing of the hammers or the smell of the potions to gauge exactly where I was. Further down the street, the Wizards Guild stood. which supposedly towered over the other buildings and was even larger on the inside than it looked. It was a mysterious building that not many people knew anything about and nor did I care to enquire.

To the opposite side of the smithy was the Mercenary Association, where most of the activity was concentrated. People went in and out hoping to earn some gold by doing quests for the rich or ones assigned by the Jous Kingdom. The kingdom regularly gave out simple quests like collecting wood for construction or meat from beasts and always paid fairly for each quests. King Brig himself went around posing as a mercenary in his younger days forming a deep connection with the leader of the Association which gave high ranked mercenaries great prestige all over the Kingdom.

Next to the Mercenary Association stood a large Inn, acting as a hub for wandering adventurers. And a little further from the Inn was my little rocky seat. It was always entertaining to sit in front of the Inn; there were always people conversing about the latest news in the kingdom. I could hear bards singing tales of mystery, magic, and adventure, and see coins being tossed their way in appreciation. I've come to realize that having a skill is more valuable than any disability, as people are willing to show appreciation with money. And to be fair, these bards entertain the crowd well and deserve their rewards.

It was also fascinating to observe how different individuals tap into nature's energy. The energy takes on various forms depending on who harnesses it. I have a theory that there may be a unique reactor within us that transforms this energy into something special. Of course, I am not an expert on such matters; I simply do my best to observe everything and survive each day. This routine of mine has helped me understand the danger that surrounds me and protect myself by avoiding potentially dangerous situations before they escalate. I can sense people's emotions through their voices and feel the energy within them. If things seem negative or dangerous, I make a quick escape. It's easier to remove myself from a situation than to try to stop it from occurring. And since I am weak and powerless, aside from my obvious disadvantage, I have become adept at knowing when to flee in order to save myself. This was a routine that worked for me. But it's not really living, it's merely surviving.

As I reached the age of 14 or 15, my body had finally finished its development. Despite still being thin and unable to see, I had grown to be taller than most of the people around me. The voices that once used to come from above now came from beside and below me, though it was not uncommon to hear a voice from higher up. It was during this time that my life took a dramatic turn. Through the bards' songs, I learned about the Queen and her brother, who was mute, and how the Queen had created community centers in every major town specifically designed for people with physical disabilities like myself.

I saw it as a golden opportunity, one that would take me away from the constant worries of rain and unpleasant smells. I asked around and eventually reached the place that would become my home for the next 5 years. The community center of Istem.