
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · アニメ·コミックス
998 Chs


"It should be done by Shinigami. Cohen is dead. Although Chianti is still alive, he has become an idiot. How did that guy Shinigami do it?" Several people in black suits with sunglasses, He came to the top floor of a building and said after checking the situation of Cohen and Chianti.

"Anyway, take them back first. It would be troublesome to stay here if they were discovered by the FBI. Recently, our organization has been stared too tightly." One of the people in the Black suit started to talk and then joined other people together. Put Chianti and Cohen in the Black bag.

The influence of the black clothed organization is very large, and the base camp can be determined to be in the United States. In all parts of the country, there are black clothed organization's eyeliners. It is Gin and a woman named Belmode who manages Japan .

It is also the number one wanted criminal on the FBI's track, but it is surprising that although the FBI people know the existence of Belmode, they have never seen the true colors of the other side.

According to legend, the most powerful place in Belmode is Appearance Changing Technique, which is totally incapable of being Detect. It is also said that Belmode is hidden in the crowd, and it is still a big Celebrity.

Belmode has a high status in the black clothed organization, and it is at the same level as the gin. Because of the excellent Appearance Changing Technique, it is called 1000-faced Demoness by the people in the organization, and this woman is still a mysteriousist and likes to be alone. action.

Because he is in charge of the information work of the black clothed organization, the deep mysterious Boss attaches great importance.

In a big hotel in Tokyo, the former black clothed persons carried two Black cloth bags and entered a room.

"Bell Lord, we have found Cohen and Chianti, but we are dead." One of the black clothed persons said with a head down to a woman in front of the dressing table.

This woman is Belmod in Japan, with a delicate face, pale-gold long curly hair, and a better body. It is nothing to say. The slender legs will make the man who looks subconscious look down.

If outsiders see Belmode here, they will be greatly surprised, because the woman in front of them has a resounding name in the outside world, Chris Winyard, daughter of the famous movie star Sharon Winyard.

But what is unclear to the outside world is that Sharon and Chris are actually the same person. Today, Chris is the famous Sharon.

Sharon was a famous movie star in the United States decades ago, but when she was all the rage, she suddenly retreated. Now, decades later, Sharon appeared as a daughter Kris in the public. In front of you.

This is the case. When Xiao Ai was still studying immortal medicine in a black clothed organization, she took over the semifinished products of her parents and continued her research.

It can be said that the real developer of aptx4869, the immortal medicine, was Aoi 's father, Mitsuno Miyano, who was a rare genius biologist at that time, so after developing the semifinished product of immortal medicine, the black clothed organization did not do it. Less experiment.

Most of the people involved in the experiment died because of the immortal medicine of the semifinished product, but one of the successful cases was Belmode.

When Belmode was Sharon, the black clothed organization was not very strong, so in order to find enough funds to develop the organization, the people of the black clothed organization threatened the famous movie star Sharon with superb ability to absorb gold at that time.

Sharon was also in his 40s at the time. Although he was old, he looked very young. The threat of black clothed organizations prevented Sharon from refusing, so black clothed organizations can develop to the point where they are today. Sharon is very important. The role.

Later, as Sharon grew older, by the time of 4 15 years old, although her fame was still great, no one dared to ask her to film because of her high value.

Therefore, the role of the black clothed organization is getting less and less. In order to occupy all the assets of sirlo, Boss behind the black clothed organization finally decided to start, and immortal medicine of the semifinished product researched by Hiroshi Miano was forced to eat sirlo..

Firstly, Sharon can be used as a test product. 2 In his eyes, Sharon's effect is not great. It just happened to die, so that what he didn't think happened, Sharon took the immortal medicine of semifinished product, not at all died, but returned to more then 10 years old.

This shocked the Boss behind the black clothed organization. He also thought that the research and development of immortal medicine had been successful. However, for the sake of insurance, he still asked subordinate to find a bunch of experimental products, but the results were all dead.

This result made the Boss behind the black clothed organization unacceptable, and sent Pisk, who had been killed by Ash, to kill Xiao Ai 's parents, and also to hide the secret of immortal medicine to minimize people.

Even gin does not know that immortal medicine will make people Minimize. The reason behind the black clothed organization 's Boss is to prevent people in the organization from having a rebellious mind. If they know that immortal medicine has been half successful, it must be Many people will start paying attention to immortal medicine.

As Sharon was the first successful case of immortal medicine, the Boss behind the black clothed organization was reluctant to kill her, so he began to cultivate Sharon. When Sharon grew to 20 6 years old, he took the identity of Belmode , Appeared in the organization.

And to the people in the organization claimed that Belmode was Sharon's daughter Chris, and then Belmode appeared in the eyes of the outside world as Chris, and then continued on the road of movie stars.

By now, Belmode has been 3 11 years old, but the actual age is 6 7 10 years old. Belmode also knows the reason why the black clothed organization behind the boss does not kill himself, so in order to improve his bargaining power.

She started to help the organization establish an information station, using her identity as a movie star and the power of the black clothed organization. She has arranged her own eyeliners around the world, and these information network people are only loyal to her.

When the Boss behind the black clothed group reacted, it was too late. Presumably he did not expect that the information he didn't pay attention to would become a trump card against Belmode against him.