
Taking a shower


Daniel woke up smiling seeing Allison cuddled in his arms fast asleep. He still can't believe he found the courage to kiss her much less make love to her. In his mind this made her his girlfriend, he was going to dote on her, spoil her, let her know that he could provide for her. But, he wasn't going to lie he was scared as hell. He never had a long term girlfriend before, he wasn't a playboy, it was just that his business and school was more important to him. Plus, he didn't want to ruin their friendship. He had just reconnected with Allison again after years of them being separated and here he was making it complicated the first chance he got.

Allison woke up with her alarm. She saw that she would have to pick up Micah in an hour. Allison then sat up and looked over at Daniel's side of the bed, but he wasn't there she listened for the shower but didn't hear anything. He must have left she sighed dejectedly, she knew it was too good to be true. She may as well get up and get dressed so that she could get Micah soon. Allison flipped the covers back just as Daniel walked in with a tray of food.

He paused "Oh you're already awake. Shoot I was hoping to wake you up." he said with a lopsided grin.

"I made you something to eat from the food you bought, I thought you might be hungry?" Allison smiled.

"Yes, yes I am."

Daniel sat the tray on the nightstand next to the bed, he was looking a little nervous.

"Did you want to grab a shower before you eat?"

Allison nodded her head. "That's a good idea."

They were in a sort of awkward dance, not knowing what to do or say to each other. They both knew that they had to talk but neither knew what to say.

"I think I'm going to take a shower now." Daniel nodded his head. Allison realized that she was still naked reached down to grab her discarded robe. Daniel walked forward and grabbed it. "Don't you think it's a little too late to need that?" Allison blushed a little and let Daniel take the robe. He threw on the bed the proceed to strip out of his boxers and t-shirt.

"What are you doing Daniel."

"I'm about to take a shower with you." He pulled Allison close and kissed her.

Thirty minutes later. Allison and Daniel were out of the shower and had eaten. Allison was getting ready to go get Micah and Daniel was on his way back to the office. As they both head towards the door Daniel kissed Allison.

"I will call you later okay?" Allison nodded concern written all over her face.

"What's wrong?" Allison shook her head, they had never spoken about where their relationship was going from.

"Nothing I have to get Micah, I will talk to you later." Allison kissed Daniel on the cheek and headed for the subway.