
Blade of the Underdog: Rebirth in the F-Ranks

A Boy Who Got Reincarnated Into A World Is A Level F- Swordman, Can He Proof That He Is No Weakling? Or Is He Truly Nothing?

GinerBlivion · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 5: Echoes (END)

The Vanguard's journey unfolded like a tapestry woven with threads of determination and the ethereal essence of the Abyss. The Level F Swordsman, now an integral part of the brotherhood, embraced the trials that lay ahead. The prophecy loomed over them, casting a shadow that whispered of impending chaos.

In the heart of the citadel, Oryn gathered the Vanguard for a solemn briefing. The prophecy foretold the awakening of an ancient force, an entity that sought to plunge the Abyssal Realms into eternal darkness. The fate of all realms hung in the balance, and the Vanguard stood as the last line of defense.

Guided by the cryptic fragments of the prophecy, the Level F Swordsman and his comrades embarked on a quest that traversed the diverse landscapes of the Abyss. From the treacherous Abyssal Peaks to the enigmatic Twilight Forest, each realm held clues that unraveled the mystery of the impending threat.

As battles unfolded, the bonds forged within the Vanguard proved to be their greatest strength. Sylas and the protagonist, their camaraderie honed through countless trials, emerged as a formidable duo, their swords moving in perfect harmony. The echoes of the Abyss resonated within their every strike.

The prophecy led them to the Abyssal Nexus, a convergence point of energies that held the key to the impending cataclysm. The Level F Swordsman felt the pulse of the Nexus resonate with the markings on his skin—the runes of the Abyss. It was a moment of realization, a connection that transcended the physical and delved into the very soul of the warrior.

The final confrontation awaited them within the depths of the Nexus. An ancient being, corrupted by the Abyss's malevolence, emerged to challenge the Vanguard. Its presence distorted reality, warping the very fabric of the realms.

The battle was a symphony of chaos and determination. The Level F Swordsman, fueled by the Abyss, clashed with the ancient entity, each strike resonating with the accumulated strength of his journey. The Vanguard fought as one, their unity a testament to the bonds forged in the crucible of the Abyss.

As the battle reached its climax, the protagonist unleashed a technique learned in the hidden archives of the Vanguard—an embodiment of the Abyss itself. His sword, now a conduit of raw energy, struck true, shattering the corrupted entity and dispersing the malevolence that threatened to consume the realms.

With the threat averted, the echoes of the Abyss subsided, leaving a serene stillness in its wake. The Vanguard, battered but victorious, stood amidst the remnants of the battle. Oryn, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and solemnity, approached the Level F Swordsman.

"You have not only embraced the essence of the Abyss but have become its beacon of light," Oryn declared. "Your journey is far from over, for the realms are ever-changing. But know this, your actions have etched a new chapter in the annals of the Abyssal Realms."

The Level F Swordsman, now marked by destiny and tempered by the trials of the Vanguard, looked towards the horizon. The realms stretched out before him, a vast tapestry of potential and unknown challenges. With Sylas by his side and the bonds of the Abyss guiding them, the protagonist gazed into the future, ready to face whatever echoes of the Abyss awaited in the volumes yet to unfold.