

LornaCrayshil · セレブリティ
8 Chs

Lonely Birthday

Y/n hold a small diary. Thats where you express everything. The things you wanted in life, the things you're not satisfied with, the things you ranted about .. all in that diary.

" Y/n !! Your friend is here, I mean .. Hanna is here .. " your mom yelled from the front door.

" Ask her to come in mom, she's always here mom " you yelled back.

Hanna, your childhood best friend. You never moved to somewhere else so did her, so you both ended growing up with her until now.

She will always come to your place and you both can talked for hours. Like what best friend did all the time.

" Hey babe .. Happy 19th Birthday !! " She sneaked inside your room and threw balloons at your face.

You laughed and smiled so wide knowing she celebrated your special day.

" Thanks Hanna !! You're one of my best friends !! " you hugged her and she hugged you back.

" Im the only friend you have, and im the best for you .. " you rolled your eyes and she laughed out loud.

" Hey .. I almost forgot .. " she went out from your room and took something.

" here you go " she lent you a piece of cheese cake inside a tiny box with a small letter written - Happy Old Day Babe -

You took it and smiled so so wide. " i dont know what will happen if you're not around me " you hugged her again. " I dont want to know because im here for you !! "

You grabbed her hands and sat on the bed. Ate the cake she bought along together with laughter.

Talked about so many things. Even though its just her who's celebrating your special day but you felt full and complete ..


2 years later

" I will call you back babe, Im so sorry I cant get back tonight. I have something to settle here in Busan .. " Hanna talked through the

phone and you hummed to her words.

" Okay .. Dont worry, Im okay .. be careful and take care of yourself " You replied to her and she wished you an advanced wish.

You smiled bitter and ended the call. You looked at the table, you already prepared some dinner even you bought your own birthday cake just because you saw a cheese cake that looking so delicious behind the window glass bakery.

" Well, guess you're celebrating your 21st birthday alone tonight. Happy Birthday y/n " You literally went to your room and just wanted to sleep.

Gave a few glance at the phone and read some wishes.

'Happy birthday my y/n, Im sorry I couldnt come to you today since Im now working in a different country. Its the best for us you know that right? I love you' Its your mom.

She worked in a new place, the opposite side of Korea. Got a higher position in LA and she moved there without you since.

you're studying there. You're okay with it excpet the time zone. Its normal to celebrate your birthday with only Hanna and your mom.

Being the loner since school years until college was a normal thing to you. Thats why you had that diary, because there's the only place to rant about life. Ungrateful? Grateful but not satisfied.

Slowly you closed your eyes, sleeping early on your special day.


You walked out of the class and took something at your locker before going home. You usually walked back like its 20 minutes away or rode a bus.

Since you had an evening class, you missed the bus. As you're walking down the hallway heading towards the front gate,

people stood still and talked a lot.

Its crowded. Like they're amazed

of something. Beyonce finally comes?

You walked and pushed the crowd so you can go back home.

Thats more important than whats happening that moment. As you're walking, you didnt even look up and searched for the thing that amazed the poeple since you're not busy body about others.

So you walked to the gate with your normal pace until someone called your name.

You paused and shifted your view to your left.

A sport black car was parked there with the engine still on and a tall handsome man with his dimples carved on his both cheeks stood there.

He's wearing black suede suit for god sake.

People stared at you and you looked at them back, clueless. You pointed at yourself when he called your name.

He smirked and spoke loud with his deep raspy voice. " There's my baby girl .. "

Y/n means your name . I just decided to write it like that.

LornaCrayshilcreators' thoughts