
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · アニメ·コミックス
998 Chs


Mirage Island

At 4 p.m., Vivi wore a white coat and opened his house, walked in, threw his shoulders on the sofa, and the whole person relaxedly lay on it.

Mirage Island's houses are all wooden houses formed by Wood-Style, and the quality is better than the high-rise buildings in the city. Coupled with the antique scenery, unconsciously, Mirage Island's residential area has become a major feature.

Vivi, as a famous pharmacist on Mirage Island, of course lives in the best place. Now Brock is responsible for selling some pharmacies to Great Clan, and the pharmacy produced by Vivi is a batch of pharmacy that is sold to all parts of the country, with different division , But all are very important.

In terms of pharmacy talents, Brock is a little stronger than Vivi, so Ash will appoint Brock to be responsible for refining more elaborate pharmacy.

"I don't know if he missed me." Vivi, lying on the couch, said to himself with confused eyes, obviously thinking of a little demon with no conscience.

In fact, at the time of first, Vivi's affection for Ash not at all can only be said to be a relationship between superiors and subordinates. However, during the journey, Vivi was gradually attracted by Ash. Although neither of them said it clearly, they couldn't take care of it. Xuan.

It's a pity that after Vivi left the team, there seemed to be a layer of mist between the two. Over time, Ash's friendship with Vivi gradually hid in the deepest place in his heart.

But Vivi is different. Since it was sent by Ash to manage the sale and refining of pharmacy, I have n't seen Ash for a long time. This made Vivi very confused, and even thought that he did not do well enough. Intentionally sent here.

However, during her work, her treatment was very good, and she had not encountered any troubles, so Vivi's conjecture was not established, but this is the case, Vivi missed Ash more and more.

When she learned that Ash was getting married, an instant, Vivi cried for a long time at home that night, and even took leave for 2nd day. Since then, Vivi 's life is still the same as usual, but her smile has become less.

"Why hasn't Bu Yai arrived yet? It should be reasonable." Vivi rolled over on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to find Bu Yi's phone number, but when it was connected, it reminded him of the shutdown message.

Forest Road

"Vivi is my chief pharmacist on Mirage Island, responsible for the distribution and refining of pharmacies across the country. Didn't expect you will even know." Ash said to Bud Yi, and also explained to Hinata, Xiaoyao and Ariana. relationship.

"Really, I can't imagine that Vivi elder sister is so powerful now." After hearing Ash's words, Yayi said enviously.

"By bud, is your Bagon given to you by the Head of Orphanage you are in?" At this time, Ash shifted the topic, not like answering too many questions on Vivi.

"Yes, it was given to me by the dean's mother-in-law. I have heard others say that the dean's mother-in-law was a Champion-level Trainer before." Bud Yi nodded, as if he were the Champion-level Trainer.

"It is like this."

"What's wrong, Master." Xiao Yao asked in doubt.

"The Bagon just now has a very good talent and a high potential value. From this perspective, the parents of Buyi Bagon are definitely Champion-level Pokémon."

"The dean that Bud Yi said can send this Bagon, it can be seen that she is not an ordinary dean and should have other identities." Ash does not believe that a Head of Orphanage can send a rare Bagon, which is absolutely impossible.

"Other identity? No, the dean's mother-in-law is the dean." Buddy's doubtful one said one.

"You don't know doesn't mean doesn't exist. Must visit when you go to Yixiu Region. In addition, Buya, you start training Bagon according to my method like Xiaoyao from today."

"The kind of training you used to mess with Bagon before was a waste of his talent." Ash said of the beautiful hair rubbing the buds.

"Okay!" Bud Yi was very nodded and said that even if she didn't try, she knew that a Champion teaching was very rare, and she really didn't know how to train Bagon.

"Then Master, just accept the bud suit as an apprentice, isn't it better?" Xiaoyao also wanted to have another bad luck egg to accompany her, so she said she was bald.

"That's not bad, Buya, what do you think, do you want to be my disciple." Xiao Yao's words made Ash's eyes bright, he had this idea already, but he just had a bad idea and just spoke directly.

"Okay? I'm stupid." Although Yayi is also very emotional, she thought of being clumsy and afraid of losing Ash's face.

"It's okay, your talent is not weak, just lack of experience, as long as you work hard, I promise you can become a very good Trainer." Seeing Buya's unconfident look, Ash replied.

"Well, I'm not the one who lost money anyway. I'll ask for it in the future, Master." Buddy thought of Ash's feeling of rubbing his hair just now. Suddenly determined, he must train hard and don't want to lose Ash's face.

In this way, Ash has an additional discipline, and Shiro also has two Little Junior Sisters, which are all happy. According to Ash's observation, Bud Yi is suitable for the dragon Pokémon route.

Don't look at Bu Yiyi's usual dumbness. Waiting for the real success to stand up, it will definitely make people shine in the battle, even more promising than Xiaoyao, and later it is not impossible.

Two days later, Ash 2 people came to Lavaridge Town. In the previous time, Ash also returned the money to Junsha Young Lady for Bud Yi. When she learned that Bud was actually Ash 's discipline, Jun Sha Young Lady refused to accept it. Money, fortunately, under the persistence of Bud Yi, Junsha Young Lady still recovered the money.