
Blade of the Underdog: Rebirth in the F-Ranks

A Boy Who Got Reincarnated Into A World Is A Level F- Swordman, Can He Proof That He Is No Weakling? Or Is He Truly Nothing?

GinerBlivion · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 1: Whispers of Shattered Reality

The realms of the Abyss unfolded anew as the Level F Swordsman and Sylas ventured forth after the cataclysmic events that marked the end of Volume 1. The echoes of their triumphs resonated through the Vanguard, earning them respect and recognition among their peers. Yet, the newfound peace within the citadel was deceptive, for whispers of a shattered reality lingered in the air.

Oryn, ever attuned to the subtle energies of the Abyss, called upon the protagonist and Sylas once more. The runes on the Level F Swordsman's skin glowed faintly as Oryn explained that disturbances rippled through the fabric of the realms. An anomaly, born of the residual malevolence of the defeated entity, threatened to unravel the delicate balance they had fought so hard to preserve.

The Vanguard, fueled by a shared purpose, embarked on a quest to investigate the anomalies. Their journey led them to the Edge of Shadows, a realm where reality itself seemed to fracture. Here, illusions danced in the periphery, and the laws of time and space wavered like a mirage.

As they delved deeper, the Level F Swordsman and Sylas encountered echoes of their past—manifestations of defeated adversaries and twisted versions of themselves. The realm tested their resolve, and the bonds forged in the Abyss proved to be the anchor amidst the turbulent illusions.

A mysterious figure emerged, revealing itself as an ethereal guardian imprisoned within the fractures of reality. It spoke in riddles, hinting at a malevolent force seeking to exploit the weakened fabric of the realms. The Vanguard, chosen by destiny, was tasked with unraveling the enigma and restoring harmony to the Edge of Shadows.

The anomalies led them through surreal landscapes, each more disorienting than the last. The protagonist, guided by the whispers of the Abyss, discovered latent abilities within himself—echoes of the entity they had vanquished in Volume 1. With each revelation, his connection to the Abyss deepened, becoming a wellspring of power that defied conventional understanding.

As they neared the heart of the fractured reality, the malevolent force revealed itself—a remnant of the defeated entity, clinging to existence by feeding on the distortions of the Abyss. The battle that ensued was a clash of realities, a testament to the Level F Swordsman's growth and the indomitable spirit of the Vanguard.

With a final strike, the malevolent force dissipated, and the Edge of Shadows began to stabilize. The mysterious guardian expressed gratitude, acknowledging the Vanguard as the catalysts of restoration. The shattered reality mended, and the whispers of anomalies faded into a newfound silence.

As the Level F Swordsman and Sylas returned to the citadel, the runes on the protagonist's skin pulsed with a renewed vigor. Oryn, with a subtle nod, acknowledged the continued evolution of the chosen warrior. The realms of the Abyss, once again in a fragile equilibrium, awaited the next chapter of the Vanguard's odyssey.

Little did they know, echoes of the Abyss lingered in realms yet unexplored, and the threads of destiny continued to weave a tale that transcended the boundaries of the known. The Level F Swordsman, marked by the Abyss and bound by the bonds forged in battle, stood ready to face the unknown challenges that awaited in the chapters yet to come.