

Xavier Kusuo opened his bright green eyes and took in his surroundings. The thing that was wrong with what he saw was the presence of a blue sky with various clouds scattered about, something that shouldn't have been there. Xavier had sworn that he had fallen asleep in his own bed last night and he didnt recall ever being a sleep walker.

Pushing himself off the ground he had woke up on, Xavier sat up straight and looked around. He appeared to be on the roof of a building, the type of building he normally only saw in anime, the building with the fence around the open roof. Besides the fact that he had no idea how he gotten there, he also had no idea who the three people sitting in front of him were.

One was about average sized and looked a bit crazy, who also looked to be in the middle of acting out some sort of story....or it was just a weird dance move. The other one was small and had dark hair, looking neat and tidy in his. white collared shirt and tie. The last one was a well built tall man with hair that extended past his eyes.

None of this struck him out of the ordinary, apart from the fact that they all seemed to be frozen in place. The crazy one was frozen in the middle of his dance, the short one seemed to be stopped in the middle of talking, and the tall one was at a standstill, a pair of chopsticks still poised over his box of food.

"Well, that's interesting," Xavier said, calmly standing up, brushing off the seat of his pants. "It seems that time has stopped, I wonder why?" He stretched out his legs a bit before walking over to the crazy looking one.

"You seem to be taking this quite well," A voice whispered behind him. The voice was definitely feminine, but there was a strong undertone of hostility and mischief in her sentence.

Xavier's eyes dilated and his body tensed up, his mind entering combat mode. Ramming his elbow backwards, he slammed it into the gut of the person behind him. He followed up by reaching behind him and grabbing the clothing of his opponent, and then using momentum to pull of a shoulder throw, slamming the figure down hard onto the concrete in front of him.

Letting go of his opponents clothes, Xavier took a few steps back, his eyes returning to normal, his body relaxing again.

"Crap, guess I snapped again," Xavier said as he stared at his hands. "Always happens when I feel somethings off."

"Haha, I summoned a good one this time." The figure lying on the ground exclaimed. "You sir have some fire in your bones!! You might actually make me a decent husband one day!!"

Xavier looked up from his hands, his eyes scanning over the female he had slammed into the floor. Though he had been sure he had roughed her up pretty badly, she seemed to be alright as she stood up without so much as a scratch.

The woman was a bit smaller then his own 173 centimeters and had a rather cute but childish looking face. She had long curly red hair, bright purple eyes, and rows of straight white teeth. Though she looked to be on the young side, her body was mature, sporting that of a supermodel with a slender waist, style, and curves in all the right places. On a side note, she also seemed to be carrying a staff made of a material he had never seen before.

"Hello Xavier Kusuo, my name is Loki, your future wife," The rehead said with a pretty little smile. "I've summoned you here today to put your through a trial. As a prodigy who mastered Judo, Taekwondo, Karate, and Kendo at the age of 15, you have the best chance of succeeding at it. Not to mention that your quite the looker!!" Loki nudged him flirtingly, her smile widening.

Xavier remained calm, but a bit of his old self came out and took front stage. "Well if its to make someone as gorgeous as you my wife then it'll definitely be worth it."

"Oh, and you also seem to know how to make a woman feel special." Loki said, tapping the butt of her staff against the ground. "Okay, so in that case then we'll start the trial right away. The way it works is that you have to become the strongest soul reaper in the universe of Bleach. You do that and not only will I become your wife, you may even return to you own world."

"So the world I'm in right now is Bleach?" Xavier asked, his normal indifferent personality returning. "Thats pretty cool."

"Yeah," Loki walked up to him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Now get out there and make me proud.....and who knows...I might even join you on your quest at some point, as some extra motivation."

With those words, she up and disappeared in a flash of light. The world began to resume!!!



//This my prologue of my new novel.....a harem novel that might have the potential tk become one of the BIG FIVE novels that I work on

Please comment below on what you think and if you all like it then I'll write up the second chapter..

Stay Beautiful My Peeps