
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · アニメ·コミックス
998 Chs


The ancient beasts who looked at Ash for asking questions, Su Na and Mei Mei also knew they had a problem when they were stupid, and they didn't need to say much more about the mushroom beast, which came directly to Certain Kill Skill.

Although they are in the growth stage now, it is absolutely appropriate to deal with the digital treasure in their infancy. In less than a moment, dozens of ancient beasts were called by the mushroom beasts Aooo.

Under the suppression of strength, the ancient beasts were suddenly unable to carry it, and explained everything. It turned out that the village of boules was indeed wrong, but after they were discovered by their ancient beast, they fought It has more attacking power than the number of rolling beasts, so it takes over the village of rolling beasts.

The petaball was one after another and was locked in a stone cave in a waterfall in the mountainside of the village. After the understood, the two girls, Su Na and Mei Mei, were also indifferent to the behavior of the ancient beast.

"Mushroom beast, it's up to you." Bai's ancient beast's behavior clearly violated Ash's bottom line, even if he occupied the village, even shutting down the rolling beasts for a long time. It can be seen that these cypresses are not good birds after ancient beast evolution.

"Understood." The mushroom beast that is a viral digital treasure naturally understands the meaning of Ash. It is also a viral beetle ancient beast, but it is a supplement to the mushroom beast. Even if the data of the beetle ancient beast is not suitable for you, you can also let My own strength is getting stronger and stronger, and for this kind of good thing, the mushroom beast is naturally willing to do it.

Just as the mushroom beasts began to devour the data of the ancient beasts, Ash took the 2 women behind him to the mountainside of the village, looking for the detained boules.

Under Ash's sense of force, they quickly found the stone cave where the petrol beasts were held. Even more than 70 petrol beasts were locked up.

"Thank you for your help. If it weren't for you, we would be in danger." After the bazooka was rescued, the bazooka thanked Ash three people.

"You're welcome, we also wanted to ask you for help to discover this kind of thing by accident." Ash laughed said in the face of the thanks of the rolling beasts.

"Ash, the matter is resolved." At this time, the mushroom beast followed. The ancient beast data of dozens of cypresses increased the strength of the mushroom beast a lot. In the growth period of the same period, the mushroom beast's strength also Not too weak, it means that there are fewer attacks.

"Leave here first. The ancient beast has been solved by us. You can go back to the village." After hearing the words of the mushroom beast, Ash turned back and said to the rolling beasts.

"It's not that easy. You don't want to leave today." But as soon as Ash's words were finished, a voice of courting death came from behind them. I saw 2 digital treasures blocked in the hole to prevent Ash from going out .

"You are ~ plus beasts!" Looked at the 2 digital treasures that blocked the hole. Ash said their identity. Ash's eye of God had already copied all the digital treasure information, so they often appeared on these. The digital treasure, he is no stranger.

"Following the orders of the Goku Beast Lord, several of you have been arrested." I saw two Ashes with a disdainful look. They looked at Ash three people, and did not put the Mushroom Beast, Bart Beast, and Bichro Beast in their eyes. .

"Wukong Beast? Putting it that way, the Wukong Beast in your mouth should be the Totem of this generation." Ash sighed coldly, and his cold eyes made the two subconscious's subconscious step back a few steps.


"Paralysis poison qi." Frightened by Ash's eyes, Jiazhi beastly angrily roared, and saw 2 energy balls with lightning spit out from the mouth of 2 Jiazhi beasts, moved towards Ash. They attacked.

"Magic flames." Picchu was instantly blocked in front of Ash three people, and a magical flame suddenly engulfed the paralyzing poison qi.

"Poisonous mushroom group." And the mushroom beast not to be outdone. With a small wave of his hand, I saw a lot of purple Tiny Mushrooms suddenly growing near the two beasts, and these Tiny Mushrooms also radiated purple auras.

"This ~ This is, poison qi ~" asked the 2 plus beasts of this poison qi, suddenly fell to the ground unable to move even a little bit.

"Poison vines." Bart beast thrown out 6 vines tied 2 extra beasts, moved towards the river outside a thrown out, suddenly, 2 plus beasts fell into the water, causing the body of the mushroom beast poison qi, so it was washed away by the river without any resistance.

"Very good, great!"

Seeing the beasts repelled, Ashball's shovel beasts were suddenly excited and yelled. It can be seen that when they are usually here, they have received a lot of unfair oppression.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Can the selected children hear, my Goku Beast Lord is here!" Just then, an uncomfortable voice came, and I saw a huge virtual image appearing near the village of Bocce Beast .

I saw Wukong holding the microphone in one hand and the electric guitar in the other. Because of the virtual image, Wukong looks very huge.

"That's Goku Beast, this is Totem, please run away." After seeing the virtual image of Goku Beast, the rolling beasts suddenly lose one's head out of fear. In their cognition, Goku Beast is Very powerful digital treasure.

"Send you a big gift first, the Dark Necrosphere." I saw Wukong beast loudly roared. The sound of the random electric guitar reminded me instantly. The black cable buried under the ground seemed to be affected by the sound of the guitar. Shapes like broken cracks bulge from Ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" As these Black cables broke out, one after another Black's energy ball instantly moved from the junction of the cables towards the village of the ball beast, less than a few seconds of kung fu, roll The village of the ball beast was suddenly destroyed.

It can be seen that under the help of Black Cable, the power of Goku Beast has also been enhanced a lot, and this is also the intention of Goku Beast to sell Black Cable under his site. As long as he is within his range, his power will be far beyond Many other digital treasures of the same level