


Jerome was pacing back and forth he couldn't believe that b%#@%@ Allison hung up on him. What angered him even further was that she kidnapped his son and was God knows where. He searched all over San Diego for her and couldn't figure out where she moved to. When he went by her offices, he was told by that other b#$@#$ Raven that "she wasn't in or she had just left." Then she had the nerve to tell him that he was banned from coming to the building. How dare she tell him that he couldn't come to his wife's building?

Jerome threw his phone on the couch pissed off. "What's wrong baby?"

Jerome turned around when he saw the honey-colored brunette walk out of the bathroom. They'd had sex earlier but for the life of him he couldn't remember her name nor did he care. Jerome just shook his head.

"My ex-wife won't let me see my kid. I keep calling her but she would rather spread her legs for every man around San Diego than let me see my kid."

The woman reacted just as he expected her to. She threw on a sad face and hugged him.

"Oh, honey I can't believe you're dealing with that. That is horrible when a man wants to be in his child's life but the woman refuses."

Jerome shook his head looking miserable. "Yeah, I know. Look I have to call my lawyer and figure out what I can do, can I call you later?"

The woman smiled and kissed him on the lips, then grabbed her purse. "Sure, you can baby I will see you later."

Jerome walked the woman out of the door, closed and locked it behind her. His smile flipped into a snarl. He was going to figure out where that B@#$% of a wife of his went and when he did he was going to beat her within an inch of her life. No one left him ever!!!!!