
Blessings & Curses

A human girl raised in heaven among the angels goes on a journey on the earth she knows little about after being shunned by the heavenly beings.

Omar_Abanouas · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Know your friends

Ramona got out of the circle in a panic, clearly afraid of what her soul sister would do in her current state. "Please don't hurt yourself," she mumbled to herself.

She searches for Lisa in every nook and cranny, screaming out her name everywhere she goes with tears in her eyes. The usually calm Ramona looks strange this way as nothing fazes her, but this shook her deep inside. For five hours, she remained in this state, not finding Lisa anywhere, and wanting to rest for a few minutes, she went to her house and, by surprise, she found Lisa there, in front of the door.

Ramona runs and hugs her tight without saying a word.

"I thought you forgot about me. I've waited here for hours," Says Lisa softly in Ramona's ear while they were hugging.

"How could I forget you, sister?" shouts Ramona. "I searched for you everywhere. I have not fathomed you were in front of my house all this time," she states.

"Fathomed? Again with the uppity talk?" Says Lisa, while tilting her head and then both girls laugh for a couple of minutes about this.

"You're much more cheerful than I expected," Notes Ramona

"I'm still sad, though. Look, Ramona, I'm thinking of going down to earth soon and beginning my life there anew," states Lisa.

"What?" Asks Ramona, shocked by Lisa's words. "You can't leave me, no"

"You're the only thing keeping me here, Ram, or I would have left a long time ago, but for the victim to be insulted by the criminal because of his crime is too disgraceful, darling. You know I could've killed all those guys had I not seen you cry in the back, the same way I'm crying, if not more."

Ramona began sobbing and tears streamed down her cheeks faster than a waterfall's current. She couldn't control herself anymore.

She stays quiet for a moment, then hugs Lisa tight for a long time before saying, "The decision is yours. Think about it well. The night gives advice, and I would like you to at least be present at Chief Hazel's honoring ceremony."

Lisa raises one hand to the sky, looking nonchalant. "The man is my father. Of course, I will be present, as I've only lived in his period and I can't believe it ends now. Twenty years have already passed…"

From Ramona's teary face, a pure smile came forth after hearing Lisa's words. She answered: "That's my sister. And my decision is obvious."

Lisa tilts her face and asks, "What is it?"

"My decision will be the same as yours. You go down, I go with you, you stay, I stay with you, and I'll do whatever I can for you to be comfortable and I swear, I'll be with you forever."

Now Lisa's face gets teary, albeit with tears of happiness

"I haven't said everything though, I still have a few months in the circle, and for me to be of any use to you on earth, I must complete them, so if possible, I want you to be patient until then, can you sister?" Ramona interjects.

Lisa looks down. "Okay, I'll wait with you. It may be of use to me too. Besides, I can't say no to you when you want to leave everything for my sake. I cannot thank you enough."

Ramona shakes her head in disagreement. "Don't thank me. Just be well, that's my thanks."

Lisa stares at Ramona, their eyes teary. She wipes her cheeks and eyes with the back of her fingers, then says: "Let's let this rest for now. Tell me, do you have any fancy dresses for tomorrow?"

Ramona shakes her head in agreement, then says "Come sleep in my house tonight. I'll get you ready as you've never been before, and I wouldn't recommend fancy dresses to you. The girly look doesn't really suit you," she stays quiet for a moment, then says, "Actually, it suits you, but you'll look much more graceful with a light armor, especially for a ceremony such as tomorrow's."

Lisa raises her eyes as if she's thinking "Let's talk about this inside"

The ladies woke up to the sound of preparations. The quiet heavens, once in 20 years, become like bustling human towns where everyone works hard to make the celebration work, and the girls are no different, but they overslept, because they stayed up late, talking about anything and everything. They were late to the preparations and got out of Ramona's house in a hurry. Everyone frowned upon them for this, but they hadn't a care in the world and started helping as if nothing had transpired. After a few minutes, Ramona noticed Lisa was worried about something and is looking around her many times.

"What's the worry, sis? Looking for someone?" Ramona said while staring her up and down.

"Zephyr is nowhere to be seen. Have you seen him?" Lisa asked, still looking around her.

"Worrying about that playboy? He's probably picking up a girl or two as we speak. Don't worry about him with that silver tongue of his. Or rather, it's a metal tongue."

"Why do you talk about him as if we weren't raised together? I know you care about him deep down."

Ramona blushed. "N-No, I don't. He's a pig who didn't value those years we spent together." She said, screaming.

"Yeah, I totally believe you now. I'm convinced." Said Lisa before chuckling and saying, "He's alright I reckon. Let's go to the altar now. Maybe he's helping there."

"Okay, let's go there, but not for him. They may need us over there." Ramona agrees.

After walking for nearly 15 minutes, they arrived at their destination. The altar is the most serene, sacred, and graceful place in the heavens. It's where the throne of the chief lives, where angels worship, where oracles and prophecies are given, and where the council meets. Chief Hazel was there.

"Welcome, my daughters. How have you been?" The chief said, smiling.

"You look well, father. But what's with that wistful look in your eyes? Are you missing the throne already?" Said Lisa, patting the chief on the back.

"You know me, Lisa. I governed to make the heavens well. I'm not attached to power, nor will I miss it. But when 20 years of doing something, even in the long life of an angel, comes to its fateful end, it shakes even the most steadfast of hearts."

"You governed well, your eminence," Said Ramona, eyes full of tears.

"Don't cry, my daughter, and don't call me your eminence, for I'm the chief no more. And you calling me father would make me happier, as I told you many times."

"You raised me, and between ourselves, I call you father, for no one else could ever have that right."

"That makes me glad, Ramona. I only hope that I have been a good chief and father to both of you. I love you,"

"We love you too, father," said the girls, almost simultaneously. Then the two girls went closer to the chief and hugged him tightly.

"How could I feel anything besides happiness when I have two beautiful and loving daughters such as you?" Said the chief, before glimpsing the chief-to-be, Marcus. "Here he is. Can you ring the bell for me? The celebration is starting soon."

"All the way up there?" Said Lisa, rolling her eyes.

"Anything for you, father." Said Ramona before dragging Lisa by her arm to the bell.

The stairs leading to the bell seemed never-ending, but the girls never got bored with each other's company nor stopped talking, so the way up there was short in their eyes. They rang the bell, and everyone heard it. When they went back down to the altar, everyone has gathered, and the celebration has already started.

The ceremony consists of three parts. The first one is called the serenade and symbolizes the peaceful transition of power the heavenly realm always enjoyed. It involves a choir comprising the best, purest, and most angelic voices who sing religious chants to honor the old chief and bless the new one. The bliss one feels standing in front of them is indescribable, it's almost an out-of-body experience. It's elevating, soft on the ears like kisses from velvet lips, and pleasing to the whole body. An hour flew by like mere seconds, and the angels couldn't believe they were going to wait another 20 years to feel this again. But then, excitement over the next part of the ceremony started building up. The fight. This part celebrates the great strength an angel has to achieve to become a chief.