
Chapter 10

It has been 2 Weeks since Brida has left Einar and Uhtred to go with Young Ragnar. Uhtred went along the recommendation that Alfred gave him, Einar was just Einar, every single day he trained until blood bled from his hands and dying from exhaustion. Einar could lift after 2 Weeks of hell, 650Kg with some difficulty, 720kg at Max. His punching power would crack a humans skull, kicking power on the other hand was just insane, he could put a foot print on a tree. All in all, he could probably kill 20 men with his hands and 40 with a weapon, truly a deadily beast among men.

When the time finally came for his younger brother's Marriage to happen. Einar was currently occupying a wooden tub and hot water in it for a bath. Scrubbing down all the sweat and blood from his figure, Einar grabbed towel made out of wool to dry himself down. Grazing his fingers over the multiple scars which were engraved on, all the memories of his past battles flashed through his mind. Remembering the scenes of his almost dying body falling on the earth to get his sister, Throwing the towel away. Einar put on his Casual clothes, Jacket, Leather Trousers, Leather shoes, wool shirt and finally his sword holders, on his back and the other on his waist.

Strolling to the courtyard to wait for Uhtred, he looked different with his hair falling down to his colar bone, the tattoos on his side's were hidden by it. He looked like a battle hardened, Extremely handsome and mature Noblemen thats mere aura gave off Variety of feelings. Seeing his Brother and Leofric speaking to one another about Mildrith. Einar gained their attention.

"Uhtred, you have already chosen this path. Their is no way you can go back to the life we once had in Leeds... Now, let's go see my future sister-in-law."

While Looking at his older brother dragging him by the back of his clothes, Uhtred sighed in hopelessness, getting use to his brothers almost bipolar personality, he is either lazy, angry or serious. Uhtred said while looking up to his brothers back head.

"Brother, what do you have in your head? Even when we was young, you was almost unreadable. Do you not feel anything, with how much you have sacrificed for you to just be with me?"

Glancing behind him, Einar looked at his brothers eyes and than to the following Leofric and than back to the front like he wasn't fazed.

"I have nothing, but everything in my head. Once you finally grow up Uhtred, will you accept that somethings are just supposed to happen. Are you not curious why such things happen to us? Why hard ship is needed for us to evolve, why pain is needed for us to gain, and slowly lose ourselves into desperation to keep what we want. We Humans Uhtred, are Selfish, Greedy and hated beings who walk paths that are decided by the gods. One day when you understand these words, you come to me and say, Einar you was right."

Trying to Keep these words fixed in his mind, Uhtred eyes grew in resolve and Praised his brothers in new light. Leofric understood the meaning behind these words. He couldn't deny neither disagree with him.

Seeing how they were close to the Church, Einar let go of his collar, opened the wooden doors showing rows of benches for people to pray and 3 pillars each side. The alter was at the front with a cross and painted glass at the back of the alter.

"If you both hadn't spoke of your blood tie, I would of denied every possible scenario of you, Arselings coming from the same father. You both are very different. *chuckle*" Leofric waited Infront of the alter and looked at Uhtred that stood next to him. Both brothers just smirked at Leofric and said together.

"Guess all Heathens are the same. Hahahaha!" Uhtred and Einar couldn't help but laugh at joke, even if it wasn't that funny.

Chuckling at what they said, Einar, Uhtred and Leofric waited for Beocca and the Bride. Einar layed on a bench with his back on the pillar inspecting his fingers. Uhtred just waited with Leofric while making small talk near the alter. First arriving at the Church was Beocca, he stood behind the Alter and lectured Einar for almost falling asleep on an important day.

Opening the door to the Church was a woman around 5'6, face covered with cloth, white and blue dress with the white hoodie covering her hair. Either side of her was Odda and his son, Young Odda.

Uhtred, Einar and Leofric looked at the incoming guest, especially the individual with something covering their face. Einar looked up from his nails at the woman, Uhtred only turned his body a little to see the.

The woman head faced a little downwards, only her eyes that wasn't see, scanned the room especially her future husband that stood at the alter. He was attractive, she couldn't deny him that with his almost black hair and brown eyes, but half of her attention was the person laying on the bench that narrowly steered at her, he was trying to size her up that was for sure.

"If you could be brief with the ceremony Father Beocca, that would be good, I have business with King Alfred." Odda said to Beocca that was at the front of the alter.

"The bride, has she been given her price?" Uhtred looked at Odda, who was next to him on his right with young Odda. Odda glanced at him and said shortly.

"She will." Odda gave the silver to the woman in a small pouch.

"Thank you, lord." The woman voice attracted both brothers, it sounded calm and soothing to the ear. Beocca seeing awkwardness, stood at the alter and said.

"If the betrothed couple would join me at the alter. And join hands." Beocca gestured to the alter. Both accepting, they stepped at the front of the alter.

Slowly taking off the hoodie and Veil that covered her face. Showing a Strawberry blonde girl in her early 20s, her skin was white and looked extremely smooth to the touch, black eyes that glanced up at Uhtred with weariness and than Einar to see more clearly of his feature. Uhtred looked into her eyes and was shocked a bit, she was an innocent like princess. Einar could see a very similar look to the actress in The last kingdom, but she gave off a innocent vibe and looked more cute compared to Aelswith sexy figure and mature aura.

Einar walked to the place where Uhtred once stood and inspected her throughtly, this could be said by Mildrith, she hadn't see any man that fit the role of a prince more than him. Keep it in mind she hasn't seen his Viking attire. None the less, their was a bond with curiosity and awe between them. Similar to Einar and Aelswith.

"May God in his Heaven, look down with mercy upon his devoted servants, Uhtred and Mildrith; may He bless their union with love and children and wealth, and may they in turn, be sure to give thanks and praise." Both Couple looked at each other in the eyes, Odda smiled a bit seeing Uhtred's dazed expression for a second and Young Odda had a hated expression.

"And live each day according to His holy word. Amen."

"Amen." Mildrith said barely audible.

"Amen." Uhtred said dazedly shaking his head quickly.

"You are now joined as man and wife in the eyes of God." Mildrith looked at Beocca and had an sad expression and than turned her head downwards while sniffling.

"Tears of joy." Beocca said seeing Uhtred look at him for an explaination. Einar wanted to laugh at Uhtred and make a shock about being related to a man that made a woman cry from seeing his face, but he knew when to shut up.

[An hour later]

Out side the palace, where the church is and where the king lives with his family. Already blue skies out, Einar already wearing his Battle clothes, Metal padded vest, Leather boots and Trousers with Black sword holders on his back and Waist while his swords are in them. Einar having 4x body resistance against cold, he only felt a little cold. Placing his Wolf Coat on the Horse and went to Mildrith to help her with her saddle.

"I'll help you with that."

"Thank you, ???" Mildrith stepped back to allow Einar to Help her and asked him tilting her head sideways cutely. Einar looked at her with a slight smile than back to normal.

"Einar. That is my name, I am also your Husband's brother. So if you need anything, you can come to me. That is what family is suppose to do."

Noticing the little displeasure in her face features when he mentioned that he was related to Uhtred and said they were family, Einar knew he was handsome so seeing a girl showing a little crush at their first meeting wasn't surprising.

"Thank you, Einar." Mildrith hid her displeasure and thanked him for his assistance.

"Guess their was many suitors?" Einar went to his horse and finished doing his saddle.

"You are kind to believe so. But none was suitable." Mildrith said while not looking at him, Einar got on his horse and turned to go to Uhtred.

"Then Princess, My brother is a very lucky man to get such a gem as a Wife." Einar left these words to her and arrived next to the other 2 men.

Taking a glance at his back, Mildrith showed a small smile and blush, she whispered to herself. "Thank you."

[Another Hour Later]

Galloping down a path in walking pace, Einar was at the front, Uhtred was behind him with Mildrith and Leofric was behind them. Trees were on either side of them, Seeing some Danes on the right an side, Leofric said.

"Lord... Danes." Looking at Leofric, Uhtred saw him stop and did so as well with Einar. Seeing them stop, Mildrith asked.

"Why did we stop?....Who are they?" Mildrith looked at where their heads were currently turned.

"Foragers most likely. But Danes all the same." Leofric only commented.

"Will they attack?" Mildrith said looking at the Three men Infront of her.

"We will walk onwards." Einar only said, and carried on going forward. Everyone followed, seeing the Danes follow as well. Mildrith said.

"They're following us."

"If we carry on walking onwards, they won't attack." Einar took out his blade that was made in Oxford from his back.

"Then why have you drawn your sword?" Mildrith asked with tension in her voice.

"To show that at least one will die while fighting." Einar simply said while looking forward, Uhtred and Leofric took out their sword and said.

"One or Two."

"For Foragers they're deep into Wessex." Leofric said while steering at the Danes.

"They're Guthrum's men. They're a long way from Lundene." Uhtred Explained to the Saxon.

Going Forward more, Uhtred finally noticed something too suspicious and asked out loud.

"Why have not already been married? Your old enough to have had Children?" Uhtred asked out loud.

"Lord Arseling, there is a time for such questions and it has past." Leofric said out loud from behind.

"Why has Alfred gifted me such a beautiful bride?" Getting no reply by No one, Uhtred looked at Mildrith and said.

"There is a debt, I'm guessing." Mildrith only glanced at me and said.

"It's not my place to tell you." Getting a couple of seconds of silence, Uhtred looked at Einar and he did the same.

"How much?" Mildrith hearing this, stopped making everyone stop as well and spoke reluctantly.

"My father wanted favour with God, so he devoted a tenth of his land to the church. They do not own it, but they are entitled to it's yield; indeed they demand its yield, even when crops fail and Danes raid."

"God is good." Uhtred said Sarcastically.

"So the bishop took my father to law."

"How much is the debt?" Uhtred asked again.

"The church is the law, and the law decreed that my father owed to them a huge sum, quite beyond his ability to pay." Mildrith looked at Uhtred and Tried to lessen his anger.

"How much?" Uhtred asked wanting to hear it with a bit of anger.

"He died soon after... It is a substantial amount, lord, it increases yearly. Alfred could remove the debt, but he has chosen not to. The amount owed is 2,000 shillings, lord." Mildrith Explained with a lot of emotions showed in her Voice and face.

"*Chuckle*" Leofric couldn't help but chuckle.

"Damn him."

"Damn everything he stands for. Damn his Church." Mildrith Looked at Uhtred with Anger.

"Damn his God--" Mildrith Interuppted Uhtred with an angered tone.

"Lord, I must say. I do not like your blasphem--"

"My name is Uhtred! Uhtred interuppted her while shouting at her.

Getting quietness, Uhtred wiped his mouth and breathed in to calm down. Calming down somewhat and said.

"Though by all means call me arseling for not seeing this sooner." Uhtred walked Forward. Mildrith had a sad face, Einar and Leofric didn't say nothing and continued to follow Uhtred with Mildrith.

[Kingdom of Wessex: Lyscombe]

Arriving in Lyscombe, it was snowing, the land was decently big but the everything was in bad state with the walls just being almost like sticks and the land had so many open areas where raiders could enter. In the center was just one story house with open windows and only see through like cloth to try and stop the wind to enter.

"The land is good, but the Walls and Buildings are in need of repair." Mildrith said while sorting out her horse's saddle.

Coming out side of the house was a fat man that stood up at 5'10 with children and woman to welcome them.

"Lord... Lady. Welcome home." The fat man that looked to be in good clothes said. Uhtred Walked Infront of them a bit with Mildrith going up to Oswald for a handshake, Einar and Leofric were next to Uhtred.

"Oswald manges the farmstead, he lives nearby. Thank you Oswald, Thank you. And how kind of you all to gather and greet me and my lord, Uhtred." Mildrith said thanking everyone for coming.

"Lord we have made a table for you." Oswald said to Uhtred. Uhtred just looked around in slight displeasure.

"You have my thanks, but we're tired." Uhtred said.

"Of course, my lord." Oswald only said. Mildrith smile dropped a little and looked around to Einar. Seeing him walk past them to the near by shelter, Mildrith spoke out to the people.

"I have a wedding gift, for each family. Tis Silver..."

"Thank you, lady Mildrith." One of the woman thank her.

"...For your kindness and your loyalty. For taking care of the land in my prolonged absence." Gave silver to some children and smiled at everyone.

In side the house, was a room on the left with wooden door and a fire in the middle. A chandelier with curved horns at the top of the fire and a table of food beside it on the wall.

Entering to see Leofric eating the food, Uhtred inspected the house and said.

"I was expecting there to be a hall and I find this." Uhtred said distastefully without approve.

"Pay off your debts and you can build a hall. Didn't I tell you the bastard thinks? Alfred." Leofric said while glancing at Uhtred and Chewing.

"If he believes he can make me beg, he can think again." Uhtred said getting a piece of bread.

"He doesn't want you to beg, but he wants you to obey."


Walking in and put her wool jacket near the door, Mildrith said to Uhtred while putting it away.

"If you have need for me lord, I will be resting. It seems I am tired." Mildrith walked up to Uhtred.

"I am 2,000 shillings indebt and you hand out silver to your Tennant's." Uhtred said with a piece of bread in hand. Understanding Uhtred's anger, Einar still felt like he was being to hard on her for something she had not done, Einar took the bread out of his hand and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you think, Uhtred, that you have already scolded the girl enough. She has done nothing wrong to you, Alfred and Odda was the people that have." Eating the bread, Einar scolded his brother for being an arsehole but he can understand him. Getting Silence, Einar grabbed some more food and headed to the barn where Leofric was staying.

"I will be in the Barn." Walking away some distance, before he could leave. Einar felt a hard pull on his arm, turning his head. Mildrith was currently holding his arm, she felt safe and he was the only person that helped her out after her father died.

"It's fine. You can stay in the house." Mildrith said, while looking at him. Shaking his head with sigh, Einar shrugged and decided to stay.

"I'll stay than."

Laying down in the far right corner, Einar could hear Uhtred warning Mildrith of Oswald and how she should have 33 not 18 for price. When she went to her room, Uhtred sat across from the fire and Drank ale to forget about the debt. Einar decided to join him. Already Having a conversation about Alfred, Uhtred was already drunk and Einar was a bit drunk but still had clarity in his eyes.

"Mildrith *Hic* she is beautiful, do you *Hic* not think so?" Uhtred asked while slurry on his words. Drinking a mouthful of Ale, Einar noticed the slight open of the door when Uhtred asked him this. Just shaking it away, Einar gave him a honest answer.

[Pov: Mildrith]

Taking of my dress, I cupped my breasts and knew someday they would release milk for my future child or children. I was told Odda that I was gonna be married to a Saxon-Dane and that I should have his child for the future of our Kingdom, Wessex. I heard rumors of his brother, from many woman even married ones around Wessex.

They described him as a god, he was tall, extremely handsome and even though he was said to be a pagan, his presence made woman and married ones quiver in want and lust. Truly a sinful creation from God himself. But when I met him, I couldn't deny any of the woman's claims of falseness. When I met him, my lower lips became moist and my body wanted the feel the touch of him.

Not only was he desireable looking wise, but he was prince charming, he supported me even though the massive debt that I had was put on his brother.

I know I will have to have a child, but if I had a opinion I would want my child's father to be Einar's, I know I shouldn't be speaking of such sinful thing... God must of made him to tempt married woman for the sake of pleasure. If it is god's will than I will do so.

Trying to get some asleep, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't. I could hear the drinking of Uhtred and his brother Einar, loud and clear. They spoke about Alfred and Odda with how they probably planned this to spite Uhtred because they are Danes.

"Mildrith *Hic* she is beautiful, do you *Hic* not think so?" Hearing this, I opened the door a little to hear of Einar's answer. Almost immediately Einar noticed the doors movement. Thankfully he shuck his head in denial. Seeing him think, I waited with expectation and worry.

(Warning: R-18 Scene onwards so if you don't like it skip it but that is the only part until the next Chapter. Btw Ain't the Best at These kind of scenes. Hope you enjoy.)

"Mildrith. She is a Innocent girl, but I guess that's what I like about her. No offence brother but if she and I was married... I would love to see that Innocent face that preaches about her Christian God and make her beg with lust for my cock to enter her caves again. Replacing her God with me instead."

When Einar spoke with lust and Desire in eyes, my body went hot, my lower lips dripped with something. Why is my body acting like this? Once again looking at his face, I don't know why but I moved my hand to my pussy and started to rub my clitoris. Waiting An hour, both men went asleep. Uhtred went asleep next to the Fire while Einar was sleeping under a window from far away from Uhtred.

Standing up shakily, I shuffled and tip toed to Einar. When I got to his side, I saw his shirt going up to his chest showing his abdomen. His abs were soo define, an 8 pack full of power, Moving my hand, I rubbed his hard abs each second turning me on more.

"Why are you so handsome." Looking at his handsome face, I put my hand through it with affection.

"Am I being tempted by the devil or following gods order..." Seeing his lips, so smooth and looked so soft.

Coming close to his lips, I connect my lips with his. They were soft and tasty like strawberries, seeing his eyes flutter open. I quickly straddled him and covered his mouth with mine. His eyes looked half dazed probably from the alcohol and half shocked.

"W-What are you d-doing?" Barely getting the words out quietly, I looked at his mesmerising eyes and spoken while putting my finger on his lips.

"Shhhh. Don't wake him up, this will be our little secret." Winking at him with a smile. I felt something big rubbing against my bum, smirking at this. I slid down between his and saw a big tent covering his crotch area.

Pulling down his trousers, suddenly something smacked me in the face. It was his Dick. Was all dicks this big and thick? Grabbing onto it carefully, it was warm to touch, softly churking my hand down revealing a big pink tip. A strong Musky scent entered my nose.

"Mmmn~ Why does it smell so good?" Rubbing my face on his meat. curiousity getting the better of me, I licked the bottom of it to the top. The taste was as addictive or more than the musky scent from it.

"Arggggh. If you carry on I won't be able to hold back any longer." Hearing the Godly man moan slightly from my touch and try reason. It turned me on more, thinking about doing it with a man that isn't my husband made me more wet from below. I Looked at him in the eyes while licking his Dick.

"Yasss~ It's alright release all your stress and anger on me~"

Grabbing my hair in a handful, he roughfully pulled me to his face and kissed each other, his tongue entered my mouth forcefully exploring every part of it. All of a sudden a jolt of pleasure went down my spine to my pussy. Swallowing all of his salvia as possible, it made more pussy drip constantly with liquid. Pulling my face out of the kiss, it was hard to breath. Coming to my ear, he whispered slowly.

"Don't you think it is fair for us both to be Naked?"

Not questioning anything, I pulled on my dress that I wore to hide away my liquid between my legs and grabbed my chest while squeezing my nipples.

"MMNGGH~! Ahhh! I-is this b-bettter?"

Grabbing my breasts like an animal with their food, he bit on my nipples and sucked on them like a baby. Just like my tongue but worst, I felt my nipple become very sensitive and pleasurable when ever he sucked or bit it.

"AHHHHH~! S-S-SOMETINGS C-COWMNNING~!" Arching my back, the strong sensation that was built up in between my legs released. Squirting liquids on his chest like puddle.

"Your such a bad girl~ What would your family think?" Teasing me, I pouted and leaned into his chest to hide my blush.

"Wuah! W-What are you doing?" Flipping our position, his manly figure shadow covered my whole body. Taking his T-shirt off, his muscular chest was on for show, scars was all over it but it showed how manly he was compared to other men. The floor on my back, I looked over to the fire to still see Uhtred falling asleep while snoring. Unexpectedly I felt yet again another strong grip on my hair pulling my face forward to his Handsome face that had an angered Expression.

"You dared to look at my brother while we are like this! You ungrateful slut! Don't expect kindness from me in return." Seeing him get angry and call me shameful words, I wanted to deny them and say something but my body heated up like a bitch in heat. It was like I was a whore giving herself away for anyone.

"No reply? Tch. Let's see how you feel when you get what you deserve, whore."

Pulling my legs in a M, He lined up his throbbing Dick to my pussy lips. Already wet and dripping for his huge dick, he shoved his whole length in my pussy.

"Arhhhh! S-so B-B-Bigggg ~! I-itss S-Stretching My P-Pussy lips~!"

Rolling my eyes up, everything was turning white, except me and this handsome piece of meat. The Painful sensation and Pleasurable feeling mixed together made me feel something come out again.


All my pussy muscles tightened on his Huge length that was making my slutty pussy obey in submission. Squirting again but this time on his Dick, even while I was trying to rest he kept on going like rabbit in heat.

"Your getting no rest until you are filled to the brim with my cum like the whore that you are!" Grunting and the smack of his balls against my asshole, turned me on more. My mind was slowly losing reason.

"Yassss! Use me like Whore that I am~! AHHHHH~!" Hearing my words, he thrusting more aggressively gaining more moans from me, the feeling of his Dick rubbing against my walls to my womb was too unreal. I haven't felt anything like this before.

Turning my body on all fours, he pulled my hair back in ponytail and sucked on my collar bone leaving marks them, thinking about Uhtred seeing these marks showing that I belonged to such a man made me tighten even more than I was on his length.

"I'm gonna come. Take it all you fucking slut!"

"ARGGGHHHH! Y-Your Dick is kiwwssing my w-womb!"

Feeling his liquid fill my womb and pussy giving off a massive jolt of pleasure up my spine, my eyes roll back withy tongue hanging out for breaths. Looking at the Hunk of man behind with love, I could see in his eyes that my pupils took a shape of love hearts but blinking again it was just my imagination.

"Don't go falling asleep on me, we still have time for more."

Picking me up by my legs, I rested on his chest, but until he put his arms around my thighs to the back of my head. He slammed his Dick faster than before in my pussy sending me over the edge with the amount of times his Huge Cock opened my womb with force.


Losing my self in the pleasure he was giving me, I couldn't count the amount of times I came on his huge cock. I came that much beneath us was a puddle of my pussy juice. Feeling his Veiny Dick twitch, I turned my head and shoved my tongue in his mouth, forcing my tongue into submission like the rest of my body. I looked in his eyes seeing the slutty and fucked silly expression in his eyes that turned me on.

"Who's your daddy!?!?! Say it, you slut! Who am I!?!?!"

"Ahhhh~! Y-Your Daddy! My Papa~! My Handsome Darling~! So pleeaassee, Fill your slut with your seed!"

Almost shouting to the top my lunges, Uhtred's body moved to face us but he was still snoring. Feeling Daddy thrust deeper into my pussy with power behind his muscular hips, I almost screamed but Daddy covered my mouth with a kiss. Losing My conscious slowly going black, my tongue rolled out with my eyes up to my skull. Daddy carried me to bed and dropped me like a slave that I was.

"Your body belongs to me now. Not my brother or any other man, you are my slut that sole reason is to pleasure me, take my cum and have my children."

"Y-yas! D-Daddy, I'm all yours."

Only getting these words out, I rubbed my belly and imagined my life as his sex toy and mother of his children. Losing Conscious, I slept with a silly smile on my mouth imagining life with this man even if it was behind his brothers back.


Updated A new Chapter for you guys. Didn't have time before because of school so yh and Hope you like the R-18 Scene, even though it was pretty shameless if I can say so. Rip for Uhtred btw, man got netored like every other MC.

I will still make more Chapters, but that will be when I have the time to do them so don't expect daily upload. To say sorry for that, I made a R-18 Scene for companction of my lack of Upload.

Give me some Stones as well because I'm greedy while your at it my devoted readers. Anyway onto the next Time we meet, Good by my fellow men and maybe woman of culture. Bye!! 👋👋👋