
Bleach: Another Story

A young man is given a second chance at life. He gets transmigrated into Bleach as Kurosaki Ichigo and was also given a normal system. Follow him in his journey as he gets girls and destroys his enemies. There are some techniques from other animes so there will be some references. There's also +18 scenes so you're already warned.

some_writer · アニメ·コミックス
198 Chs

Stalker Vibes

"So what were you guys talking about?" Orihime asked him. Ichigo and Chad had just ended the call right as Orihime got out of the bath.

"Just talking about life and how lucky we are." Ichigo muttered. Orihime pouted cutely. She sat down on his dick and wiggled her butt into it.

"Why do you always hide things from us? It's not fair. I wanna be a spy like you." Orihime grumbled. Ichigo chuckled and rubbed her waist with his hands.

"It's a safety concern. Chad just told me about a group he joined that's moving a little too mad towards the humans and Soul Society." Ichigo muttered while moving his hips, rubbing his dick into her pussy. Orihime cooed and leaned her back into him.

"Is it the Bounts?" Orihime asked him. Ichigo shook his head.

"They're called the Fullbringers. They have a whole different power system than the Bounts." Ichigo whispered while kissing Orihime's neck. Orihime moaned softly.

" Save it for later! I want you to fuck me now!"




Two weeks later.... (Unohana is currently 10 weeks pregnant)

" There she is.... " Ichigo whispered. He was looking at Riruka who was walking down the street. Ichigo started walking behind her. He was following her.

Riruka was walking back while humming a cheerful tune. She had no idea that a hoodie wearing Ichigo was walking following her.

Ichigo followed her until she returned to the Xcution hideout.

Located within one of the many districts of Naruki City, the series of inconspicuous residential apartments that comprise building 1 of block 7 currently forms the primary base of operations for the organization.

Despite the dilapidated condition of the structure's exterior and the majority of its relative interior, the building actually houses a substantial yet meticulously concealed and well furnished room on its third floor, which is only accessible through the correct application of Xcution's distinctive calling card in conjunction with a complex keypad after the prior entry of a predetermined code.

The spacious room immediately behind this deceptive outer shell is achieved only through the demolition of much of the adjacent areas, specifically the five rooms to the left and the right, as well as the three floors both above and below.

This significant reconstruction and the lavish furnishings which fill it, including a fully functioning bar and various other items of expensive furniture, are made possible by Yukio.

Riruka walked towards the keypad and took out a key card. She typed in the code and flashed the card in front of the keypad.


The door made a beeping sound and opened automatically. Riruka went in. Ichigo used Sonído to quickly get closer.

Riruka didn't even bother to close the door because it would close itself. Ichigo grabbed onto the closing door and slid in sneakily. He closed the door.

Riruka had no idea. Giriko looked at her while he was cleaning a glass. "Giriko. Are the donuts still in the refrigerator?" Riruka asked while sitting on the barstool. Giriko nodded and took a rectangular box out.

Riruka opened the box and revealed a box full of donuts of all flavors. She grinned and started eating one of them.

"Would you like something to drink, Riruka-san?" Giriko asked her. Riruka nodded while munching on a donut.

"Pour me a glass of milk." Riruka muttered. Giriko nodded.

"Yeah, give me that as well." Ichigo muttered while eating a donut. All eyes were laid on him.

"What? Is milk too expensive to pour twice or something?" Ichigo asked them while finishing a donut. Riruka pointed at him.

"Who are you and why did you steal my donuts?!" Riruka asked Ichigo angrily. Ichigo smiled at her.

" Hi, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. A pleasure to meet you, Riruka." Ichigo grabbed Riruka's right hand and kissed it, prompting Riruka to blush.

"Oh I'm also a Shinigami." Ichigo added while grinning. Riruka's blush on her face quickly disappeared and they immediately released his grip on her.

Giriko took out his pocket watch. Riruka took out her Love Gun, a heart-shaped device with wing-like protrusions on both sides and a liquid containing vial that juts out of the back.

It was originally created by Shūkurō Tsukishima and is able to fire miniaturized objects contained inside it, which then increase in size. She can increase the size and power behind the attack by twisting the vial of fluid on the back, causing it to drain out and the heart on the front to glow.

"H-how did you even get in here!" Riruka asked him.

"Simple, I followed you. And when you opened the door and entered, I simply stopped it from closing and came in." Ichigo explained. Riruka widened her eyes.

'I was followed! He's a Shinigami, I should've sensed his Reiatsu!' Riruka thought to herself.

"I know the answer to the question that you're asking yourself, Riruka." Ichigo revealed, shocking her because he knew her name.

"Hiding my Reiatsu was easy work. I'm basically a normal human with how much I hid." Ichigo answered. Riruka gulped. Ichigo stood up easily towering over her. Riruka started sweating. She is a 5'1 ½ midget (156cm) staring at Ichigo who is a 6'4(193.04cm) beast.

"U.. umm..." Riruka stuttered. Ichigo looked down at her with a stoic face.

"Whatever Xcution is about to do, I'm warning you to stop it. Two of those three people you are targeting are my wives. Tell your boss to stand down immediately or I will not hesitate to burn all of you down. " Ichigo threatened with a dark shadow covering his forehead and eyes.

Riruka backed up slowly, even Giriko was intimidated. "I-I'll go get him." Giriko muttered feeling purely horrified for the first time in his life. Ichigo looked at him. He stopped in his tracks.

"Don't try anything, got it?" Ichigo asked Giriko. He nodded slowly.

"Y-yes...." Giriko whispered and quickly went to get Ginjō. Ichigo looked back at Riruka. Riruka stared at him.

'Why is he staring at me like that? Is he a perv? Of course he is! He's staring at my boobs!' Riruka covered her boobs immediately. Ichigo chuckled.

"I'm not as perverted as I was, Riruka. So you can stop doing that. Though.... Those are really big.... " Ichigo muttered. Riruka blushed.

" The donuts I mean... The donuts. Don't get the wrong idea here. " Ichigo grinned sheepishly at her. Riruka huffed.

"But if you want me to take a peek, you should've said so, Riruka-chan." Ichigo smiled her.

"Stop switching your words damnit!" Riruka shouted. Ichigo chuckled and patted her head.

'Damn.... Why is my body heating up? Am I getting a fever? Shit, why is he smiling at me like that. Oh no.... I'm gonna melt... ' Riruka kept looking all over his body. Ichigo just let her keep going while he was playing with her soft magneta hair.


They looked at Giriko who has brought the rest of the Xcution group. Yukio rubbed his head and groaned.

"You're hopeless, Riruka...

To be continued....