
Bleach: Monkey King

In the bottomless darkness, in the middle there is a light that is getting bigger and will devour the darkness. When the light was about to devour the darkness, there was a male voice asking for help. “Please, Save this world” The light instantly devours the darkness.

KochoKanae · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 19

Everyone was brought into this huge cave, and Orihime looked around and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really spectacular, I didn't think there was such a large space in the cave. It's so cool, it's like a secret base"

Even Ishida pushed up his glasses and sighed while in amazement at how large the room was.

At this time, Kisuke Urahara clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "Everyone, okay, please look over here, we are leaving!"

As he said this, a large square gate appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, this is the gate that leads to Soul Society. Listen carefully. Next, I will teach you how to pass through this gate without dying. This Gate is called 'Senkai' which means 'Region of penetration', but first of all-"

As Urahara Kisuke said this, he touched Kurosaki Ichigo's back of the head with crutches in his hand, and Ichigo suddenly came out of his body.


Inoue, Ishida, and Sado had never seen the separation of their souls and bodies with their own eyes, so they could only let out bursts of astonishment.

"Damn it, say it before you do that!" said Ichigo who is now in a state of being a Shinigami.

Sado said: "It really came out?!"

"So he really separated from his body huh?" Ishida said while looking at Ichigo's empty body while being held by Sado so he wouldn't fall hard.

Orihime is even more amused, she points at Ichigo's soul and then points at his body and says "Hey hey, So there's no more Kurosaki-kun in this Kurosaki-kun?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Ichigo's forehead: "Of course, hey, you guys, can you not disturb people's bodies?"

"That's right! That's my body for now, so don't move! But Miss Inoue is an exception!"


Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in the ears, and then a stuffed lion appeared in front of everyone, startling everyone.

Who else if not Kon?!

Mori complained: "You are a very noisy doll, Why are you here?"

Orihime and Ishida were also surprised because they had never seen a talking doll before.

However, Sado took the soul, and he seemed to think he had seen this thing somewhere.

Mori couldn't help but smile, seeing so many friends trying to save their friends even though they had known each other for less than a year, Urahara who was looking at Mori finally saw something on Mori's waist, "Jin-san, I didn't know you could use a sword too" he said while pointing at the sword at my waist, looks like an ordinary long shafted katana with gray hilt, yellow pummel, and a black sheath.

"I can use a sword, at first I prefer to use my bare hands, but after a while I am also interested in swordsmanship or stick art, and also because the opponents are Shinigami, most of them fight using swords, this is the right place to be used as a training ground" I said while wielding the sword whose information was still sealed.

Urahara Kisuke nodded and since we are pressed for time, so he didn't ask anymore, he waved to everyone: "Everyone, please pay attention to this side, I will start talking about the door now! This Senkai Gate is made from integrating Reishi inside."

"Made of Reishi" When I heard that term, Ishida was very curious, and ran to touch the door.

Urahara Kisuke nodded: "Yes, as you all know, Soul Society is a spirit world. You guys can't enter except in spirit form. If you want to enter, you must enter as a Spirit or be in a state suitable for spirits, but one- the only people who can move in the soul state are Shinigami like Kurosaki-san, even if your soul is separated from your body, you will still be bound by the [Chains of Destiny] and cannot move, let alone go to Soul Society."

"This is to change the 'tool' that makes up all the matter in the world into the main material 'spirit' of the soul, that is, the soul does not have to leave the body, but can also pass through this door, so that you can leave in a state where you don't part with the body." We."

Mori nodded: "I think I understand."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at him and said "Do you really understand?"

Hearing this, the veins on Mori's forehead exploded: "You kid, do you want to die? And also don't compare me to your father!"

Urahara Kisuke picked up a staff and stabbed the two of them: "Let's not make trouble for now, let's talk about the main point. Actually, it's not difficult to pass through the gate itself, and there won't be any pain in transforming into spiritual form, you just need to move." advance. Reaching Soul Society, the important issue is time."

In the big hole in the backyard of Urahara's shop.

"Time?" Inoue Orihime asked after hearing Urahara's words.

Urahara Kisuke nodded: "That's right, the time allowed to pass through this gate to Soul Society is only 4 minutes!"

Hearing this, Mori couldn't help but be surprised.

Ichigo couldn't help but ask, "Can we do it in such a short amount of time?"

Urahara: "Normally it's impossible, it's an unreasonable endeavor to begin with, the most we can reach is 4 minutes"

Ishida asked, "What happens if it exceeds four minutes?"

Urahara Kisuke's face suddenly sunk: "If you don't get there in time, you will be locked forever in the world between Soul Society and the Living World."

Hearing what he said, Orihime's face couldn't help but show concern: "Then, what should we do?"

"Keep moving forward!" While everyone was talking, there was another familiar voice, and Yoruichi came in when everyone had not noticed.

Yoruichi continued: "Didn't I say it? Your heart and soul are connected, what's most important is what you think deep down in your heart, namely the determination to keep moving forward, I will be your guide, move forward, that's all, only the only person who can do that can follow me

After listening to Yoruichi's comments, Mori and the others were about to follow suit, but Ichigo Kurosaki said, "Cats, what are you talking about? Now everyone here has made up their minds!"

Yoruichi: "Kid, you have to understand what you just said, if you fail, you will never come back."

At this time, Mori's face became serious, and he said, "don't worry, they will all succeed."

"Good, are you all ready? When I opened the door, you rushed in."

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

To prevent Kon from making too much noise, Mori and Ichigo tie him up. Ichigo doesn't know what method Kisuke Urahara used, but the world gates suddenly light up.

Before leaving Ichigo says to Kon who is tied up "Kon, take care of my family while I'm gone."

After he finished speaking, he and everyone else entered the world crossing gate.

When everyone entered the door facing the light, the scene in front of them couldn't help but shock everyone.

This is the boundary between the present world and the soul world.

How to describe this place?

Like a heap of shapeless clouds piled up, there seemed to be an empty, absurd, and chaotic space ahead. Fortunately, there is a middle way.

Seeing everyone dumbfounded, Yoruichi who walked in front said: "Quick, don't be dazed! Kōryū will be close soon!"

It turns out that the piles of cloud-like objects on either side are what Urahara Kisuke refers to as "Kōryū".

As soon as Yoruichi said this, everyone rushed forward.

"Yes, there is still time to daze, if you don't come out after four minutes, then I really don't know what will happen."

Don't look at Urahara Kisuke. This person is usually cynical and and irritates people, but in the face of right and wrong, he is more serious than anyone. After Mori and the others entered the door, he prayed for them.

At the same time, it seems to be felt in Soul Society.

In Dangai.

"Why is this, this Wall seems to be chasing us!" shouted Ishida Yulong.

Sado said: "The place we have been standing on is also slowly crumbling"

"If you have time to look back, better run fast! If you get caught in Kōryū, then you're done" Yoruichi warned.

"Eh!" Yoruichi voice just fell, and I only heard Ishida exclaim in surprise.

He's stuck in prison.

Inoue Orihime: "Ishida-san!"

"You idiot, who made you wear that weird outfit!" Despite Ichigo's complaints, he prepares to use his Zanpakutō to save him.

"Wait, don't use your Zanpakutō! Kōryū will ensnare the spiritual body. If you use your Zanpakutō, you will also be trapped" At this point, Yoruichi reminded loudly.

However, Mori quickly drew his sword, and a faint sword energy flew out, directly cutting through Ishida's clothes which were entangled by Kōryū.

"Thank you Jin-san." Ishida was a little surprised when he was rescued, because almost no one could see the movement of this person's sword.

Mori sheathed his sword again with a move that normal people couldn't see: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and run!"

"Wait, what's that? There's something...something's coming" said Ishida who looked behind him.

Ishida had just been rescued, and an object shaped like a train was advancing towards them from behind.

"Then what is it?!" Orihime exclaimed.

Yoruichi became a little nervous: "It's 'Kōtotsu', the janitor that appears every 7 days, why does it have to appear now?! Just run! That thing moves so fast!"

Fortunately, a light appeared in front of him, and the exit was in front of him.

"It's too late, we will catch up!"

At this moment, the large Kōtotsu was less than twenty centimeters from Ishida who was last behind. Seeing that his friend's child was in danger, Mori stopped.

"Mori, what are you doing? If you don't run quickly, you will be swallowed up by the Kōtotsu!" Yoruichi shouted loudly.

However, Mori remained unmoved. Mori's aura slowly changed and he took a position slowly there were dragons that seemed to surround Mori, Mori's airflow began to be directed and he immediately launched an attack, "{Full Contact Karate: Dance of Four Gods: 4th Stance: Blue Dragon's Storm!}"

The airwave instantly turned into a raging dragon and charged towards the Kōtotsu as it exploded, and with a loud "boom", it collided with the "Kōtotsu".

The two collided, triggering a powerful airwave, which instantly sent everyone flying.