
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs

Chapter 13: A Harsh Climb

[Neutral POV]

Furoufushi relaxed her body as she confronted the Shinigami, Outogawa Furuoki. Moonlight brightened the dirt road enough to see both swordsmen prepare for their eventual clash. Residents of streetside shacks peeked out from their windows, viewing the prickly calm.

The Shinigami's expression and attitude reflected pride and high-handed superiority. His face is adorned with a joyful grin that threatened to break into a wide smile. For him, the Shinigami garbs were a mark of proven strength, his opponent tonight might be powerful, but she was still unrefined. Yet, that wouldn't stop him from enjoying their dangerous game.

Furoufushi's heart had been pounding since they reduced the distance between each other. Now, a profound sense of serenity whisked away all the worries that festered in her heart. Her past, her apprehensions vanished, fluttering into the autumn sky like a luminescent butterfly. The sole violet eye that had guided her down this path concentrated on the tall figure in front of her.

Her feet spread on the ground, around shoulder width. The posture of her stance reflected the mountainous determination that fueled her. Despite her small stature, Outogawa tensed, gripping his katana tightly, feeling the undercurrent of her heavy soul. The distance between the two felt as if it had been cut down to a mere breath's length away. Feeling the moment…

""I thank you for this honor.""

Moonlight trickled off Outogawa's body, revealing the shifting shadows of his bracing legs. Furoufushi's eye caught every detail her brain could possibly manage in the moment. The flexing forearms and bracing legs of the Shinigami. His curling toes and taut fingers. The sharp eyes that glanced at her neck before darting toward her right hand resting on her Zanpakutou. His black garb swayed with the breeze. Her eye widened as much as it could. 10 meters…



They blurred, meeting each other in a clash.


The chirping of straining steel blades screeched in the night sky.


Retreating from the contest of strength, a few steps spanned between the two. Outogawa sported a knowing smirk while Furoufushi gritted her teeth in frustration. She took a deep breath before dashing forward. Her sword was cocked down at her right side.

She released a rising slash toward his left knee.


He swiftly parried the strange angle, throwing a deflective swing to guard his unarmed left side. As her Zanpakutou glanced off his own, she quickly transitioned her deflected blade into an overhead slash, aiming for his left shoulder to his right hip.


He swiftly slipped to his left, meeting and escaping the threat of her slash. Now standing at her exposed right side, he shot a quick slash toward her waistline.


Before his strike could land, her arched body twirled counter-clockwise, using the momentum of her previous slash in a rapid rotating parry. It was a risky move that relied on her balance and coordination. His eyes widened at the show of dexterity. Although spinning wasn't a particularly difficult move, the timing she achieved displayed her dedication to an agile school of swordsmanship. His smile widened.

*step* *step*

After her rotation, she backed away, only to be closely chased by him.

He braced his legs and core, increasing the strength of his strikes. A zipping high slash aimed to behead her.


Dipping her head into a bow, his Zanpakutou flew over. From her deep bow, she smoothly sank into a crouch and sliced at his ankles. His eyes could barely catch the glinting threat below.

*step* *step*

He dashed backward, separating from the exchange. Now, more than five meters apart, they took a second to determine their opponent's intentions and future moves. His basics reigned above her own, this much she could tell. She also found his flowing change of pace between casual and aggressive to be tricky and irritating. As if his arrogance could decide her fate at any moment. His presumptuous attitude had caused her blood to simmer. Nothing would decide her destiny, anything that tried would be destroyed and conquered.

Outogawa's thoughts on his opponent took a meandering course. He thought her unusual and dishonorable intentions to be endearing and childish. Aiming for knees and ankles were things he considered lowly and feral. Her angry and frustrated expressions solidified his image of her. She likely hadn't ever faced a true warrior. Underhanded killings and unrepressed violence surfaced in his mind, fitting into the silhouette that composed her. A savage woman, who wished to 'live', whatever the cost.

Both fighters gained insights into one another. They began to circle each other. Their measured footsteps glided around the road.

*step* *step* *whish*

Furoufushi dove forward like a stone skipping across a pond, her sword over her shoulder, ready to cleave through his torso.


His grip on his sword loosened as he deflected the vicious attack. He realized she had fully exerted herself trying to break through his guard. Her heavy attack left her open as she tumbled down with gravity. He carried out a counter, quickly slicing at her left collarbone.

*SHICK* *drip* *drip*

His score succeeded in spilling blood from her shoulder. Although not as deep as he would've liked, she would now have trouble lifting her left shoulder. It was a beginner's mistake for her to…

*SHUCK* *drip* *drip*

"Kaah~!" *Thud*

A searing pain came from behind his left knee. Warm liquid trickled down the back of his leg. He dropped to his knee, feeling the disconnection in his unresponsive muscles. From his kneeling position, he heard a mocking snort.

"Heh! Not so great, are you?"

He looked up in fury. She stood over him. The black kimono was doused in blood, her left shoulder, loose and limp. Her radiating violet eye shone through the deep shadow that settled over her face. Waiting for her prey to flee in terror. He could feel her scathing sneer. Never had he been so humiliated.

Outogawa's lips curled up as he spoke with a satisfied tone. "Good. I'll really enjoy it when I put you down like the animal you are."


[Batsu'unsai POV]

I watched in awe as the two traded blows. The dance of death stole the breath from my lungs. Both landed debilitating strikes on one another. Puddles of blood formed on the dirt. Although I didn't understand the point of an 'honorable' battle, the mounting tension held me in suspense. I turned to Tengoku-san.

"Are you sure this is fine?" I uttered, my words came out shaky.

Keeping his eyes concentrated on the fight, the words he offered me lingered in the air.

"This is fine for her. The next bit will weigh on her, but this is a lesson that should help her grow. It'll help her understand the viewpoint of Shinigami. She'll be exposed to cruelty, self-absorption, and indifference. And defeat…"

"*sigh* Do they really need to go that far to become stronger?"

"You're not that naïve…"


But this...

"Fighting is a crucial aspect of survival, it's half. That's why they call it Fight or Flight. I'm sure you know this well."

His words made me stiffen. Memories blurred in my mind. His finger lifted, pointing at the hateful woman fighting in the street. And while his previous words stirred me, his ensuing ones filled me with shame. The voice at my side expressed immense pride.

"Furoufushi is fighting for higher ground, casting aside whoever and whatever wishes to stop her. To get above those dark clouds, reaching the summit is her best option."

Turning my head to look at his face, his lips broke into a wide smile. A whisper dripping in assurance and anticipation departed from his lips.

'But it's a harsh climb...'


I turned back to see the Shinigami and Pink Monkey fighting once more. He furiously slashed at the evasive monkey. She toyed with him, as he limped around relying on his right leg to launch attacks.

Overhead slashes, cleaving cuts, deflections, and even an occasional stab came from the Shinigami. She skipped and spun, her form resembling a dancing petal.

But she didn't just escape, she closed in. Sending sharp slashes in-between moments of rest, she never stopped, never surrendered. The Shinigami steadily dealt with these assaults as he efficiently slid his feet and raised his seemingly weightless blade.

Still, my breath was stolen by the beautiful and terrifying dancer. The undercurrent of her brutality and devastation didn't escape me. She was one of a kind; a vibrant storm that sought the power to dictate her life.

It was enviable.

"They're about to finish."

Speaking with certainty, Tengoku-san's tone held a grave and concerned tonality. His face turned cloudy. I was confused by his comment and restless fingers. Giving up on divulging his issue, I focused on the final moments of the battle. Like a sandcastle, the momentum she had fostered crumbled apart.

A hum of uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach as I fixed my glasses. With what appeared like a simple strike, the Shinigami sent the dancer's blade flying far down the street. She knelt on the ground, looking up at the Shinigami. Her heaving chest and ashen pallor betrayed her condition. His blade lowered, resting on her shoulder, ready to remove her head. Feeling the swelling anxiety, my heart trembled.

"Aren't you gonna save her?!"

I whipped my head to the side. Tengoku-san had already left me. Returning my gaze back to the street, I breathed a sigh of relief. He arrived in time, separating the two from further bloodshed. The two men began an exchange of words, no hostilities were present. Everything seemed fine…


Hordes of birds left the safety of their nests. Their beating wings echoed like frantic drums. Tens of thousands of squawks shattered the night air. The disturbing event was reminiscent of cataclysmic disasters. A portent of ruin.

*rumble* *quake* *rumble* *FWHISSSH*

Chilling gusts brought a prickling dread that stung my skin. I peeked at the street where Tengoku-san was standing between Furoufushi and the Shinigami. His visage was calm, almost satisfied. My vision caught the near physical mirage that descended upon the head of the Shinigami.

The earth on which he stood caved in. Gradually, the crater deepened as he failed to maintain his stature. The Shinigami collapsed on his hands and knees. Blood spilled from his mouth as he passed out.


The cutting wind and mirage-like pillar vanished as if it were a figment of my imagination. While I couldn't feel the pressure the Shinigami withstood, I had no doubt I might've died facing such a force. Tengoku-san's strength was goose-bump raising. Though, I felt he hadn't shown everything. The mere thought made me gulp.

'Should I bring a gift tomorrow?.'