
Daniel's bottom line


Allison was just finishing up a proposal for a marketing campaign for the company when she received a text from Daniel. "Hey beautiful, do you want to go to dinner later?"

Allison smiled it had been six months since they started dating, they saw each other a couple of nights a week after Micah went to bed and Daniel got off work. Some nights he would have to work late, she didn't like him working late because it would be sixteen hour days. Allison knew on those days he wasn't eating or sleeping well, so she tried to make sure that she sent food over to him. She also made sure to video call him in order to guarantee that he was eating.

Sometimes some of his employees and even his assistant Li Yu would get upset with her for interrupting. But, Daniel would never get upset, he would tell them to be quiet and assure her that he was eating and show her that he was actually putting the food in his mouth during either a meeting or work. This made Allison smile brighter, she just finished calling Tanya Micah's babysitter to see if she was available when her phone rang with a number that she didn't recognize.

"Hello?" there was a pause then Allison heard "Mrs. Allison Mcnamara?" Allison sighed.

"My last name is no longer Mcnamara, but how can I help you?" Allison waited.

"Well, you raggedy b$%% you can start by letting my man see his kid. Are you such a dirty whore that a c**((( like you won't allow my man to see his kid?"

Allison was shocked by what the woman was saying. So she hung up and blocked the woman's number then promptly called Jerome from her special line. "Hello?" Allison heard Jerome's liquid voice come across the lines. That voice used to make her think of sex but now it only irritated the h*ll out of her.

"Jerome!!" She shouted, "tell your stupid whores to stop calling me."

Just before she hung up she heard Jerome yell "Allison wait" Allison sighed, "What Jerome?"

"I swear I didn't have anyone call you. I'm not dating anyone so, I don't know who had your number or how they got it. I swear baby I only want you, I am patiently waiting for you to come back. I swear I'm celibate."

Allison laughed, "more like selling a bit. You don't know how to keep it in your pants, Jerome. Just keep your whore's away from me do you understand. If you don't I will figure out a way to destroy you."

Allison hit the end button and threw the phone on her bed. The phone rang again, Allison was fed up with Jerome. Why wouldn't he stop while he could? She answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Look, Jerome, I don't have anything to say to you, I want you and your whores to stop calling me."

Allison heard a chuckle that wasn't Jerome's. "I'm sorry baby I don't have any whores. Do you want me to find some?"

Allison laughed at Daniels joke. "I'm sorry baby, my ex called me and one of his silly women called me as well. His hooker kept bothering me and cursing at me, I thought it was them calling me back."

Daniel laughed but on the other end assistant Li could feel the office drop thirty degrees and saw his boss break an ink pen in half with one hand. He knew his boss was pissed but, he didn't want Ms. Allison to know that he was angry. They talked for a while longer and Daniel let her know that he would be there in an hour. When he hung up Daniel turned to Assistant Li.

"Do you have more information on Jerome Mcnamara?"

Assistant Li swallowed hard and felt a momentary pang of pity for this Jerome Mcnamara. He was constantly stepping on the bosses bottom line and the boss was going to show him exactly what that meant.