

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter Eleven: The Beginning

It's not that bad.

Hayami thought about those words and said to her (what do you mean by that)

Sharuk replied

(Have you thought about looking on the good side and thinking about it for a bit

Feeling all the feelings that are around you does not mean that you only feel bad about them.

Hiroshi said, "That's right, after thinking about it once, your ability doesn't seem so bad."

,(and how's that )

Sherlock replied, "It's happiness. If you can feel negative emotions, that means you can feel positive emotions too."

If you cry and grieve ten times more than other people, this also means that you are ten times happier

Your name is Hayami, right. You are as good as you are. You don't need to think about it too much. You can continue to pursue your goal as you always have and forget that you have such an ability.)

(It's true, you're not that different, you just have a strong sense of emotion. It's not a big deal. If you overthink it, you'll end up regretting a lot of things you've done.)

Hiroshi was patting his arm while smiling at him

Hayami replied, "It's not easy. Ignoring all that stuff won't make me cold-hearted."

Sherlock replied, "Ignore her. On the contrary, you have to accept it. I grieve for the sad things, and rejoice for the happy things. There is nothing strange about that."

In my opinion, this ability is suitable for a person like you)

(What does this mean )

(A person who tries to help the people around him will certainly be a happy person, and the people you help will be happy when they see you extending a helping hand towards them, then their happiness will pass to you. Something like this. Don't you think that it will make you the happiest person in this world?)

Charol left after saying those words, leaving signs of joy on Hayami's face

While Yul was surprised to see Itsuki again, he got a little angry for saying that he was still a kid and replied (what do you mean by that)

Itsuki stood up and headed towards the kitchen restaurant and answered Yul's question (I mean it, as I said it, you don't understand other people's feelings, because you still haven't experienced those feelings before)

(facing feelings)

(Yes, you have not seen real feelings in front of you before, so you do not understand them. You do not have to worry. With the passage of time, you will have to face them, even if you do not want to, and then you will be able to understand everything that you cannot understand now, and you will wish then that you did not understand.)

Stella was looking at Itsuki with a frightened and confused face, unable to move or even speak

Itsuki started to cook and Yul was left confused as to what to say

At that time, Sherlock entered the restaurant, and she was surprised when she saw Yule's face full of blood, but she did not fear or panic and said to him while joking with him (you cannot sit for ten minutes without causing a problem).

(I didn't do anything, it was the elves' fault)

(Well, it doesn't matter, I'm really hungry. Is the cook still here? I smell good.)

Sherlock went to see who was cooking when Hayami entered the restaurant and was surprised by the devastation in the restaurant and tried to yell at Yul

And when Sherlock saw Itsuki, I was surprised to see his face (I can't believe it, Itsuki you)

Itsuki was surprised that she knew his name, so he wanted to ask her about it

She screamed with a wide smile on her face, "My brother, I miss you so much."

And I tried to hold him

But Itsuki put his hand on her head and stopped her from approaching

Signs of astonishment appeared on both Hayami and yul faces as they said Itsuki is her brother

While Itsuki was the one who was most surprised by that, he said to her (Wait, moment, moment, who do you call my brother, this is the first time I see your face)

She replied while trying to catch him (Don't be shy, I'm your younger sister. We parted before I was born, so it's only natural that you don't know me.)

(This is strange. I know that I have two brothers, and I never heard any news from them about having a younger sister.)

(Because my brothers were afraid that you would worry about me, so they did not tell you anything)

Itsuki got so angry that she tried to catch him and hug him, so he hit her with a frying pan on her head and said (Stop trying to catch me)

Yul was surprised by what he saw and said to Hayami, "What's going on here?"

(Don't ask me, I also don't understand anything of what they're talking about.)

After a few minutes Itsuki returned to cooking while Yul, Hayami, Stella and Sherlock were sitting in front of him waiting for food.

Sherlock said

(Let me introduce him to you. He is Atsuki's brother. He is 19 years old. Although he is a good cook, he can do almost anything.)

Both Yul and Hayami replied, "We know he was the one who saved our lives not long ago."

(Oh did you guys already know each other bro)

Itsuki replied with a cold face, "Stop calling me brother, do you want me to hit you with a frying pan again?"

Hayami smiled at seeing Itsuki cooking again for him and said, "Nice to see you again, Itsuki."

Itsuki paused for a moment and looked at them both and say

(who are you)

Stella laughed at Itsuki's reaction to them

While both of them were surprised by what he said to them, Yul responded with emotion (Oh, it hasn't been more than three months since

It was a big accident. You can at least remember our names.)

(True, it is not reasonable that you forgot about us so quickly.)

Itsuki replied, "No, I'm really sorry. I have trouble memorizing names. I remember what happened that day, but I can hardly remember your faces."

Anyway, trying to think about this is a waste of time. What's your name?

(I can't believe it. Does he have a memory of a fish or something? My name is Yule Right Yule.)

Itsuki replied with a cold face, "Fucking, Sanadik hiki, is that okay?"

Stella and Sherlock start laughing while Hayami tries to make fun of him

(Not good, you can't change someone's name because you don't like it)

Hayamai replied while mocking him, "Calm down, hiki. Itsuki is right. Your name is silly. The name hiki suits you better."

(What did you say )

Itsuki Hayami asked for his name, and he replied, "My name is Hayami. Nice to meet you for the second time."

(Long, I don't need all those letters, your name is just Yami, is this suitable for you)

Stella and Sherlock fell to the ground laughing hard while Yul was consoling Hayami and saying (at least delete two letters only, it's not a lot, don't worry)

(yeah you are right) ‏

‏Itsuki continued preparing food while talking to them (You guys really should learn to be quiet a bit. I came here because I heard there was a party. I thought I might get some free food, but I ended up making food because of a foolish kid's actions.)

Hickey replied apologetically, "I'm really sorry about that

Hmmm I don't see Hiroshi wasn't he with you)

Yami replied, "He left. He said he had to get ready for tomorrow."

Stella replied (what will happen tomorrow)

Sherlock replied: "It seems that the war will end. Is that why you came here, brother?"

(Stop calling me that)

(Why is there a mistake in calling my brother my brother)

(Sorry, but I have never heard of having a sister with such a suspicious name)

(Anyway, do you have business with the first king?)

(I don't know where you got the information about me from, and I don't really care

I have no business with anyone, not as if I came to this city with some purpose, I just wander here and there without a specific destination.

Sherlock's face showed some signs of sadness, and she stopped talking about the calmness for a moment until Heikki spoke (I've been thinking about this for a while, but whose you are Itsuki)

Everyone was surprised by Hikki's question, even Itsuki

He smiled and replied (I am a traveling cook, a fighter, anything you can choose what you like, I can be anything you imagine)

(I don't mean that, I mean who you are, what you do, why you wander aimlessly, do you have a destination you want to go to, do you have a goal you want to achieve, and is there an end to your journey?

Suddenly you appeared before us that day You saved our lives for no reason or in return You captured our sight With that strength you protected us Your standing in front of that huge danger made me look up to you and at the same time wonder who you are and eager to see you again

Yami was surprised by what Hikki had said, since he shared the same feeling about Itsuki, which made him smile and say, "I too always wondered what path I should take, where should I start and what should I do, but that day that light that I saw through you made me I think you might have an idea of ​​what I should do if I asked you maybe I would find what I was looking for)

Stella was looking at Yami and he was talking with interest to Itsuki as she thought, "This is the first time I've seen Hayami seriously talk to someone this much."

I guess I don't have to worry about him anymore

But I never imagined that I would see him smile like that before, it kind of makes me happy a little bit)

While Sherlock was thinking about something else (they are always opposites in the smallest silly things, the only thing they have in common is that they look up to the same person. It makes me think if they look up at Itsuki that much, what reaction will they have on their faces when they know the truth about the person they are looking up at? )

Itsuki finished preparing the food and sighed, "You two are really disgusting. Is it strange to help someone who needs help? I'm not as special as you think. There are many people in this world with powers that you never imagined existed. There are many who devote that power to protecting others if you are." You both believe that this kind of thinking is correct, and someone like me will not help you with anything.

(people with greater power what do you mean by that)

Stella replied to Yami, "The White Crow, have you ever heard of this name?" No, this is a stupid question. There is no person in this world who does not know this name.

The most powerful creature in this universe

End Gate

System guard

Or as everyone calls it the white crow, as legends say, when the world reaches the highest degree of corruption, the white crow is born to kill all kinds of people on this planet as a kind of cleaning

In our time, the white crow was born 17 years ago, and as it is known, when it reaches the age of 18, genocide will begin.

This world has a year left, so there are such meaningless wars. This is not strange, but the strange thing is that there are people like you who still cling to these beliefs and these dreams, like Hiroshi.

You are not wrong, but if you are not strong to face such a thing, whatever you will do will be in vain during this year.)

Sherlock replied, "Legends say that they faced the White Crow with all kinds of powers in this world, Level Four Elves, Hula Kings, Heavenly Constellations, Elemental Kings, and so on, and they all failed to stop the White Crow. Just hearing that makes you realize that what you are trying to confront is not a person, but a catastrophe of a cosmic level, but this There's no reason to give up if you both realize that and you're still able to go on, all you have to do is just get stronger.



Yami was thinking about what they had just said while Hikki was not that interested and asked Itsuki, "Super power. I've heard that many times in the last few days. I know elves have wings and phoenixes have control over the elements, but do humans have that kind of power?" unnatural force)

Itsuki replied, "You can wait until I finish eating."

‏After they ate, Yami seemed happy with the food Itsuki prepared for him again, while Hiki was jealous that he didn't get his own food, so he asked Itsuki (if there are superhuman powers in this world)

(What an annoying person

Yes, they have superpowers

You all know the story of the first human you call the Savior, don't you?

That person possessed a great power called yin and yang and was the only one among humans who possessed it

One day, he thought about the time when he would die, and humans would become lesser in status among other races because they had no power to protect them, so he thought of a way to protect his people after his death.

So he decided to split his body into two copies, one of which was yin and the other was yan

Each of them is permissible with normal human beings so that a new race of human beings will come bearing part of the power of the Savior

After many years, most of the people in this world have one of the two powers, either Yin or Yan within it, although it is a small part, but it was a huge power that allowed humans to outperform other races and make them the strongest race that exists so far)

"Does this mean that there is a chance that I will possess such power someday?" Hickey replied with excitement.

(I don't know, but there is a high chance that one's power will awaken when one reaches the age of 19, but there are cases where those powers awaken before reaching that age, but they are rare. There are many things about that power to learn, but the most important thing you have to know is that you cannot use that power Unless you have a partner of the other category)

(partner of the other class what does that mean)

Sherlock replied to him (the power of humans operates in the system of giving and taking. There are two types of people who carry superpowers, one of them is the yin and the other is the yan, but the power does not work just because you have one of them. You have to have the yin and the yan at the same time)

(And here comes the role of the partner. If you are of the Y type, you need the Yan type to be your partner and vice versa. This is done through a blood contract between them so that each of them can use the energy of the other without restrictions or risks)

(Risks Are there risks)

(Of course nothing is free

If it happened and you used your strength without having a partner available to you, then the body will use the person's soul in exchange for the strength of the other type, and in the end he will die.

That's enough for today I'm going to sleep take care of yourselves)

Itsuki left the restaurant, leaving them behind

After several minutes, each of them left, carrying in his heart the concern he was thinking about

While Yami was thinking about the dream he wanted to achieve, Hikki was anxious to know what kind of power he would get one day.

The dark curtain of the night descends, and the sun shines on the lands of the Sea of ​​Dreams

A new day begins

Chapter Eleven _end_