
Thinking too much


Allison heard Daniel's breathing even out and she knew he was asleep. She, on the other hand, couldn't sleep at all, she'd had sex with Daniel and he instigated it. She couldn't believe that he actually had feelings for her. Daniel had changed but she knew he hadn't changed so much as to believe that she was just a casual bed partner. Nor did she believe that he had turned into a playboy over the years, casually playing with women's hearts.

But, she was nervous about how their relationship was going to progress from here. Daniel knew that she had Micah and she was guessing that he was going to be all right with dating her and potentially becoming Micah's step-parent. But, she was worried about his Parents they liked her as a friend but never saw her as a potential mate for their son.

Allison was upset and couldn't get completely comfortable. So she wiggled a little trying to find a more comfortable spot, it had been a while since she had slept with a man., Daniel felt Allison moving around and pulled her closer. Allison looked over to see that he was still asleep, she smiled happily knowing that he was thinking of her while he was asleep, so she was able to get comfortable and finally, she fell asleep as well.


Daniel woke up smiling seeing Allison cuddled in his arms fast asleep. He still can't believe he found the courage to kiss her much less make love to her. In his mind this made her his girlfriend, he was going to dote on her, spoil her, let her know that he could provide for her. But, he wasn't going to lie he was scared as hell. He never had a long term girlfriend before, he wasn't a playboy, it was just that his business and school was more important to him. Plus, he didn't want to ruin their friendship. He had just reconnected with Allison again after years of them being separated and here he was making it complicated the first chance he got.