
Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries

Ichigo looses his normal life but not in the traditional way we know, instead he becomes the opposite. So, we follow Ichigo on his path as he will struggle as much as he can to live and make friends/allies along the way. SO WHAT WILL WE SEE NEXT?!??

Katho_Mim · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Oh Yea.... I`m Alone

Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries Chapter 2

What If Ichigo Became A Hollow Part 2

By: Kato Namikaze Start Date: 7/21/2021

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr

Chapter Title: Oh, Yea I`m Alone…But-


Keys-[Mysterious Voice-MV] [Random Hollow-RH]


MV: Yo! Kid You alright!?

Ichigo whips his head around at high speeds to see who is talking to him, that's when he sees a Hollow, but it was different them himself and the Grand Fisher. To him it actually looked like a Leopard, and there were several other hollows beside him.

MV: HEY! Are you there!? Hello!???

Ichigo is frightened at the appearance of the hollow, but he does gather his courage and speaks up.

Ichigo: Uhhhhh

But he immediately takes this back and decides to run away, actually confusing the Hollow and his comrades.

Leopard Hollow: Well, what's his problem??

As Ichigo is running, he thinks of what he should do next, and that's when he someone speaks in his mind again.

Shiro: Yo, dumbass why is you running??

Ichigo: Well, didn`t you see that hollow and his friends, they looked as if they were gonna eat me alive!!

Zangetsu: *Sigh* Ichigo you need to remember that you're now a hollow as well…

Ichigo actually forgot about this, and he stops running to think about what he had just done, he probably lost the chance to make friends and learn about this place. But as he was contemplating to go back or not a Voice yelled out to him.

RH(1): Hey you!!

Ichigo looks at the person currently yelling at him.

RH(1): Be ready, because you will be sacrificed for our gain haha!

Now Ichigo is confused but he does have his guard up and is ready to counteract to any sudden attack.

RH(2): Yea, since you have a large spiritual energy, if we consume you then we`ll evolve into a Vaste Lorde hahaha!!

Now Ichigo understands, they plan to eat him and yes, HE IS FUCKING TERRIFIED!!!


RH(1 AND 2): Huh!?

As both of them look to behind themselves, Ichigo runs as if he were a track star!

RH(1): Ugh you dimwit he`s getting away, come on!!

Ichigo is running as fast as he can, as fast as the wind, he almost feels like he`s the flash from those American movies.

As this scene plays out Ichigo ends up running into the leopard hollow from earlier. Ichigo honestly and respectfully jumps over them wholeheartedly with passion as he then sees his life flash before his eyes as the Leopard Hollow Jumps right into him. This Knocks down Ichigo.

RH(1): Huh, Thanks, how about we share it Hehe

Leopard Hollow: Nah, I`m good

RH(2): What do you mean "No your good"???

Leopard Hollow: I`m Good, why would I want to kill a child, I`ll feel guilty. I prefer he grows up a little before I can kill him for then it`s worth it!

Please know that Ichigo is still shaken up and is terrified for his life.

Leopard Hollow: Hey Kid! Get Up!

Ichigo pounces to his feet and stands up.

Leopard Hollow: Kid My Name Is Grimjow and you will be a punching for this moment.

Grimjow then proceeded to charge at Ichigo and hit him head on, and it was this moment Ichigo knew he Fucked up. As Ichigo then flew through the air and was actually caught by one of Grimjow` s Allies.

RH(1): Ugh! You`ve done it now, GET HIM!!

This is where the surprise comes in, as 15 other Hollows jumps out of the ground and they all dog pile on top of Grimjow.

Ichigo looks horrified at the scene because Grimjow was the first person so far that didn`t try to kill him right off the bat. He looks at Grimjow` s friends and is asks why they aren`t doing anything but they just tell him to look back at Grimjow. Ichigo does what he`s told and looks back to see something unreal. He sees Grimjow as he shouted and pushed back all the hollows with nothing but his spiritual pressure.

Ichigo: WOAH!!

RH(1): Tsk

RH(2): Shit!

Grimjow: Hahaha Losers, did you really think that would work huh?

As Grimjow says this the RH(1) Start to for veins on his head and

then replies saying-


The Hollow then dashes at Grimjow, Cocking back it`s fist ready to land a devastating blow, but then Grimjow simply just jumps on it`s huge fist and then bites off one of its arms.


Grimjow: Dang your so week, Hey Kid are you watching? This is the real world!! So, don`t pull back your punches, and consume the weak before they can consume you!!

Ichigo Looks at Grimjow in awe as Grimjow then turns his head to see the Hollow(1) and Hollow(2) charging at him, he smirks to himself as he jumps up into the air and then aims a Cero downwards, pointing it at the hollows and then blasting. As the beam touches the ground it sends an explosive splash of energy hitting the hollows head and obliterating them to dust.

Grimjow drops down from the sky and signals to his friends to let him go, and they do as told.

Ichigo while still in a state of awe then snaps out of it and speaks up loudly.


Grimjow is loving the praise but eventually snaps out of it to tell Ichigo-

Grimjow: Kid What`s your name??

Ichigo: My Name is Ichigo

Grimjow: Alright Ichigo, Tell me something…

*Awkward Silence worse than the confrontation between me and my dad when he found out from school that I read Porn*


Ichigo looks down in some sort of feeling of shame.

Grimjow: Like seriously, Your stronger than them!!

Ichigo actually perks up when this is and asks, wait I am??

Now Grimjow is confused.

Grimjow' s Mind: (Can`t this kid feel his own power that rivaled half of my own power??)

This though stood with Grimjow as his whole entourage thought the same thing as, Grimjow But they all shake this thought off as Grimjow begins to talk again.

Grimjow: All right Ichigo well whatever were gonna go now so good luck.

As Grimjow and his entourage readies themselves to go, Bu then Ichigo stops them:

Ichigo: Wait!

They turn around to look at Ichigo and one of them asks "what??".

Ichigo: Can I please tag along?

In truth Ichigo had scared to be left alone again, and since he thought that Grimjow can fully be trusted because he saved his life, he wanted to stay with them. Sadly, he knew so little, Grimjow then responds saying-

Grimjow: Alright kid but Listen now and Listen Closely, if you slow us down even by a little you will be left behind without a second though do you got that??

Ichigo though nervous accepts these conditions if it means he doesn`t have to be alone.

SO, Officially begins Ichigo' s new life in the world of Hollows named Hueco Mundo…

(In The World Of Living)

Isshin who is Ichigo`s father is currently talking to a man named Kisuke Urahaha…

Isshin: Time to get my powers back and get my son…



By: Kato Namikaze

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr

Finished Date: 07/24/2021

Authors Note: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far because I do enjoy writing it and I hope I can continue writing this with your support.

Authors Explanation: in case you're wondering about certain behaviors of the characters this is to explain.

How Come Grimjow`s Allies are still alive??

Since it was never officially stated and the original story when precisely they died, I decided to go on a whim and say they are still alive.

Why didn`t Grimjow Kill Ichigo??

I feel as if Grimjow would leave each go alive and tried to train him up a little for then he can be a challenge to himself because remember everyone Grimjow is sort of like Goku in a way because they both preferred their opponent to be at their fullest potential for when they defeat them it feels like a real accomplishment, and I feel as if that's why Grimjow wouldn't kill each go yet.

See You All On The Next Chapter Peace 😊

Updates On Monday KK :)