
Bleach: Eight Wondrous Techniques, The Lazy Genius of the Kuchiki Clan

Bleach: Eight Wondrous Techniques, The Lazy Genius of the Kuchiki Clan [An exclusive novel from Feilu Novel Network: Bleach: Eight Wondrous Techniques, The Lazy Genius of the Kuchiki Clan] Transported to the world of Bleach, the protagonist becomes Byakuya Kuchiki's younger brother, Kyoji Kuchiki, a once-in-a-millennium prodigy of the Kuchiki family! He possesses the Soul Reaper version of the Eight Wondrous Techniques but is naturally a layabout! 【Six Treasury Phantom Thief】: Absorb matter, instantly breaking it down and converting nutrients into spiritual pressure through circulation! 【Great Law Cavern Insight】: Shatter illusions! Aizen's perfect hypnosis? Break through in one glance, walk at leisure! 【Bound Spirit Condemner】: Dominate Hollows with insane suppression, devour souls, making all Soul Reapers tremble in fear! 【Qi Body Origin】, 【Divine Mechanism Hundred Refinements】, 【Heavenly Communication Tablet】... In the Seireitei, all he wants is to live a quiet life as the lazy young master of the Kuchiki family! Feilu Novel Network reminds you: This novel and its characters are purely fictional. Any similarities are purely coincidental and not meant to be imitated. ------------------------------------------------------------ Orginal author: 小兰花 link to the raw chapter: https://b.faloo.com/1245208.html ------------------------------------------------------------ Just another quick one-shot. I'm still looking for projects to round out the big 3 once I get back to translating the Naruto story I started my translating on. Unfortunately this one just felt too much like a wish fulfillment / OP done poorly for me in addition to the rather poorly received elements of Chinese fanfiction so I will be leaving it where it is for now.

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapters 1 -5

Chapter 1 - A New Life in Soul Society, Unlocking the Eight Wondrous Techniques!

Soul Society, the Kuchiki Clan.

In the courtyard filled with fluttering cherry blossoms, a young man with neatly trimmed short hair, bound by a Celestial Star Charm, sat cross-legged on the porch, eyes closed.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but the air in the courtyard seemed to form a subtle cycle with his breathing.

Countless cherry blossoms danced and swayed in the air throughout the vast courtyard, but not a single one fell to the ground.

It was as if they were caught in a never-ending vortex of time, a breathtaking sight.

Moments later, the young man's eyes suddenly snapped open, a glint of brilliance flashing through his clear, dark pupils.

Without any hesitation, his slender fingers moved in an instant, drawing mysterious ancient characters in the air!

"Tenfold Thunder Seal!"

As he uttered the name, the clear sky above the courtyard was suddenly covered by the surging dark clouds!

The flickering lightning was like a torrential downpour, enveloping every area before the young man!

For a time, the heavens shook and thunder roared, unable to subside.

It wasn't until the young man smiled slightly and waved his hand gently.

The vast spiritual power was then dispersed by him, returning to the particles of spirit in the air.

The gentle breeze flowing through the air also became silent.

On the ground, the cherry blossom fragments pierced by lightning covered the entire courtyard. Upon closer inspection, not a single petal was intact; they had all turned into a powdery shape, like a heavy snow of cherry blossom colors.

Shattering the cherry blossoms without burning them required exquisite control.

It reminded him of a quote from Sosuke Aizen, a famous "barber" in Soul Society: "It's difficult to master the force needed to step on ants without killing them."

This incident happened 110 years later, with the victim, a redhead, looking utterly bewildered.

The reason Kuchiki Kyosuke knew about the future as if he had it at his fingertips was, of course, because he was a traveler from another world.

Decades ago, when this Blue Star boy first arrived, he saw the antique buildings and tatami mats and thought he had arrived in ancient Japan.

Then he realized that he had traveled to the Soul Society in the world of Shinigami and had become the younger brother of Byakuya Kuchiki, a member of the prestigious Kuchiki clan.

From that day on, he lived as Kuchiki Kyosuke.

Later, Kyosuke Kuchiki awakened his own golden finger.

"Ding! Congratulations, Host. The proficiency of the Heavenly Talisman has reached 70%, achieving the Grand Completion realm!"

The system's prompt interrupted Kuchiki Kyosuke's reminiscing.

Finally, the Grand Completion!

Excitement flickered in the young man's eyes.

This was his golden finger, the Eight Wondrous Techniques system!

Coming from the Eight Gates Divine Techniques of One Man Below, each gate had the potential to be above all others once mastered.

However, apart from the Six Treasure Looter given by the system at the beginning, the other seven wondrous techniques had to be unlocked gradually.

Only when the proficiency of a wondrous technique reaches 100%, or the complete realm, can the next technique be unlocked.

Kuchiki Kyosuke's current Heavenly Talisman was unlocked after the Six Treasure Looter's proficiency reached the complete realm.

A proficiency level below 30% is considered the beginner stage.

Proficiency levels between 30% and 70% are considered minor achievements, while proficiency levels above 70% are considered major achievements, and achieving 100% proficiency is considered perfection!

To increase proficiency levels, constant practice is needed.

However, due to differences in worlds, the abilities of the Eight Odd Skills have also changed.

For instance, the ability of Rokusho Senpei has become the ability to instantly decompose any substance that is absorbed and convert its nutrients into spiritual pressure through circulation. It also allows the user's presence to completely vanish!

In simpler terms, you can grow stronger just by eating and drinking!

Isn't this easy to level up?

Relying on the passion for food that people from the Celestial Dynasty have, Kuchiki Kyosuke has almost tasted all the delicacies in the Soul Society over the years. Unknowingly, he has already maxed out the proficiency of Rokusho Senpei!

Subsequently, he unlocked the second of the Eight Odd Skills.

Tongtian Fu!

Ignore all restrictions... and use talismans with just your bare hands!

When he obtained this ability, Kuchiki Kyosuke only had one thought in his mind.

Isn't this more useful than Kido?

With a vast array of powerful talismans, you can easily seal someone's meridians or summon a Five Thunder Curse with just a wave of your hand.

So, while enjoying a peaceful and leisurely life, he practiced on the side.

Finally, he managed to achieve a major accomplishment in the proficiency level of Tongtian Fu!

The next step is to raise the proficiency level of Tongtian Fu to perfection and then unlock the next Eight Odd Skill.


"After achieving major accomplishments, the proficiency level increases much more slowly with ordinary practice methods."

"Byakuya is away from home all day and isn't a suitable practice partner. I need to find someone to replace him."

Kuchiki Kyosuke murmured to himself.

The so-called Byakuya is naturally Kuchiki Byakuya from his previous life, who is now his older brother.

As for the younger Byakuya, Hitsugaya Toshiro, he hasn't been born yet.

The perfect state of Rokusho Senpei, combined with the major accomplishment of Tongtian Fu, has lightened Kuchiki Kyosuke's mood significantly.

The seemingly peaceful Seireitei is actually filled with undercurrents, teeming with schemers and ambitious individuals.

Faced with these millennia-old foxes, without a few trump cards, Kuchiki Kyosuke wouldn't be able to compete with them.

"Kyosuke, have you finished practicing Kido?"

The next moment, a gentle voice sounded in his ear.

Hearing this voice, Kuchiki Kyosuke smiled faintly and looked up.

An elderly man with white hair and beard was looking at him kindly.

In the old man's eyes, there was undisguised admiration, affection, and a touch of astonishment.

This old man is Kuchiki Kyosuke's grandfather in this life, the current head of the Kuchiki family, and the captain of the Sixth Division, Kuchiki Ginrei.

Behind him, Kuchiki Byakuya, who was second only to Kyosuke in terms of appearance, was wearing his usual icy expression and looked over indifferently.

"Good morning, brother and grandfather."

Kuchiki Kyosuke greeted them cheerfully.

"You're doing very well, Kyosuke."

Kuchiki Ginrei's eyes became even gentler.

Kuchiki Byakuya also nodded slightly in response.

However, he couldn't help but glance at the dissipating flower petals and muttered to himself.

"Kyosuke, your Kido seems to be progressing extremely fast. It's only been a few months, and you've already reached this level."

Kuchiki Kyosuke smiled modestly in response to Byakuya's comment.

"Grandfather, I think I've practiced enough Kido for today. Can I go out to find some food now?"

Hearing this, Kuchiki Ginrei laughed and agreed.

"Alright, go ahead, Kyosuke. Don't forget to bring some back for your brother and me."

Kuchiki Kyosuke nodded happily and left the training grounds, heading towards the market.

As he walked, he pondered the matter of finding a practice partner to further improve his proficiency in the Eight Odd Skills.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in his mind.

"Hmm, that person might be suitable!"

With a plan in mind, Kuchiki Kyosuke quickened his pace, excited about the possibility of finding the perfect partner to help him in his quest to master the Eight Odd Skills.

Chapter 2: I'm Not Interested in Being the Head of the Family

Ginrei Kuchiki, the captain of the Sixth Division, was shocked by Kyousuke's extraordinary talent.

"Kyousuke, your talent in Kido surpasses all imagination. Even the current great Kido masters can't compare to you."

"Given time, if you could master Bankai, you might be more suitable to be the next head of the Kuchiki family than Byakuya."

The old man spoke with a heavy heart.

"Never mind, Grandfather, I'm not interested in being the head of the family."

Kyousuke Kuchiki waved his hands dismissively.

Being the head of a family is no easy task!

Even the carefree young wind-chaser, the seventh Hokage, ended up exhausted.

Who would have thought that Naruto Uzumaki, once addicted to mischief, would find his dream to be working in a factory, enjoying the benefits of a 996 schedule?

Moreover, as one of the five great noble families in Soul Society, the Kuchiki family is the epitome of Shinigami and responsible for upholding and enforcing the rules of the Soul Society.

As the head of the family, there are countless matters to deal with every day.

This work is no less demanding than being the Hokage.

Kyousuke couldn't stand being restrained, so the "blessing" of being the head of the family could only be enjoyed by his older brother, Byakuya Kuchiki!

"Kyousuke, it's not a bad thing to think this way."

Ginrei Kuchiki became even more appreciative of Kyousuke.

Having lost his son and several other relatives, the old man valued emotional connections even more.

Nothing was more important than harmony in the family.

At this moment, Kyousuke quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, is there anything special happening today?"

Without any hesitation, Byakuya replied indifferently.

"Today is the enrollment day for the Shin'o Spiritual Arts Academy."

"Kyousuke, Grandfather asked me to take you there for enrollment."


The Shin'o Spiritual Arts Academy!

Also known as the Shinigami Academy, it is a long-established educational institution in Soul Society, designed to nurture future Kido masters, the Stealth Force, and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

Courses range from training in Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Hohō, to conducting Soul Burials in the World of the Living, and more.

The founder of the academy was Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, the captain of the First Division and the Head-Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

Technically, as a noble, Kyousuke Kuchiki didn't need to go to such a place.

But after a moment of thought, he understood.

Although his spiritual pressure was astonishing and his Kido skills outstanding, he didn't have his own Zanpakuto yet, let alone Shikai or Bankai.

For a Shinigami, a Zanpakuto is a second life, a lifelong companion, so the sooner he could master it, the better.

So, his grandfather wanted him to join the Shin'o Spiritual Arts Academy to acquire his own Zanpakuto.

At the same time, he could make more friends and establish bonds at the academy.

This would be more conducive to his growth.

After all, the teaching quality of the Shin'o Spiritual Arts Academy was not bad, and it could provide a solid foundation.

Moreover, in a new environment, interacting with more people would also help improve his skills more quickly.

This was already part of Kyousuke Kuchiki's plan. Compared to the old hands and experienced players, the newcomers at the Seireitei Spiritual Arts Academy indeed possessed greater potential to become his perfect assistants and top-notch allies.

With this in mind, Kyousuke Kuchiki nodded in agreement. "I understand, Grandfather."

Seeing his quick agreement, Kyousuke was somewhat surprised and laughed. "Kyousuke, if you don't want to go, don't force yourself..."

The competition at the Seireitei Spiritual Arts Academy is still fierce, with various trials and even battles being inevitable. Even knowing Kyousuke's impressive strength and talent, Kuchiki Ginrei was still a little worried.

Kyousuke Kuchiki smiled, "Although I haven't been diligent in my training, when it comes to fighting, I'm confident that I won't be weaker than anyone else. So, there's no need to worry."

"Kyousuke, well said. Now, let your big brother take you to attend the enrollment ceremony." Kuchiki Ginrei would have loved to accompany his grandson for the test personally, but due to his unique status, it might cause a sensation.

As members of the Kuchiki family, they didn't want to break the rules and create unnecessary trouble.

"Kyousuke, let's go."

Without further words, Kuchiki Byakuya nodded and turned to leave.

In terms of basic skills required for a Soul Reaper, Kyousuke Kuchiki could only proficiently use Shunpo from the Zanjutsu-Hakuda-Hohō trio.

Soon, the two arrived at the Seireitei Spiritual Arts Academy in the western district using Shunpo.

In front of them was a grand and classical Japanese-style building, occupying a vast area. At the school's main entrance, countless students were swarming in to register.

As a noble, Kyousuke Kuchiki didn't need to stand in line and directly entered the academy with Byakuya.

"I'll go to the observation platform. You wait here for the test."

After giving instructions, Kuchiki Byakuya disappeared in midair using Shunpo and arrived at the pavilions on both sides of the area where the spiritual pressure test took place.

The people seated inside were all nobles and high-ranking Soul Reapers, casually chatting and looking down at the waiting crowd below.

Noticing the tall, dignified old man in the VIP section, Kuchiki Byakuya gave a slight nod, revealing a hint of respect, and greeted him politely: "Greetings, Head Captain!"

The elderly man in front of him wore a pure white Haori, with white eyebrows and a long beard that reached his chest. His bald head had no hair, and there were two crossed scars on his forehead.

This seemingly dormant volcano-like old man was none other than the Head Captain of the First Division, the founder of both the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and the Seireitei Spiritual Arts Academy, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

"Kuchiki Lieutenant."

He nodded in return.

Sitting beside him was First Division Lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe, Thirteenth Division Captain Jūshirō Ukitake, and Eighth Division Captain Shunsui Kyōraku.

"Lieutenant Kuchiki's visit here is quite rare. Are there any interesting students?" Greeting him, the always weak-looking Jūshirō Ukitake coughed gently.

"My younger brother Kyousuke is taking the test today."

Briefly explaining, Kuchiki Byakuya sat down nearby.

Upon hearing this, Jūshirō Ukitake's eyes lit up with interest. "Oh? I'm looking forward to seeing the performance of the younger Kuchiki brother."

Shunsui Kyōraku, who had been lazily leaning on the railing, also perked up. "So, another talent from the Kuchiki family is joining the academy. This should be fun."

As the conversation continued among the high-ranking Soul Reapers, down below, Kyousuke Kuchiki patiently waited for the spiritual pressure test to begin.

Soon enough, the test commenced, with students stepping forward one by one to showcase their spiritual pressure. There was a mix of talent, with some impressing the observing Soul Reapers, while others fell short of their expectations.

Finally, it was Kyousuke Kuchiki's turn. Stepping forward, he took a deep breath and released his spiritual pressure. A brilliant blue light emanated from him, causing the surrounding air to ripple with power.

The moment Kyousuke unleashed his spiritual pressure, everyone's attention was immediately drawn to him. The sheer intensity of it was enough to create a stir among the observing Soul Reapers.

Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched his younger brother's performance. He knew that Kyousuke had the potential to become a powerful Soul Reaper and was eager to see him grow and develop his abilities.

The test concluded, and the results were announced. As expected, Kyousuke Kuchiki had scored exceptionally high, earning him a spot in the elite class of the Seireitei Spiritual Arts Academy.

Over the next few months, Kyousuke would face many challenges as he trained to become a Soul Reaper. He would make new friends, face powerful enemies, and learn to harness his unique abilities.

Through it all, he would be guided by his unwavering determination and the support of his family, as he strove to uphold the proud legacy of the Kuchiki clan and protect the Soul Society from the forces that threatened its existence.

Chapter 3: Gin Ichimaru

The spectators in the VIP seats turned their gaze toward the arena.

Unlike the Yoruichi Shihoin's group, who were observing all the students, Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes were fixed solely on his brother, Kyoji Kuchiki.

At that moment, Kyoji had already found a random spot to sit down.

Despite his young age, he blended in with the students without any issue. However, the conspicuous Star Tether tied to the end of his hair soon attracted the attention of many civilians in the Rukongai.

"Look, it's a noble!"

"That strange decoration... He must be a member of the Kuchiki family, right?"

Hearing the civilians' whispers, several noble students waiting for their tests also looked over, scoffing disdainfully.

"I knew it, a member of the Kuchiki family in the Spiritual Arts Academy."

"He's a noble, but I can't feel any spiritual pressure from him at all."

"Really? Many kids in Rukongai have at least level 30 Reiatsu!"

"Is this guy a world-renowned failure?"

"Even the Five Great Noble Families have people like this, huh?"

"Haha, what a disgrace if he can't even pass the entrance exam!"


Due to their fear of the Kuchiki family, or more specifically, Byakuya Kuchiki, their whispers were quite quiet.

However, the teachers in charge of the recruitment heard everything, their faces turning awkward.

One of them even approached Kyoji, whispering softly.

"Young Master Kuchiki, there are waiting rooms inside if you'd prefer..."

Upon hearing this, Kyoji glanced at the gossiping group, smiling without any concern.

"Thank you, but there's no need."

"Our Kuchiki family is very strict about following the rules."

"A few barking, incompetent dogs won't make me break the rules."

"The louder these dogs bark, the more useless they are. I don't need to avoid them."


Within moments, the atmosphere around Kyoji froze.

The nobles who had been gossiping earlier immediately wore sour expressions, but due to Byakuya's presence in the stands, they couldn't take any action. They shot daggers at Kyoji with their eyes instead.

Ignoring the group, Kyoji continued to lounge, waiting for the test to proceed.

One by one, the Rukongai civilians stepped up, but very few passed the test. The occasional ones who did were barely qualified with level 30 Reiatsu. Even if they graduated and became Soul Reapers, they'd merely be cannon fodder, not worth remembering.

The Spiritual Arts Academy evaluated students' talent using the noble-born Reiatsu levels.

Level 40 Reiatsu was just enough for awakening spiritual pressure, while level 30 qualified them to become Soul Reaper students.

Level 20 was an average Soul Reaper's level, and level 10 was an officer's level.

Levels four to five were Lieutenant class.

Levels three and above were Captain class.

The bodies of Captain-class Soul Reapers didn't disintegrate into spirit particles upon death. They had to undergo a squad burial ceremony to enter the normal cycle and return to Hell.

For noble students, level 30 Reiatsu was akin to an infant's standard.

For the Rukongai civilians and Kyoji Kuchiki, who couldn't even meet the lowest standard, they were naturally looked down upon.

As a few noble students wore mocking smiles, a frail figure stepped onto the testing stage.

To everyone's surprise, it was a young boy who looked like a child.

The boy had a sly, fox-like expression.

Chapter 3: Gin Ichimaru (part 2)

With his narrow, snake-like eyes and silver short hair, the young man drew the attention of the audience as he slowly channeled his spiritual power into the nine spirit sticks.


A brilliant burst of light erupted from the first spirit stick!

The overwhelming spiritual pressure was like a tidal wave that flooded the entire testing area in the blink of an eye!

The noisy venue instantly went silent. Countless astonished gazes turned toward the testing platform, even Byakuya Kuchiki revealed a slightly surprised expression.

One, two, three...

The calm spirit sticks seemed to have been hit by a massive force, lighting up one after another and trembling in mid-air!

After a few seconds of deathly silence, the person responsible for recording the test results swallowed hard and shakily called out.

"Gin Ichimaru!"

"Test result... Tenth-class spiritual power!"


Tenth-class spiritual power was equivalent to the level of seated officers, and the last spirit stick was still flickering with dazzling light.

This meant that the seemingly childlike youth possessed spiritual pressure on par with the top ten seated officers.

"Master Genryusai!"

Eyes filled with excitement, Jushiro Ukitake coughed a few times, almost out of breath.

"No exaggeration, he's a once-in-a-century genius!" Retsu Unohana patted his back, smiling.

"Hey, hey, Jushiro, you'd better calm down."

Chojiro Sasakibe also spoke up.

"Indeed, both of you had vice-captain-level spiritual pressure during your entrance exams, not inferior to this child."

Hearing their words, Jushiro Ukitake, who also hailed from Rukongai, chuckled, his tone still excited.

"He's from Rukongai!"

"As for me, my situation was quite special and cannot be generalized."

Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto opened his eyes slightly and nodded.

"Not bad at all."

"With such talent, barring any accidents, he's likely to become the top student of this class," Retsu Unohana added with a smile.

"Old man, don't be too strict with them."

"Young and already possessing such spiritual pressure, he's already stronger than many nobles."


At this point, Retsu Unohana couldn't help but glance at Byakuya Kuchiki.

The latter remained indifferent.

His expression didn't waver at all due to her words.

Seeing this, Retsu Unohana became even more certain that the rumors about the second young master of the Kuchiki family being a genius were true.

His talent was even comparable to Byakuya Kuchiki's.

Moreover, Kyoji Kuchiki's spiritual pressure felt a bit strange during the recent perception test.

It was more like it was being restrained rather than weak.

With this thought, Retsu Unohana looked at Kyoji Kuchiki with curiosity.

She wondered what kind of surprise this mysterious and low-key member of the Kuchiki family would bring them.

Jushiro Ukitake also realized this.

Thus, his gaze toward Kyoji Kuchiki was filled with inquiry and curiosity.

In addition, many others turned their attention to Kyoji Kuchiki, waiting to see the drama unfold.

Some who understood the situation even began to sympathize with Kyoji Kuchiki.

Having no spiritual pressure meant he couldn't pass the entrance exam.

For a noble, this would be a great humiliation!

Byakuya Kuchiki had pushed his own brother into such a predicament, quite a ruthless move.

(To be continued.)

Chapter 4: I Will End This Test

"Next up, Kyoji Kuchiki!"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Kyoji Kuchiki stepped forward.

He slowly approached the testing platform.

He didn't seem nervous, unlike the other students.

His every move was relaxed, as if he were leisurely strolling through his family's vast garden.

He casually placed his hand on the testing table, channeling his spiritual pressure.


In the next second, the expressions of everyone present changed!

The young man before them seemed to have no spiritual pressure fluctuations at all!

But the spirit tags trembled one after another, emitting a dazzling light!

His immense spiritual pressure was like a boundless wave, washing over the audience and intimidating them. The aristocratic youths who had previously sneered at Kyoji Kuchiki felt their heads spinning and their chests weighed down.

This spiritual pressure…

It's suffocating…

A monster…

They had marveled at Gin Ichimaru's spiritual pressure earlier, thinking it was unbeatable among their peers.

But now, compared to Kyoji Kuchiki's spiritual pressure, it was like the difference between a firefly and the bright moon.

Why is he so strong?

Just as Kyoji Kuchiki's spiritual pressure erupted, the head captain, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, opened his eyes and carefully examined Kyoji.

Then, the captain at the pinnacle of the Soul Reapers closed his eyes again, resuming his calm, emotionless demeanor.

"A third-class spiritual power, such a young captain-class spiritual pressure…"

Shocked, Jūshirō Ukitake coughed violently again.

Gin Ichimaru, whose performance had been impressive, felt insignificant in the face of this overwhelming gap.

The Thirteenth Division captain knew it wasn't that Gin wasn't strong enough, but that Kyoji Kuchiki was too exceptional.

Anyone compared to this young man would seem mediocre.

Such talent was rare throughout the history of the Soul Society.

"He's a monster of a talent, no, this spiritual pressure is already monstrous!"

Retsu Unohana had a complicated expression on her face.

She had known that the Kuchiki family's second young master might be a genius, but this level of talent was simply beyond belief.

The Kuchiki family had produced another extraordinary individual.


Amidst the shock of the crowd, Byakuya Kuchiki's expression remained cold.

Only his slightly trembling hands revealed that his emotions weren't as calm as they appeared.

Kyoji, you've achieved something I, as your brother, haven't been able to!

This lieutenant position should be yours!

I've made up my mind—once we return, I will double my training efforts!

No matter how shocked the spectators were, Kyoji Kuchiki remained composed throughout.

With the fully mastered Six Realms Divine Thief—one of the Eight Wonders—by his side, he could grow stronger just by eating, drinking, and breathing.

Having such powerful spiritual pressure was no surprise to him.

Finally, the spirit tags lit up one after another, stopping at the seventh.

The moment this result appeared, the entire testing site fell silent!

…A third-class spiritual power!

A born captain-class spiritual pressure!

Is this…is this really possible?

Even Jūshirō Ukitake and Retsu Unohana, who were now captains, had only achieved fifth-class spiritual powers—lieutenant level—at their entrance exams!

Although it was only a difference of one class, the gap was insurmountable for countless Soul Reapers who had exhausted their entire lives!

After all, a Soul Reaper's spiritual pressure cannot be improved through training, except for the accumulation of time and the release of their Zanpakuto. A one-rank difference is like a chasm that countless Soul Reapers cannot reach in their lifetime.

This could be seen from the fact that out of the tens of thousands of Soul Reapers, there were only fewer than ten who could master Bankai and compete for the position of captain!

The difference in spiritual pressure between a vice-captain and a captain is as vast as the heavens and the earth!

Moreover, since the founding of the Central Spiritual Arts Academy, there has never been a student with such qualifications... zero!

In fact, throughout the entire Soul Society, there has never been anyone like this!

"A genius..."

"A one-of-a-kind genius!"

"Is this the second young master of the Kuchiki family?"

"No wonder there were no fluctuations of spiritual pressure on him; it must have been completely hidden!"

"Even such a level of spiritual pressure can be hidden so perfectly; truly deserving of the title 'genius'!"


No matter how loud the praises and astonishments were around them, those who had previously mocked Kuchiki Kyosuke now wore extremely embarrassed expressions on their faces. They could only hurriedly find excuses to leave quietly ahead of time.

If the gap weren't so large, they would still stubbornly refuse to admit their error.

And they would also harbor feelings of jealousy and hatred.

But faced with such an absolute gap, any normal person would only have thoughts of admiration, respect, and fear.

No one paid attention to the fleeing losers or Gin Ichimaru anymore.

Everyone's gaze and focus were all on that handsome young man!

At this moment, Kuchiki Kyosuke was the center of attention, the center of the world.

"Kuchiki Kyosuke... Rank 3 Spiritual Might!"

The person in charge of recording the test results swallowed hard before finally announcing the outcome.

But among those present, who didn't already know?

In the stands, Ukitake Jushiro took a deep breath and showed a slightly self-mocking smile.

"Such talent is a bit too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"Just now, we were saying that Rank 10 Spiritual Might was already the best."

Shunsui Kyoraku laughed and looked towards Kuchiki Byakuya.

"Congratulations, Vice-Captain Kuchiki."

"...Thank you."

For once, a hint of pride appeared in Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes.

Down below, Kuchiki Kyosuke had finished his test and stepped down.

"Well done."

He nodded slightly towards the teacher in charge of recording, his expression devoid of any arrogance, still maintaining that relaxed, indifferent demeanor.

Yet in everyone's eyes, he had already become the epitome of a hidden expert.

"That's the true nobility for you!"

"Rank 3 Spiritual Might upon entering the academy, even for the Kuchiki family, he must be the first to possess such talent!"

"Once he graduates, I'm afraid some captain's position will be in immediate jeopardy."

Chapter 5: The Captains' Attention

Despite the bustling chatter around him, Kuchiki Kyousuke remained unfazed.

What was the big deal about being a captain or a lieutenant? They were all just titles!

In his opinion, he'd rather remain idle at home as a noble.

Wouldn't a life of eating, drinking, and playing be enjoyable?

However, reality didn't allow for such a lifestyle. The seemingly tranquil Soul Society was far from peaceful; one could say it was surrounded by lurking dangers.

The Kuchiki clan, one of the oldest and most prestigious of the five great noble families in the Soul Society, had an exalted status but faced immense pressure.

Under such pressure, no one could remain unscathed. Even Kyousuke's father in this life had fallen in battle.

Thus, Kuchiki Kyousuke had to possess immense strength.

He never neglected his training and unlocking of the Eight Wonders.

If it weren't for the need for more stimulation to advance his proficiency in the Eight Wonders, he would've stayed at home, perfecting all his skills before venturing out.

Since he had completed the tests, Kyousuke had no interest in being gawked at like some rare animal.

He bid farewell to Byakuya and headed home to rest.

Although he returned home, news of his name and spiritual pressure had spread throughout the Soul Society, astonishing a group of captains.

Inside the barracks of the Fifth Division...

"Wow, Aizen, did you feel that?"

The man with long yellow hair looked up, his face filled with surprise.

"Captain-level spiritual pressure? This year's freshmen are quite impressive, delightful indeed!"

Hearing his words, the man who had been buried in paperwork raised his head and adjusted his glasses.

"Heh, Captain Hirako, don't you regret not watching the tests?"

"Indeed, a little."

"Then you should've gone. I would've handled the remaining work."

Casting a glance at Aizen Sōsuke, Hirako Shinji hesitated for a moment.

It was indeed intriguing to witness such a high level of spiritual pressure during the entrance exams at the Shin'ō Academy.

However, this ever-smiling lieutenant gave him an even more dangerous vibe.

Be it his overly perfect and amicable expression or his impeccable demeanor, something felt deeply unsettling.

How could anyone be universally praised by everyone?

It seemed as if he were trying to create a particular image on purpose.

The problem was that even after observing him for so long, he still couldn't pinpoint what was off.

With numerous questions piling up, Hirako Shinji shook his head the next second.

"Never mind, I'll just ask Ukitake about the spiritual pressure later."

"I won't let you handle everything on your own. I'll definitely be there with you."

"Thank you for your concern."

Smiling, Aizen Sōsuke lowered his head and continued flipping through the documents, as quiet, gentle, and honest as ever.

However, as Hirako Shinji gradually shifted his attention, Aizen's eyes hidden behind the glasses suddenly flashed with an unusual glint.

The corners of his mouth curled into a mysterious smile.

His captain seemed to be quite restless lately, huh?

Well, it just so happened that his experiments needed new test subjects.

Would a captain-level Soul Reaper yield new results?

Aizen's smile grew more pleased as he continued to process the documents in his hands.

Before that, he'd better finish what he needed to do.

There was still much to take care of.

In the barracks of the Eleventh Division...

The dark-skinned, fierce-looking man with a ring of black facial hair was fast asleep in his bed.

This was the current captain of the 11th Division, Zaraki Kenpachi. Sensing the distant fluctuation in spiritual pressure, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up in a single motion.

"...A captain-level unfamiliar spiritual pressure?"

"Strange, did a new captain emerge somewhere?"

Muttering a few words, Zaraki Kenpachi scoffed and lay back down.

"Forget it, captain-level spiritual pressure isn't rare. No matter how powerful, they're just a bunch of trash."

"They're not a threat to me at all."

"Rather than worrying about this, I'd rather sleep some more..."

High above Soul Society.

"Huh? Captain, did you sense it?"

"Such powerful spiritual pressure."

With her black hair and delicate, beautiful face, Soi Fon looked curious.

Her short purple hair fluttered in the air as Yoruichi Shihoin stood at a higher point, smiling slightly.

"Captain Yoruichi, today is a special day, you can't leave."

Seeing her captain's intention to skip out, Soi Fon couldn't help but remind her.

"Alright, alright, I know."

Yoruichi muttered helplessly, and then the two figures disappeared from the sky.

Inside the Research and Development Institute.

Urahara Kisuke groggily opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

"Strange? It's a powerful, unfamiliar spiritual pressure..."

"Is another captain-level figure about to be born?"

"It seems the rumor about the Kuchiki family is true. No wonder Yoruichi has been raving about that boy."

Mumbling a few words, he fell back asleep, his face marked with dark circles.

Among the scattered research materials in front of him, the word "Hogyoku" could be faintly seen.

Not long after the test ended, Kuchiki Kyosuke received a notice from the academy detailing the reporting time and process.

As expected, he was directly placed in the first-year special class.

At the start of the school year, Kuchiki Kyosuke and a group of freshmen arrived at the Special Class 1 classroom.

These were students who had performed exceptionally in the spiritual pressure test, and Gin Ichimaru was naturally among them.

After the classes were assigned, the academy teacher handed out Asauchi to each student, which were the prototypes of the Zanpakuto.

During their six years at the school, every student would eat, sleep, and live with their Asauchi, infusing their soul's essence into the Asauchi through accumulated training and ultimately creating their own Zanpakuto.

Kuchiki Kyosuke was no exception.

Accepting the katana-like Asauchi from the teacher, he placed it on his lap, his fingertips brushing the sharp blade.

Thinking about how this Asauchi would become his Zanpakuto in a few months, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

He wondered what kind of power he would gain.

Would it be the divine power of Shunpo, allowing him to come and go as he pleased, or an extraordinary natural ability with both offense and defense, or even the invincible Requiem that could bring people back from the dead, only to die again?

As he pondered, the Asauchi distribution came to an end.

The homeroom teacher, Yamanaka Genwūrō, explained some matters related to attending classes before officially beginning the lesson.

Thank you for taking the time. I wasn't very happy with how this one turned out. I just felt like the extra power system wasn't being translated propperly due to my own lack of familiarity with the source material it was based off of. Just from the way it was reading I felt like it clashed too much with the already existing power system of the Bleach universe. If anyone knows what the sytem is supposed to be based off of, I'll try it again and if I am happy with the results I'll give it another go. But until then feel free to recommend other bleach and one piece stories from faloo that haven't already been pick up by other translators on here.

Read_and_Chillcreators' thoughts