
Chapter 4 R-18+

He deserved to go down there, slap his hands on those big bitch asses they were always waggling around Soul Society, and show those other guys who the big-dick bull was around here.

In the end, a taste of competition and the risk of denial was all it took for Rukia to pop clean out of Ichigo's mind.

He told himself he might not be planning to pound either of those sleaze-queens until they moaned... but the thought of some random schlub doing it instead of him made him livid.

Wife temporarily forgotten, Ichigo was on the warpath.

He was straining the front of his pants as he made his way to his two beauties' little electronica love nest.

He told himself he'd just spend a little while catching up with Yoruichi and Matsumoto, maybe take a few risqué pics together... and once that was over he'd be off for a star-crossed romance with Rukia!

Nothing could go wrong. Ichigo absolutely would not be led astray from the love of his life. Even if she was flat. And had the ass of a 10-year-old boy.

And hadn't given him a child yet.


The Soulburner was one of the biggest underground Clubs in Japan, coming with a well-deserved reputation for sleaze and debauchery.

On the street level it looked much the same as any of the other buildings around it... but Ichigo knew well once he was inside and descending, he'd enter a world of depravity undreamt of by the regular people of Japan.

Ichigo quickly bypassed the bouncer, a sultry dark-haired woman with near coal-black skin.

Inside, it sweltered, and stank with the pungent bodily odors of sweat and sex.

He reached the top of a long flight of stairs overlooking the club... and stopped when he laid eyes on a vast sea of hundreds of bodies, a murky shifting mass that stretched off into the distance.

All of them sought nothing more than sin, perversion, and mindless pleasure.

Cramped and uncomfortable, the club was exactly what Ichigo would have expected from a nasty dive like this.

It was a place where women were reduced purely down to their physical assets, meat for men to hoot and holler over like horny apes.

It was only natural a place like this would draw in a pair of sweaty hoodrat skanks like Yoruichi and Matsumoto.

Ichigo steadied himself on the golden bannister leading down and looked on, feeling a knot tighten in his gut.

After a few moments of silent, awed staring, he snapped his gaze toward something else, anything else.

In his search for more pleasant sights, he soon realized the majority of the crowd were circling around a central stage area.

The stage itself was dominated by an immense dark pillar that ran up to the ceiling, encircled by dozens of smaller stripper poles laid out along numerous catwalks.

And those poles were thoroughly occupied by some of the most obscenely-dressed dancers he'd ever seen.

Each had two to four busty bitches slithering and grinding away on it, oiled and supremely-large badonkadonks twerking up and down, bouncing like only the thickest of fleshy booties could.

It was only there, past the crowd, that he found his marks.

Ichigo gulped, braced himself for the sweat and heat to come, and dove right in.

The path Ichigo took down to the club was lined with dancing honeys, girls either grinding in cages or using their elevated positions to jam their asses directly at him.

The music thumped in his ears as he dazedly stumbled from between the cheeks of one bouncing ass to the next, catching glimpses of couples making out. Drinks flowed freely every which way he looked.

Ichigo finally made it to the bar and tried to suck in a big gulp of fresh air... only to receive what tasted like pure humidity.

He dragged the heat down into his lungs all the same - which turned out to be a terrible, terrible idea.

Exhausted, he leaned back against a wall, and wiped the sweat from his brow.

Had coming here been a mistake? This was exactly the sort of club he wouldn't dare visit under normal circumstances.

Any one of those trollops trotting around on that dance floor, swaying their big hips like horny animals, had enough sexual appetite to drain a guy like him a dozen times over.

The bitches who came here only wanted to play with rising, twitching cocks, and they didn't mess around; the club dripped with sex.

The sleazy divas here would go straight from whispering "Hiiii~" and bumping their giant teats up on men... to grinding on their dicks for hours.

But Ichigo knew dicks weren't the only thing the girls were here for.

Goodness no, a few wiggles and some short, sharp strokes would ensure those honeys had droves of new sugar daddies to play with... and to bankroll their very expensive drug habits! Smothering said daddies under platinum blonde tresses as they slithered on their poles was just the icing on the cake, and the cocaine-dust on the tits.

All of this combined to totally make it one of the best places in the whole world! It was a wonder Ichigo couldn't see that.

At least his cock seemed to understand it, judging by the way his pants suddenly felt so super-duper extra-tight.

Still, it wasn't like there wasn't going to be plenty of time for the stuffy boy to come around to the delights of it all.

Ichigo might have been meaning to get back to his wife sometime today, but maybe the girls could convince him otherwise?

A few persuasive words here and there should be all it took to have him undertaking a thorough education in everything a developing sex-fiend ever needed.

Drugs and pot, powerful alcoholic drinks to make one reach out for warm bodies, pounding thug rap and pumping dubstep... and dancing under hot, sweaty lights.

It was the best place for these underdressed bodies to move until they dripped with sweat.

And it went without saying that these were the ideal conditions for "something else", too.

Poor, child-deprived Ichigo... It stung his heart to remember that places like this were perfect for making bellies swell with newly-made burdens.

How many empty-headed bucks had wandered in here for a night of fun... only to end up leaving a present in some random girl's womb? Sometimes they didn't even know their names.

Wasn't it unfair to Ichigo that he was stuck at home with his wife - desperately trying for that son or daughter he wanted - while places like this overflowed with irresponsible and promiscuous girls?

Girls who jumped at the chance to be subjected to bed-busting fucking over and over, no matter how large and round their bellies grew?

Shouldn't he be allowed just a little taste of this breeding ground, too?


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