
Blade of the Underdog: Rebirth in the F-Ranks

A Boy Who Got Reincarnated Into A World Is A Level F- Swordman, Can He Proof That He Is No Weakling? Or Is He Truly Nothing?

GinerBlivion · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 6: Ascension

In the aftermath of the Symphony of Shadows, a transformative energy lingered within the Vanguard's citadel. The Level F Swordsman, marked by the echoes of his journey, felt a subtle resonance in the air. Oryn, the guardian of the Abyss, approached with an enigmatic gleam in his eyes.

"The Symphony's end heralds a new beginning," Oryn declared. "The echoes of your triumphs and the wisdom gained from the Veil of the Forgotten have reshaped the fabric of your destiny."

As the Level F Swordsman stood at the crossroads of the Abyss, Oryn initiated a ritual—an Ascension's Prelude. The runes on the protagonist's skin glowed with an ethereal radiance as the essence of the Abyss enveloped him. The very fabric of reality seemed to waver as the transformation took hold.

In a dazzling display, the Level F insignia on the protagonist's attire shifted and shimmered. A surge of power coursed through him, elevating his status from Level F to Level E. The transformation was palpable, as the energy of the Abyss now pulsed within him with a newfound intensity.

Sylas, witnessing the ascension, nodded approvingly. The bond forged in the crucible of the Abyss resonated with the protagonist's growth. The Vanguard, too, looked on with a mixture of awe and respect, acknowledging the ascended warrior before them.

Oryn spoke, "You have surpassed the limitations of your former self. The Level E Swordsman now bears the echoes of triumph and the scars of challenges conquered. The realms of the Abyss recognize your ascension."

The Level E Swordsman felt the resonance of the Abyss deep within him, a harmonious connection that transcended the conventional understanding of power. The runes on his skin glowed as if inscribed with the very history of his journey. With a newfound aura, he gazed into the unknown realms that awaited him.

The citadel buzzed with whispers of the ascension, and the Level E Swordsman's presence became a beacon within the Vanguard. Oryn, with a subtle smile, offered guidance for the warrior's next steps. The realms, reshaped by the Symphony's conclusion, held both challenges and revelations.

Embracing the echoes of his ascension, the Level E Swordsman, now a beacon of strength within the Vanguard, prepared to embark on the next chapter of his odyssey. The runes of destiny etched into his skin reflected not only the scars of the past but also the limitless potential that awaited in the chapters yet to unfold.

As the protagonist stepped into the abyssal expanse, the realms stretched out before him like an uncharted tapestry. With Sylas by his side and the echoes of the Abyss guiding him, the Level E Swordsman stood ready to face the mysteries that awaited—a warrior ascended, marked by destiny, and bound by the ever-unfolding echoes of the Abyss.