


Jerome didn't understand what was going on. Every real estate deal he had brokered had fallen through. One deal was for a thirty million dollar commercial building, all they needed to do was sign the papers. Now, suddenly the buyers called and said that they decided to go with a different piece of property that was held by his rival company. Then three houses that he was closing on two of the sellers pulled out and one of the buyers decided that they wanted to renegotiate the terms.

He couldn't contemplate why everything was going wrong so quickly. Jerome called his assistant Portia to the office. She was the perfect assistant because she was married and didn't care for Jerome at all. All of his other assistants he had slept with, the last assistant Allison had walked in on them together and that was the last straw according to her.

She immediately went home grabbed Micah and two days later filed for divorce. When Portia walked in before she could speak Jerome was already barking orders. "Get me the details on all of the real estate bids that we haven't closed yet. People keep pulling out, and I don't understand why. But, we need to stop any further profit loss and try to look at other avenues that will help keep the company going."

Portia quickly scribbled down everything her boss was saying. When she finished she looked at Jerome. "You know Mr. Mcnamara, it's crazy how everything happened so fast and all at once."

Then she paused tapping her notepad against her chin. "It's almost as if you angered someone and this was their way of retaliating."

Jerome smiled, "Thank you for that insight, Portia. I'll look into it, please close the door behind you."

Portia nodded and walked out. Jerome leaned back in his chair, trying to think about who could have done this. He then leaned forward and grabbed a pen and piece of paper to scribble down possible names. When all of sudden he snapped his pen in half and the words came floating back to him.

"Just keep your whore's away from me do you understand. If you don't I will figure out a way to destroy you."

Jerome growled that b*****, she did this, I can't believe she did this. I will make her pay and come begging me back.