

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter Ten: A Quiet Night

near King's Lake

in Link Village

There, Hiroshi threw a big party on the occasion of the truce between the king's army and Koken, which occurred for the first time since the start of this war ten years ago.

The streets are filled with joy and happiness, the people are singing and clapping

Tired soldiers eat and drink

In the big city restaurant, Hiroshi, Yul, Hayami, Stella and Sherlock were all sitting at the same table eating.

Yul and Hayami were fighting for no reason

While Hiroshi was mocking them

Stella was wondering how they ended up like this

Sherlock told her that they met by chance in the city and without prior warning they pulled their swords and started fighting, so the people of the city gathered around them and started cheering for them until Hiroshi came and stopped them and invited them to eat and so it happened

While Yul and Hayami were yelling at each other

Hiroshi said, "But who would have expected you to have a friend. I was afraid that you would end up alone until you die. But there seems to be an idiot who looks like you after all."

Yule replied angrily

(How can such a person be a friend of mine? Did I go blind again)

Hayami replied with a sarcastic face

(In what way does this monkey look like me? Are you blind, old man)

(If you are not friends then why did you accept my invitation to dinner)

Both of them sat down and Yul answered him saying that he had come because he had no money and was starving

Hayami replied

(Get a job, you idiot, or would you rather be a beggar like that)

(You have nothing to do with that and also I do not want to hear this from someone who was sold as a slave and lives at the expense of his brother)

(You bastard, where do you know that from who told you)

(In your dreams, don't underestimate me loser, I'm smarter than I look)

(I doubt it )

Sherlock was thinking

("You must have asked this girl what happened to him")

After calming down, Hayami sat down and said that the reason he accepted the invitation to dinner was because he wanted to ask Hiroshi about something.

Hiroshi was amazed at what Hayami said, as this was the first time he had seen him, and it made him think about the thing he wanted to ask about

Hiroshi stood up and said he was going outside and told them to enjoy the meal, it was at his expense

Hayami wondered if he was avoiding his question and told Stella

So she told him while she was eating greedily, as if she hadn't eaten for a whole month

(You have to catch up with him, if it is something important to you, you should not postpone it)

(I understand, keep a portion of food for me, I will be back in a few minutes)

(Don't worry I'll keep it well in my stomach)

Yule laughed at what Stella had done and told her, giving her a thumbs up

(Good job, so we can take two portions of food, Hiroshi's portion and Hayami's portion)

(To let an opportunity like this go like this, it's been so many months I've eaten nothing but bread crumbs)

Sherlock was enjoying what happened in front of her, she felt like she was in the middle of her family, so she felt warm and safe as she sat with everyone and smiled quietly while looking at Yul's face

(That's good, you seem to be enjoying this)

(Fun, uh, I guess

Are you already full?)

Sherlock stood with her eyes closed and headed towards the exit and said

(I'm going to the bathroom)

Yul was worried about Sherlock and wondered if something was bothering her and as he thought he heard a chewing sound next to him

Stella quickly ate Sherlock's food

(You ...,)

(Sorry about that but her food looked so delicious I wanted to taste some of it

But is she okay? I haven't seen her eat a lot. Is there something bothering her?)

(don't ask me..

I don't understand people's feelings

(It's hard, isn't it

You see some of them laughing at you for no reason, and others getting angry at you. You try to understand why.

(you how do you know that)

(Because I don't understand anyone's feelings)

At that time, the third commander of Kouken Akihiro entered the restaurant, and with him one of the knights, who was drunk, sat down near Yul's table.

When Hayami caught up with Hiroshi, he found him sitting behind the restaurant, looking at the sky. Hiroshi felt him and said to him (What do you think, do you want to sit? The moon tonight is very beautiful.)

Hayami walked over and sat down next to him

(You wanted to ask me something, right)

(Yes, it is about stopping this war, how did you do that, what price did you pay for it, what did you sacrifice)

‏(Why would you say something like that)

(Because I realize how terrible this war is. In the past two years, I have seen things whose ugliness cannot be described in words. This war was not something political or economic. It was a war of hate, and I am sure that it will not end well, but you stopped it even though you are only human, so there cannot be no return)

(You're exaggerating a bit. I didn't do anything. The first king stopped her. I just stood there watching.)

(No, after seeing what happened to the city of York, I do not think that the king will resort to a solution such as a truce and stop the war. Everyone expected him to fight, but you are the reason for stopping him, as the leaders of the elves said.

And that you were the one who talked to them about stopping the war, and they agreed to that.)

(Those idiots, how could they tell the citizens something like that, but I guess it doesn't matter now

I gave up being a human being, this is the price I paid to stop this war.

Hayami was surprised by that response, as he did not understand what he meant

(Your humanity what does that mean)

(Don't worry, tomorrow you'll know what I mean)

While Yul and Stella were eating, they overheard the words of the drunk knight who was with Akihiro, and while he was trying to get him to wake up, the knight started saying things about not wanting the war to stop and that Viceroy Hiroshi is just a coward loser and started cursing him.

Realizing that they are trying to pick a fight with one of the king's knights to stir up chaos, Stella said it was impossible for anyone to fall victim to a trap like this.

As she mumbled, Yul stood up and yelled at him, "Shut your fucking mouth before I cut off that filthy tongue of yours!"

The knight replied, "Huh, what's wrong with you, boy?"

(It doesn't matter now. If you dare to mock a person who does everything to achieve his dream, I will kill you.)

Akihiro was listening quietly until he heard what Yul said about Hiroshi, and he said to him, "Don't be like that, white man. Try to understand my friend's feelings a little. He lost the thing he is good at because of your leader."

You don't need to get so upset, he's just saying nonsense.)

Stella was worried about Yul's reaction, so she tried to calm him down

(He's right, you don't have to be that angry.)

Yul did not listen to Stella's words and was looking at Akihiro

(The only thing your comrade is good at is killing the innocent and the weak. This is what all the scum of this world does, and the scum should not talk about people who are trying to help people and save this world)

Akihiro smiled at what he said as he drank a cup of coffee

And he replied, "You talk about this as if you understand Hiroshi's feelings. Do not forget that you are scum like him, you white man, or have you forgotten how many people you killed in this war?"

(Have I met you before)

‏Didn't you know, you were famous among the koken knights, they called you white for being an emotionless killer.

Everyone saw you with that cold face when you were killed

And now you are talking about scum, my friend at least feels some sadness when he kills someone, but what about you, do you feel something, do you feel something before, I don't think so)

Yul could not respond to what he had said to him. A look of sadness crossed his face as he bit his lips with regret

Hiroshi didn't do anything wrong. I respect him because he didn't give up on his goal of stopping the war, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a coward.

We were ready to die in order to win this war. We knew that we had no chance. Our enemy was a king. Yet we did not flee or hide. Hiroshi is just a coward who gave up his dignity for his goal.

Yul rushed towards him with anger filling his heart, he punched Akihiro hard in the face and he fell between the dining tables

(It was his dream to change something in this world, to be able to save everyone he could

Has the desire to help everyone become a weakness?

Akihiro stood up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and prepared to fight

(That's fine. I've always wanted to meet you to see if what other people say about you is true or not

Also, nothing is worth giving up your dignity for, even if it means your life.

Each of them started fighting, causing chaos that made everyone in the restaurant flee, fearing that he might be harmed because of them

While Hayami and Hiroshi were talking, Sherlock was standing near them, listening to what they were talking about

(Tell me Hayami, do you have something you want to do)

(Yes, I have. In fact, I used to be one of the Elf-Princes before I came here. The desire to be the Elven-King didn't really matter to me.

I wanted to play with my other brothers, but they were not interested in playing with me, or rather they saw me as their enemy, except for my brother Titus, who was the only one I considered a role model among my brothers.

One day my little brother and I were gathering herbs in the woods

On the way back, we found a little taiko monster in front of us. When I saw it, I carried my little brother and ran as fast as I could, so he caught up with us.

While I was running, I hoped that my brother Titus would come and help us because he always did. Then I stumbled on a log and fell to the ground when the monster almost devoured my little brother. I realized that things are not always going in my favor. I was afraid of losing my brother. On his own and I somehow managed to kill that monster my little brother grabbed me and started crying so hard that's when I realized that feeling of happiness when you are a source of safety for someone and that's when I decided that this is the dream I want to achieve to be like Titus to be the light to others to give hope to those who need it someone He gives security to everyone around him. This is what I dream of, but)

(What is the matter )

‏(Human feelings are really painful. These wings have the ability to sense the lightest kind of feelings close to him

Every time I helped someone, I felt the amount of sadness and anger emanating from people. It was scary until I started avoiding meeting anyone.

Feeling all these feelings every day exhausted my heart and mind, so I no longer know how to feel. I no longer even know what my own feelings are about everything. This is really tiring)

(Do the rest of the elves have such a sense of feelings)

(Yes, but it's completely different. For others, these feelings feel like a slight tingle.

As for me, I see them in front of me as bright colors, and I feel them in my wings, as if they were my own feelings, so pure that I am more affected by the person who causes them."

(I get that this must be really hard. Some things are better if they remain unknown to us

If you can feel all those negative feelings strongly, whatever strength you have in the end will break you.)

(You are absolutely right. I am realizing that I am losing myself with time and this pain is getting worse with time

I wish I could get rid of these feelings

When Sherlock heard those words, she showed herself and said to him

(Don't say that, it's not as bad as you think. Have you ever thought of saying that?)

In the restaurant, both Akihiro and Yul were exhausted from the fight. Yul's face was full of blood, while Akihiro did not seem to have been damaged much. Akihiro advanced to hit Yul, then Stella's stick turned into a sword and raised it in Akihiro's face and said to him (This is enough if you insist on fighting, I will be your opponent).

(I'm not interested in fighting girls but whatever to end it here

I enjoyed fighting with you, white man. You are unlike that coward. You are a real man. You face your enemy even if he is stronger than you. You impressed me.)

(A real man, don't joke with me, someone who kills in cold blood. I don't differ from you in anything. A person without goals has no value.)

Then Stella slapped him and said angrily, "Don't say such things. Dreams don't make a person. Just because you don't have such a desire to do something doesn't mean you're worthless. You just haven' t found the thing that interests you yet, so don't rush. Take your time to think and when you're ready." I am sure you will find the dream you want to achieve

‏(This is normal, no one should tell you this. This is something that you should realize on your own

If you can't get a friend who can slap you like this girl to push you all you tried to stop advancing)

Akihiro said those words without any kind of deception or sarcasm, as if he was a brother advising his brother

Stella was surprised by Akihiro's speech and said

(what is wrong with this person)

While Yul was so overwhelmed with despair that he didn't know what to say to him

Is it that hard to understand people's feelings?

It was then, Yeol heard a familiar voice that was coming from someone sitting alone at the corner of the restaurant waiting for his food

When Yul looked at him, he realized that the person who had saved his life a few months earlier was Itsuki

(Because you are still a child, you cannot understand such things yet.)

Chapter Ten_end_