
Black Yama's Wife: A revenge never seen before

She was pampered and loved by one of the powerful man. He loved her so much that for her, he would go to any depth just to keep her happy. A egoistical man bowed to her but until when? Everything was fine until one day, she was snatched away from him. She died. But that's where everything starts, she returns with an absolute new identity, a new body. She reincarnates into the body of the abandoned daughter of the prestigious Shengs. With a new identity, came more responsibilities and more enemies. In her past life she had one revenge but after her rebirth, she realized there wasn't just one revenge but two. One for old her and one for the new her. But well, what will happen when she find out everything was just an illusion and nothing more. When she thought everything would be fine, she finds out nothing was actually near from being fine. Then she meets someone she never thought would even be a part of her life. The Devil, the Black Yama King himself. There are mysteries at every step of her life that are yet to open. As she steps ahead for the revenge, she opens up more mysterious which lead her to learn more about herself and everyone else in her life. What will happen when the duo of a handsome Devil and innocent looking She-Devil come together? ••• "I will make you so strong, my love that nobody would ever dare to mess with you", he declares in his domineering yet gentle tone that solely belonged to the woman in his arms. She smirks as she says while looking into his eyes, "Now the world will witness a revenge that was never seen before."

Joyshree · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 6: Daughter.

As Lily reached home, she was called up by the old Master. She put aside her purse and went to the backyard where her grandfather was having a talk with some young men.

Among them one was Sheng Jianyu, father of Lily and the first son of the Shengs. He stared at his daughter as soon as she entered. He surprised to see her after almost four years.

She didn't seem like the old Lily at all. She was more beautiful and elegant unlike the old Lily who was pretty but didn't know how to preserve it. This Lily had such a beautiful body and face that any man would be flattered.

Lily ignored her father's gaze and walked over to her grandfather. "Grandfather, you called me."

"Yes, Xiao Lily. I want you to meet some people. They are the important members of our company", said Old Sheng. Lily gave a small nod.

"Chairman, these are the proposals", one of the man handed the old man a file that had three proposals for the upcoming projects. Lily who was standing behind the chair of the old man read a few lines of the proposal briefly and frowned.

"Don't you all know if we invest in the second and third project, it will be going in loss. The Preston's are facing loss for the past half a year. How could you think that this project would be good enough? It has no leg proper plan and their amount they are asking for is way too much."

The old man was impressed when he heard the way Lily spoke. "What do you even know about business? Your academics have always been low", her father retorted unhappily.

"For you kind information, I've graduated from Oxford University few months back. I've done masters in management and accountings. I was the ranker that year. Oh well, how would you know? You never bothered with me."

Hearing her words, Sheng Jianyu felt anger rise in him but he couldn't do anything except clench his fists tightly. He knew well that his father adored this daughter of him and he didn't want to offend the old man knowing that the old man held 60% shares of the company.

Within 5 minutes, Lily put out the entire plan and wrote it down on a paper then handed it to her grandfather. The old man read the paper that was filled with numbers and a few words and then at Lily.

"Grandfather, I'll go freshen up then meet you at dinner", she said with elegance then bowed and walked away.

The old man was impressed by his little grand daughter and a few thoughts rised in his mind.

As Mr. Sheng noticed the meaningful look on his father's face, he felt something was wrong but didn't say anything.


The dining room was filled with calming silence as the old man and Lily had their dinner. "How was your interview?", Elder Sheng asked looking at Lily as he ate the prawns she served him.

"It was good", she replied shortly.

"I think you don't need to get training. You can start working at our company as finance advisor", old man said to which she stopped her moment for a while and thought about it before she shook her head.

The old man frowned.

"I would like to get trained under him for a month at least", she responded to which the old man scowled. He saw how capable his grand daughter wad but why was she still insisting on working under someone now?

Earlier he insisted on her training since he thought she was still like the old Lily who needed some teachings but now he was sure of her capabilities. She was good enough to handle an entire company.

She could silent everyone with just a few words of her which was a sign that she was born to rule. She left no place for any argument if she knew what she wanted.

"As you wish", he replied knowing this new Lily wasn't irresponsible like earlier.

She nodded and stared at the wall as an almost invisible vicious smile appeared on her face.


The next morning, Lily woke up early and did her everyday workout before she took shower and got ready for office.

Her attire included a light green knee length bodycon dress and heels. Hairs tied in messy ponytail, she looked simple yet elegant.

She had her breakfast then left for office before her grandfather since she had to go through the rules given by the other secretary to her that she was supposed to follow.

Lily read the entire five pages of documents she was given and sighed.

"This man really needs some peace of mind", she said slowly and sighed.

As she reached the company, she straight went to CEO'S office and got the schedule ready before Sam arrived. She went to the adjoining room and made black coffee that was mentioned in the papers.

A while later, she heard him enter the office and quickly went out with the coffee in her hand to greet him.

He was wearing a black suit that complimented his cold and domineering personality very well. His silver hairs were styled perfectly. Just like the past, he was the same with his formal style.

"Good morning, Mr. Andres", she greeted him and kept the coffee on the table. He did not even glance at her which made her frown. Though he was only twenty two, he seemed as if he had seen all the bad and goods of the world that made him so mature.

Even Jennifer who was two years older than him, felt like she was baby in front of him.

"My schedule?", He asked coldly. She stared at his head and rolled her eyes as she told him his schedule. "Cancel the lunch meeting for today", he ordered.


Lily stood there waiting for his next order and looked around. Her eyes suddenly fell on the photo frame on the desk near his laptop. It was her old picture. She looked around and saw another big frame. This one was a collage.

The big frame had almost every pic she sent him or whenever she made weird faces. There were collectively fifteen pictures in the collage. She sighed and looked at the man who was working without looking up at her.

His eyes would fall on the small frame next to his laptop while he worked.

Lily felt her heart ache as she watched him but she couldn't tell him about her real identity. Even if she was to tell him, he'd find it ridiculous and might even shoot her this time thinking she was making fun of his wife who was technically herself.

"Do you need anything?", He asked without looking at her. "Huh? No", she answered and went to sit on her desk that was in the right corner of his office.

A while later, they left for one meeting. The meeting continued for three hours and ended just before lunchtime.

As soon as, Lily sat on her desk, the office door was wide opened and a twelve year old child barged inside along with a white big dog. Lily looked at them as they entered. The dog ran to Sam while the girl too ran to him.

"Dad", she called out and hugged Sam. Sam patted her head and ruffled the dog's soft fur.

Lily looked at the girl and dog and felt helpless. She so wanted to go and hug the two. The girl whose name was Sanna was adopted by Sam and Jennifer when they were dating each other.

Sanna had a family but they mistreated her so Sam and Jen adopted her. When Jen died, Sanna was in a camp. Once she returned she was heartbroken to not see her mother.

And Subu who adored her wouldn't eat anything for months since he liked what Jen would make for him. Though he was just a dog but he was really close to Jen more than Sam who raised him.

It took so much in Lily to not run there and hug her daughter and dog. Her family was there but she couldn't hug them. She couldn't tell them that she was there, just right in front of their eyes.

"Ms. Sheng, ask someone to bring us food", Sam ordered. Lily turned her head towards them and nodded. She immediately made a call and ordered food for them.

After the food came, Lily helped put it on the table. Just as she was about to leave, Sanna passed next to her and suddenly asked her to stop.

"This perfume", Sanna pointed out and came near Lily. Lily looked at Sanna and blinked.

"Dad, isn't it the same perfume momma would spray?", Sanna asked looking at Sam who did didn't respond. "You've a good taste, Ms. Sheng. Unique like my mom", Sanna complimented to which Lily gave a warm smile.

"I'll go to cafeteria. If you need anything, call me, Mr. Andres", Lily said and started walking out but suddenly she felt something pull her back. She turned and saw Subu pulling her dress.

Sam looked at Subu and then at her suspiciously. "Go there, doggy", Lily said and pulled her dress away from Subu but he didn't stop. He again started pulling her dress. Lily looked at Sam who was glaring at her then at Subu.

"I said go away", Lily scolded in a firm and cold tone to which Subu sat in front of her and gave a sad look. Lily felt bad but before she could speak, Sam ordered in a cold tone.

"Subu, do whatever you please."

Lily knew what this order meant. Subu could now even tear apart Lily and he would say nothing. Lily rolled her eyes at Sam and then looked down at the dog who was rubbing his face on her leg.

"Wow, seems he likes you. He never goes to anyone on his own except momma. She was the only person whom he liked without anyone telling", Sanna spoke and smiled.

"Sir, can I take him out for a walk then?", Lily asked carefully. Sam looked at Subu who was stuck to her and gave a nod.