
Chapter 3: Orange Hair part2

"Wow, Ichigo, you were so desperate that you decided to steal yourself a girlfriend? You know that it is illegal, right?"

Luo laughed as he pointed his toy sword at the girl on Ichigo's shoulder.

"Very funny... Things happened, and this girl is a Soul Reaper... Also, she is the reason why I have this on..."

Ichigo responded as he gritted his teeth and dropped the girl down.

"Yeah, I am not buying that. A soul reaper?"

Luo replied, trying to move the subject of the monster and the fact that he defeated it, but he failed.

"How did you do it? You use that flimsy wooden sword to defeat a hollow! Just who are you?"

The girl spoke up and glared at him. She stepped closer to him and looked at his blade from a closer angle.


"Correct! Hollows are, in layman's terms, bad spirits. How did you do it? You do not possess a Zanpakuto, nor did you seem to use a bow, so you can't be a Quincy!"

Luo grew more and more irritated by the second. He was used to being respected in his previous world as he was the strongest; thus, he couldn't stand being questioned by a short brat; as a result, after taking a deep breath to calm down as much as he could, he replied.

"Brat, who do you think you are analysing me like that? I don't even know who you are!"

He said and walked past the girl, right next to Ichigo, who was still half stunned by the events. Luo was not yet ready to explain his powers, especially to a stranger, so he grabbed Ichigo's shoulder and squeezed it.

"Brat? Me? I will have you know I am..."

The girl turned around with a loud shout, pointing a finger at Luo; however, he glared back at her and pointed his wooden sword at her.

"Zip it!"

Although it seemed that Luo just glared at the girl, in reality, he exerted a great amount of his power, just like a wild animal, to seem much larger, in his case, much stronger than he is.

"Hey, be a bit nicer to Rukia; after all, she saved my life... Also, I am curious what you did back there. Rukia gave me her Soul Reaper powers so that I could defeat that hollow; however, you don't seem any different than you usually are."

Luo sighed. He didn't know how to continue. He looked out as quickly as he could, whether he could come up with some sort of solution or plan to avoid being forced to talk about his secret.

"My name is Rukia Kuchiki; I am a soul reaper from Soul Society. And my job is to guide the lost souls back to their rightful place. Now tell me what you are!"

Rukia spoke up after a few moments and stepped closer, still staring at the toy weapon in Luo's grip.

"I am just a simple, normal human being; what else would I be?"

"Strange... The fact that you are so calm after defeating that powerful hollow. Also, strangely, you are not bothered by the fact that I am a Soul Reaper and didn't ask anything about it. You seemed to have just accepted that. I just barely managed to convince Ichigo! And to cherry on the top is the fact that you have great manipulation over your spiritual pressure!"

Rukia stepped even closer and then continued.

"If you are truly just a human being, as you claim. Then you wouldn't have any mastery over it, let alone be able to release it like you just did moments ago! So tell me, What are you?"

"Hey! Rukia, he is MY brother, don't go around interrogating him as you wish. He will tell you if he wants and he won't, then you will have to accept it!"

Ichigo interrupted the scene, as he could feel the tension in Luo. His grip around his wooden sword tightened. Although he was also curious about his strange power, he felt that he was not exactly himself; as a result, he wanted things to stop before they escalated further.

"And what if I will not accept it? As a representative of Soul Society, I must know what he is!"

"Rukia Kuchiki, I am a human being; this is the last time I am saying this. I only have some self-thought movements, nothing more! Is there anything else you want to know, or will you finally let me alone?"

Luo said calmly, slightly surprising Ichigo; however, Luo's eyes showed that he was quite irritated, to say the least. 

"Show me your sword! I have never heard of a man-made wooden sword which could injure, let alone kill, a hollow!"


Luo said with a grin. He stepped closer to Rukia and extended his hand, holding his sword. She didn't hesitate, instantly grabbed the toy and inspected it from closer; however, no matter how she looked at it, she couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, raising her suspicion further.

After minutes of staring at it with a loud, audible sigh, she gave back the toy. Luo instantly grabbed it, pulled it out of her hand, and then turned to face his brother.

"I am not going to ask how you managed to meet her; let's just go home!"

"Yeah... about that... the hollow demolished a large portion of the wall, so things might get a bit chilly during the night."

"Great, just what I needed. I hope your girlfriend doesn't want to come and question even the cold as well because then we will definitely not get any sleep. Come one, Ichigo, let's go home!"

"Yeah, we still have school tomorrow..."


Luo pushed his brother, and they left Rukia alone, who just stayed still and watched as the brothers left. And after they had vanished behind a junction, she sighed once again.


"Luo Kurosaki... What a fascinating man... He really did only use a normal toy sword to defeat a hollow... I will keep an eye on him as well... Now I just need to alter a few memories, and then I still have some paperwork to do... This is going to be a long night."