

A girl was running in the woods very fast when three other wolves run past her,she look around as she hears a voice pearls transform or you don't want to win,it's was her brother Kelvin behind her and pearls scream wait for me she transform into a white wolf and increase her speed ,as the race continue all the wolves tackle each other to gain more advantage to win the race,but pearls was faster she cross the finish line before anyone and everyone was chanting her name when the alpha came to congratulate her later in the night pearls, Kelvin and the third place winner Diana are with the alpha who gave a mission that they are go to a school called HSC and make friends with oyenuga children to gather information about them, find their weaknesses and report to him directly every night and they are leaving tomorrow.

Diana couldn't stop talking about the story of the oyenuga family,pearls ask are we not suppose to be scared if the stories are true cause they seem to be very dangerous what if they find out about us Kelvin said then we are dead ,we just to be careful we get close to them but not too close but enough to get enough information we need , Diana if they out about us and we kill them all thank God we are now able to transform at will,anytime we want,but they are very powerful witches with gods like powers and it's even their daughter that destroy the reverend brothers without even lifting a hand Kelvin told the girl pearls we just have to look for a way to complete the mission without being expose,they went to their beds and sleep

it's weekend the oyenuga family were eating in the dining room when Ara said to the father I had a vision dad I saw a man in pain screaming for help and he said he is coming but you must help him,he is me what does it mean father cause I have never seen the person before but he looks at me like he knows me and I keep seeing the dream every night I sleep, babatunde said to Ara don't worry it's the effect of the spell you cast you are to be fine,iran said to Ara maybe you will meet someone you to help soon or maybe dream are just stupid, omolewa thinking in her mind why are we having the same dream I have to do something about it I need to know who is coming