
Ho Lei Noodle


Daniel had been working for his mom's restaurant for almost two weeks now, and he couldn't wait to get finished cooking this order because he was ready to go home. It was the last order of the night and he wanted to get some sleep, he was really overworked between his company and working for his mom here at Ho Lei Noodle. His mom picked the name because it was a mix of hers and his fathers' names. He had been working in the restaurant when he was out of school for the summers all through college until his tech company Blue Phoenix had gotten off the ground.

Then he only helped his mom out on weekends or when she was short staffed like now. She had hurt her wrist in a car accident, and one of the cooks was out sick. So, here he was the CEO of a major tech corporation making shrimp fried rice and chicken wings.

It was driving his assistant Lu Yi crazy to see his boss the CEO of Blue Phoenix working as a lowly cook, he couldn't understand why he couldn't hire a temporary cook for his mother instead of him helping at the restaurant himself. But Daniel felt it was important to help his mother himself it made his assistant want to spit up blood. Daniel asked his assistant to also keep this from his boys because if his boys saw him they would rag him good and put him down for helping his mother out when she needed it the most. It was something they would constantly do almost like they couldn't let it go. This only happened when he did something out of the ordinary or something they didn't approve of Jin Chen and Bao Keung especially. Daniel didn't know why he hung out with those two, he had a crazy feeling that Bao was only hanging around him because he had money.

But Jin, that was a different story altogether. He and Jin Chen had been friends throughout college, and other people who hung out with them would comment that Jin was jealous of him. But, for the life of him, Daniel couldn't understand why Jin's family had way more money and prestige than Daniels family and Jin was the heir apparent to his father's empire. So, there was no real reason for Jin to be jealous of him, but he did notice that if he said he liked something or bought something. Jin would buy the item or buy a better item then what Daniel had purchased. Daniel just brushed the thought away and didn't think any more of it figuring Jin was just being Jin.

So, Daniel mostly ignored them when they ragged him he didn't really care what others thought of him he'd come to terms with who he was a long time ago and was happy with it. Every day through high school Allison told him how handsome he was, how smart he was, how funny he was, how he was the best. After the first year of them being friends, he started to believe it and take steps to make sure that Allison continued to believe those things she had said about him. He wanted her to know that he was the man she believed him to be. Even if he never saw her again, he at least wanted to feel like she would be proud of him