
Black Wedding

The Aono Clan and the Shuzen Clan are both Japan's leading noble vampire families that have feuded with each other for hundreds of years. But that all changes when the leaders of both families decide to join the clans together by arranging a marriage between the lone heir of the Aono's, Tsukune Aono to Issa Shuzen's second youngest daughter, Moka Akashiya. The first time they meet they are only children, and while Tsukune tries to impress his future bride, he discovers that they are not going to be the best match for each other. Tsukune dislikes Moka's rude and aggressive personality while Moka views Tsukune as a weakling and does not respect him. After agreeing that they don't like each other, they can't help but want to prove the other wrong by working on their flaws! Ten years later, Tsukune has honed his skills and become quite a powerful vampire in order to gain Moka's respect and hopes to beat her in combat one day, while Moka is now sealed away with the Rosario around her neck, causing her to become the opposite of her normal self, and is a much sweeter version that Tsukune can't help but adore. Will the two ever get to accept each other for who they truly are, or will they fall in love with each other's lies?

LilacDream · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 1: You Again?!

The Aono clan and the Shuzen clan were both noble vampire families that simultaneously dominated the monster world in Japan. And even though the two families had no choice but to rule side by side, they were always at odds and struggled for complete control over the territory. Vampires were known to be quite prideful of their name, and even though they were of the same species, they were very competitive with each other and both clans wanted the annihilation of the other, so that Japan would finally be theirs alone to command. That all changed however when both leaders of each family came to an agreement, and decided to arrange a marriage between their children to unite the clans and finally settle their disputes after hundreds of years of being enemies. The Aono Clan offered the lone heir of the family to be the groom, and his name was Tsukune Aono. While the Shuzen Clan offered the second youngest daughter of the family who was closest to him in age. Her name was Moka Akashiya.

In honor of the arranged marriage and their soon to be unity, the Shuzen's invited the Aono's and other noble vampires across the world to attend a masquerade ball that was being held at their castle. A shy six year old boy with silver hair and red eyes with slitted pupils hid behind his mother's leg as she and his father talked to their gracious host, Issa Shuzen. "Issa, thank you for hosting such a beautiful event to celebrate our families. I'm not going to lie, but I never expected a turn out like this from you." Said Kaito, the patriarch of the Aono Clan. Issa scoffed, feeling only slightly insulted by Kaito's obvious attempt to get a rouse out of him. Even though they were trying to alliance with each other, that didn't mean that their wasn't still bitter feelings. "Well, I'm more cordial then you'd give me credit for Kaito. But regardless, thank you for accepting my invitation. We will soon be family, after all."

Issa looked past Kaito who stood in front of him, as his eyes trailed to the little boy who still hid behind his mother. After seeing Issa's piercing red gaze, Tsukune gasped and started to shake as he buried his face deeper into his mother's dress. Izumi, Tsukune's mother, couldn't help but smile down at her adorable meek little son. For a vampire, he was very sweet compared to most children and she always took it as a blessing that god gifted her with such a well behaved son, even though in the eyes of most of their kind, the way he acted was considered a disgrace. Tsukune was so kindhearted that he couldn't even bring himself to hurt a fly. And even though most vampires would think that was a sign of weakness, she thought it was one of his most charming traits. "Is this young man to be my future son in law?" Issa said as he kneeled down on the ground on one knee while he extended a gentle hand out towards the shy boy. Tsukune looked up at his mother for reassurance who rubbed his head, and after gaining some courage finally stepped out from behind her to greet the lord of the castle.

Tsukune took ahold of Shuzen's hand and bowed to him, showing how well behaved we was for someone his age. "My name is Tsukune Aono. It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Shuzen." Issa smirked, impressed by the boys manners as he stood back up to speak with Kaito. "Your son is already such a gentleman. He will be a good match for my darling Moka. Speaking of which, where is that girl?" He said as he glanced around the banquet hall not being able to spot her, until heard the sound of two little girls giggling, who were hiding underneath a nearby table as they eavesdropped on the older vampires conversation. Issa smiled softly as he leisurely walked over to the table and pulled the table cloth up, surprising his two youngest daughters who let out small shrieks. "I found you! Now girls, this is not the time nor place to be playing around. Come now Moka, you must greet the Aono's. They are here for you after all." The little girl who also had silver hair and red eyes, puffed her cheeks as she and her little sister Kokoa stepped out from underneath the table. "But I don't want to meet them, father!" Issa sighed deeply before he grabbed his daughters hand and basically had to force her over.

"This rambunctious girl here is my daughter, Moka Akashiya. I apologize if she come's off as rude. She's very strong for someone her age you see, and often let's that go to her head and thinks that no one can tell her what to do." Moka crossed her arms as she looked away from the Aono's. "It's nice to meet you, I guess…" Tsukune stared at the girl who was to be his wife, and at first his initial reaction was that he thought that she was cute, until their eyes met and she glared at him so coldly that he felt his blood turn to ice. She was cute, but damn did she seem scary! Tsukune gulped as he walked over to her and kissed her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I know we won't be getting married any time soon since we're both still kids. But when the time comes, I promise to take care of you!" He said rather confidently, his eyes sparkling with passion. His mother and father couldn't help but awe at the sight of their son trying his hardest to impress his future bride. However, Moka just glared at him as she pulled her hand away. "You? Make me happy? Don't make me laugh! Just from looking at you, I can tell that you're weak. If anyone's to be my husband, he must be a true warrior! Not a weak little nobody like you!" She yelled while cockily flipping her hair to one side.

Tsukune felt like his heart had already shattered and he wasn't even in love with her yet. This girl was obviously going to be trouble. And even though he was not known to have a sharp tongue, the way she spoke to him made his blood boil and he couldn't help but yell back in aggravation. "Oh yeah?! Well, I don't want a wife who's going to be a nasty, callous and rude girl like you! If you scowl any harder, you'll have wrinkles around your eyes before you even turn twenty!" He said as he stomped hit foot down hard, his face turning red from anger. Moka's mouth hung open, completely thrown off guard that he would dare talk to her in that way. "If you want to fight, then fight me right now you shrimp!" She said as she walked over and grabbed him by the collar of his tux, the two glaring hard at each other so intensely that you could basically see the electricity flying between them. "Okayy, that's enough you two! Tsukune, that's no way to talk to a lady of the house!" Said Kaito as he managed to pull his son away. Issa also had a firm hold of his daughter who was still fuming in his arms. "And you Moka! This is no way to treat our guests! We have our family name to uphold! Show some respect!"

The two eventually calmed down and were turned away from each other with their arms crossed. They both had the same thought in that moment, 'I definitely don't want to marry him/her!' The party festivities continued late into the night, and for the rest of the ball, Tsukune and Moka tried their hardest to avoid each other. When the party ended, The Aono's were the first ones to leave with Issa and his daughters walking them out to the limousine that was parked outside waiting for them. The adults shook hands and laughed with each other as they exchanged their goodbyes until the next time they were to meet. Tsukune stood between his mother and father as he stared at the ground avoiding eye contact with his bride to be who stood adjacent to him, while Moka stood next to her sister Kokoa, who tugged on her sleeve. "Are you really going to marry him, big sister? Because I don't think he likes you every much." Moka felt a vein pop out on her forehead. Why would she care if he liked her or not?! She was the one that didn't like him!

"Whatever it takes, I'm going to convince father to call off this wedding. Even if it's the last thing I do." The Aono's finally entered their vehicle as they started to pull out of the courtyard. While looking back through the back window of the car, Tsukune watched as Moka re-entered the castle. He didn't know why it bothered him so much when she blatantly insulted him like that, but he wanted to prove her wrong so badly. "I'm going to prove that I'm not a weakling. Just you wait and see Moka… I'll become the strongest vampire that ever lived!" Back at the castle, Moka had a similar train of thought as she was getting ready for bed with the help of her hand maid. She on the other hand knew why she was so bothered by what he said. Tsukune was the first kid to ever talk back to her, even though he was nothing but a weakling. For someone so weak, he had some pretty big balls! "But is there some truth to what he said? Am I… callous? Is that how people see me?" She shook her head as her maid finished brushing her hair and she scooted into bed, pulling the covers over her face. "I'll prove you wrong; I can be nice too. You stupid boy…"

10 Years Later

Tsukune sat in the back of the yellow school bus as he traveled from the human world to the prestigious Yokai Academy where he was to start attending high school. Over the last ten years, he kept his promise and trained vigorously so that he could become stronger. He was so strong now in fact that a human disguise was not possible, as his aura was so dark and heavy that the spell would break right away. He knew of the rule at the Academy that all students must stay in their human forms, but for Tsukune that was close to impossible so he had no choice but to go in his monster form. It wasn't just his power that changed though. As he got stronger, that sweet little boy started to disappear and he became more stoic and distant. He slowly started becoming the one thing he hated the most, an arrogant vampire. "Yokai Academy is a dangerous place, kid. You should be careful." Tsukune glared daggers at the back of the bus drivers head with his glowing red eyes. "Are you saying that I'm weak?" Nothing pissed him off more than someone doubting his strength, and it was all that girls fault who shall not be named. The bus driver just laughed as they started traveling through the magic tunnel. "I'm just teasing you kid. I just wanted to see your reaction, that's all. We don't get many S-Class monsters at this school."

Tsukune sighed as he leaned his head against the window as he watched the colors of magic swirling around them, until they finally exited the tunnel and he saw the blood red sea that stretched out towards the horizon. The bus came to a stop as the bus driver turned to his head towards him. "We're here. Welcome to Yokai Academy. Don't die out there." The bus driver said as he mockingly laughed which only aggravated Tsukune more. The vampire stood up and grabbed his bag as he stepped off the bus and into the fresh air. "So, this is where I'm going to spend the next four years of my life, huh? I wonder what matter of monster will try to fight me this time around." He said with an arrogant smirk on his face. He started down the path towards the cliff that oddly seemed to defy physiques, as it had a weird curl at the end of it. As he continued walking, he heard the sound of tires squealing but paid it no mind. "Look out!" A sweet sounding voice rang out as a beautiful girl with long flowing pink hair came crashing through the bushes and her bike rammed into his back.

"UGH!" He yelled out in pain as he fell on the floor, the girl falling on top of him in a provocative pose with his hand accidentally squeezing her breast, which made her release a small squeak. Everything happened so fast that he hadn't even realized what had just crashed into him, until he opened his eyes and saw what he was grabbing onto and all the blood immediately rushed to his face as his nose erupted in a geyser of blood. It was true, this S-Class super monster had one giant weakness. And that was women's breasts. He quickly cupped his nose as he scooted backwards with a blush spread across his cheeks. "I'm so sorry! Sometimes I get anemic and then I can't see straight…" The beautiful girl said as she looked up at him, to which his nose only started bleeding more from her looks alone. The girl started to become frantic as she pulled a handkerchief out from her pocket and started dabbing his nose. "Are you alright?! Did I hurt you badly?" She said as she slowly looked up at him and took in all of his features.

She noted his silver hair and piercing red eyes and blushed as she took a step back. "Wait a minute… Are you a vampire?!" She said as she gasped while covering her mouth. The first person she ran into just so happened to be a vampire just like her, what luck she thought to herself. Tsukune pressed the handkerchief to his nose as he stood up and rolled his shoulder that was still aching from the impact. "Yeah, so what if I am? You got a problem with vampires or something?" He said as he glared at her but was taken aback when he heard her giggle. "What's so funny?" The girl wiped a tear from her eye as she recomposed herself. "Sorry I don't mean to laugh! It's a good laugh you see, I'm just relieved to meet another vampire here. I just assumed I'd be the only one at this school." Tsukune looked at her confused. A vampire, she says? If that were true he would be able to sense some dark energy in her, but from what he could tell she was almost as weak as a human.

"You're a vampire? You don't seem like one to me." Moka chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her head and pointed at the Rosario that was attached to a leather choker around her neck. "That's because my powers have been sealed away. When I was younger, I was sent off to live in the human world with my mother after she and my father got divorced. To help me cope with the transition, she placed this Rosario on me and now I can't take it off." Tsukune walked closer as he examined the seal, and true enough her claims seemed to hold some weight. "Huh. Well, that's a shame isn't it? Seems your mother didn't think this one through. But still, it's nice to meet a fellow vampire in arms. I'm Tsukune Aono, and you are?" He said as he shook her hand to which she happily shook back. "I'm Moka Akashiya!" After hearing that name, his already pale face turned even more ghostly as he couldn't believe what he had just heard. Moka Akashiya? As in his fiancé, Moka Akashiya?! There's just no way that this adorable girl could be that beast of a woman! I mean come on; she was smiling at him for Christ's sake! They hated each other!

But he noticed that she didn't react even after he said his name. When her mother sealed away her powers did that mean some of her memories were sealed away too? If this was truly his Moka, then she would have said something by now but she was still talking to him as if they had just met. But still, if she didn't remember then he was going to take advantage of this opportunity. Maybe this version of her will be much nicer to have around if they were going to be forced to spend time together at this school. "I have to ask, but are there any draw backs to that seal you have? Besides not being able to take it off, I mean." Moka placed a finger to her chin as she thought hard. "Well, now that you mention it, my memory of my childhood is a bit scrambled. I'm sure that has to be because of the seal." Tsukune smirked, this is exactly what he wanted to hear. This was their chance to start over, and maybe even win her affections this time with his new and improved personality.

Tsukune pulled her in close as he charmingly smiled at her, which caused her to blush. "Well can I be the first to say that you are absolutely beautiful, Miss Akashiya? I never thought I'd meet a vampire here either, especially one as lovely as yourself." He said as he took a lock of her hair in his hand and gently kissed it. Moka started to struggle as she frowned and pulled away from him, and even though she was blushing she was obviously uncomfortable by his sudden attempts at wooing her. "Tsukune! I-I'm flattered really. And I would be lying if I said I didn't find you attractive, but I am not going to lead you on. You see, I'm already betrothed to someone else. I haven't met him yet but we've been engaged since we were children, at least that's what my mother told me. So I have no choice but to kindly decline your feelings!" Tsukune blinked. And then blinked again. Was she for real right now? So she remembers that she's engaged but can't remember that he was the one that she was engaged too? This just got more interesting.

He decided to play along with her as he thought it would be entertaining and acted like he knew nothing about it. "Oh, you are? That's a shame. Well whoever you're engaged too is one lucky guy. I'm jealous of him in fact. Anyways, I'll be seeing you later Moka. Have a good rest of your day." Tsukune said as he turned around to continue on the path towards the school. "W-wait! Hold on a minute!" Moka yelled out, which caused him to stop walking as he glanced at her from over his shoulder. "I can't be romantic with you, but I would still like it if we could be friends. After living in the human world for so long, meeting another vampire is like a dream come true! So can we please be friends?" She said as she tightly squeezed her eyes shut, scared to be rejected by him. Tsukune chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair. She truly was being so adorable. "Sure. That's fine by me." Moka's face lit up as a wide grin crossed her face.

"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!" She blurted out as she jumped on him from behind and hugged him tightly. Tsukune's face lit up in a terrible scarlet blush as he scratched his cheek. This version of Moka was definitely more attractive to him. "Think you can let me go? I'm sure your fiancé wouldn't be happy if he found out you were hugging another man like this." Moka quickly let him go as she twiddled with her fingers, embarrassed by her sudden outburst. "My apologies! I just got excited… I've never had another friend before…" Tsukune smiled at her affectionately as he patted her head. "Come on, let's go to school. We don't want to be late on our first day." The two then started walking side by side as they made their way to their new home which was Yokai Academy.

After sitting through the entrance ceremony, Tsukune found his way to his homeroom. Upon entering the classroom, there was immediate whispers of people gossiping about him and he couldn't help but smirk. "No way… Is that guy a vampire? For real? Why's he got to be in our class?!" Said one student to another as he walked past them to take his seat which was near the back of the classroom near the window. He put his stuff down and sat down in his seat as he leaned his hand on his head as he stared out the window, trying to pretend not to notice as his fellow classmates continued to talk about him. It was still only the first day of school and he was already building a reputation for himself. The bell rang, signaling the start of class as their homeroom teacher walked in. She was a pretty looking girl with tuffs of hair on her head that looked almost like cat ears, and a tail that was peaking out from underneath her skirt. "Hello, my cute little freshman! I'm your homeroom teacher, Miss Nekanome! Now, before we get started, I must remind you all that revealing your true monster identity to each other is against the school rules, as well as entering your monster form! This school is about learning to co-exist with humans so that after you graduate, you can better blend in with their society as you enter the world as adults!"

Murmurs were being spoken across the classroom as many students objected to the rules. A man sitting in the middle section of the classroom, only one row ahead of Tsukune started to speak out of turn. "Why do we have to play by their rules? Monsters are supreme beings! Why can't we just eat them and kill them whenever we want?!" Said the man who wore a colorfully patterned shirt with piercings all over his face. Tsukune scoffed as he leaned back in his chair, with his arms resting behind his head. "Don't be a fool. Use your brain. We might be superior, but the humans have created technology that could hurt even the best of us. You think you can outlive an atomic bomb? Or how about being able to survive a firing squad? Do you really think you're bullet proof, you babbling ugly ape?" The man stood up and walked over to Tsukune's desk with his monstrous aura flaring, but Tsukune was otherwise unfazed. "What did you say to me you pipsqueak?!" Tsukune laughed as he stood up too, happily accepting the challenge. "I said you're a fool. Need I speak louder?"

The classroom started to uproar as students anticipated for them to start fighting right in the middle of class. Miss Nekanome frantically looked around, trying to find a way to diffuse the situation. "That's enough students, please! You can settle your differences later, but not in my class!" She said as she elongated her claws to scratch across the chalk board, which made a loud unpleasant noise which caused everyone to cover their ears. "And Saizo, I understand your concerns but co-existence is extremely important. Mister Aono is right, the humans pose more of a threat to our existence than you would think. It's best to just hide amongst them and lay low." But Saizo didn't find that an acceptable answer. And not to mention, the other school rule which Tsukune was already breaking. "Okay, but what about this guy?! We're supposed to stay in human form but he's flaunting his monster form like it's no big deal! Aren't you going to punish him?!" Miss Nekanome sighed, knowing that this was going to be brought up sooner or later. "Mister Aono has special permission from the headmaster himself. So unless I'm told otherwise, I can do nothing about it."

Saizo growled as he looked at Tsukune who only had a cocky brow raised to him, knowing full well that he had already won this debate. "Now can you please take your seat so that we can start class?" Saizo sighed as he grudgingly walked back to his place and sat, already plotting in his head how he was going to take that vampire down. There was no way that vampire was as strong as he was making himself out to be. He thinks he's all high and mighty because he has the headmaster's seal of approval, but he was planning to put that stupid S-Class in his rightful place once and for all. The classroom doors swung open right before Miss Nekanome started with her lecture, and Moka ran in breathless as she has sprinted her way to the classroom. Tsukune's eyes widened in surprise, it seems that fate was blessing him yet again. "I'm sorry I'm so late! I got lost on my way to class, but I'm here now! It's nice to meet you all, my name is Moka Akashiya!" She said as she stood before the class, the boys in the classroom already immediately becoming enamored by her good looks.

Moka's eyes traced the classroom when she spotted Tsukune sitting in the background who was pretending to not be interested at all. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're in the same class! Hi Tsukune!" She said as she ran at him and jumped on him, causing him to almost fall back in his seat. "H-hey Moka. You know you're making a scene right now, everyone's looking at us…" He said, which caused her to let go and soon enough she noticed how all the boys were glaring at Tsukune for being so formal with their newfound goddess. "Ch! I hate that guy! Not only is he a vampire but all the babes are already flinging themselves at him! This has got to be some kind of cruel joke!" Said a student who glared at Tsukune along with the rest of the male student body. Moka gasped as she bowed to Tsukune apologetically for getting him in trouble and took the seat right in front of him. After the fiascos had finally settled down, Miss Nekanome was able to go along her lesson plan.

Lunch quickly approached as the school day passed in a breeze, and Moka and Tsukune were both sitting by the vending machine as Tsukune walked back to join her with two cans of tomato juice in his hands. "One for you, and one for me." He said as he gave her one of the cans and sat next to her, greedily drinking his own. Moka did the same and smiled shyly, not being used to have someone treat her with such kindness. "Tsukune, can I ask you something?" She said as she looked at him with her eyes twinkling. The vampire gulped as he tried to restrain himself from ravishing her. "What is it?" Moka set her drink down as she turned to face him. "You said your last name is Aono, right? I was thinking about it earlier and why that name sounded so familiar to me. But are you a part of the Aono clan?" Tsukune reluctantly nodded and her face grew almost sad. "I see. Well, despite my last name I'm actually a Shuzen. The guy that I'm marrying? He's apart of the Aono clan too. So I was wondering, do you know anything about him?" Damnit, Tsukune thought to himself. He wasn't ready to spill the beans quite yet, he wanted to continue to play with her just a little bit longer. "This is the first time I'm hearing about it, sorry I can't be more of help. But hey, that's good news to my ears. That means we will be more than friends one day! We'll be family!"

Moka's sad expression lit back up as she smiled happily at him, relieved that he wasn't turned off by the fact that she was from a rival clan. "Y-yeah. When you put it like that, it doesn't sound so wrong after all." As they continued to drink their tomato juices, Saizo and his lackies had walked up to them. "Hey pretty lady, stop hanging around this loser and come chill with a real man." Saizo said as he grabbed Moka by the arm and forcefully yanked her up, causing her to spill her drink. "Get your hands off of me! Tsukune, help!" She said as she started to struggle with tears in the corners of her eyes. Without even thinking, Tsukune stood up and grabbed ahold of Saizo's wrist with his eyes blazing a crimson red. "Let her go." But Saizo just laughed, not taking the vampire seriously at all. "What are you going to do about it?" Tsukune smirked as he started to squeeze tighter on his wrist, effectively shattering his bones with no effort at all. Siazo fell to his knees and started howling in pain as he released Moka who hid behind Tsukune. "That's what I'm going to do about it. And if you pull another stunt like that again, I'll show you even more. Are we clear?"

Saizo's lackies had ran away after feeling Tsukune's murderous intent, but Saizo still held his ground even though he was injured now. "You damn vampire! You'll pay for this! You better watch your back, and your stupid bitch too!" He yelled as he stood up and ran away to regroup with his friends. Moka sighed of relief knowing that Tsukune was able to scare them off. "Wow Tsukune, you must be really strong. You weren't even scared at all!" Tsukune chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks, Moka. But should you really be surprised? I am a vampire after all." Moka then played with her fingers as she blushed lightly. "Well, still… Thank you for protecting me." The vampire smiled as he rubbed the pink haired girls head affectionately which only caused her to blush more. "Don't mention it. Since you can't fight because of your seal, then I will personally be the one to protect you. It's the least I can do for my friend." Moka couldn't help but feel overfilled with emotions as she hugged him tightly and buried her face into his stern chest. "Thank you!"

School had ended for the day and Tsukune was on his way back to the male dorms, ready to unwind and unpack his stuff that was already shipped to his dorm room. "Today was pretty eventful. People are already talking about me no doubt spreading rumors, and then there's Moka…" He said as he thought about his precious pink haired Moka. A blush spread across his cheeks, thinking about the moment when he finally reveals to her that he was in fact the fiancé that she's been talking about nonstop. It would be a shame though if her seal were to be removed since he really didn't want to see the other version of her. Though he doubted that that would happen anytime soon. As he walked, he heard a scream off in the distance, and he could instantly sense trouble. "And the entertainment doesn't seem to stop. Alright then. I'm game." He sighed as he strayed off his path and diverged into the woods where the scream had come from.

Moka was pinned against a tree, frightened while she stared at the unsightly monster form of Saizo who revealed himself to be an Orc. He had grown three times his size and his body was rippled with muscles that looked ready to burst through his skin. He used his long slimy tongue to caress all over Moka's body who whimpered underneath his disgusting touches. "Let me go!" But Saizo only laughed sadistically as he walked over to her and pinned her arms above her head and started unbuttoning her blazer with his clawed hand. "Stop struggling, you aren't getting away from me this time. Your little vampire isn't here to protect you so you're all mine for the taking!" From behind him, Tsukune had appeared in the clearing and flared his demonic energy which caused Saizo to momentarily stop his assault. "Are you sure about that? Didn't I tell you what would happen if you tried to pull something like this again?" Saizo released Moka who slumped to the ground exhausted after enduring all that torture.

Saizo raised his arms as he let out a deafening monstrous shrill that vibrated throughout the entire forest. "Why do you keep getting in my way vampire?! You're just begging for a beat down aren't you?!" Tsukune chuckled darkly as he glared at him with his red piercing eyes, a dark purple energy swirling around his feet as bats whipped around him. "That's funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you." Saizo growled as he lunged forward and in one swift motion, Tsukune lifted his foot up and high kicked him right in the chest, sending him flying and crashing into a tree and effectively knocking him out in just one blow. But Tsukune wasn't done, no. He needed to put this fool in his place. He walked over with his demonic aura still swirling around him as he walked over to Saizo's unconscious body and proceeded to stomp him in the chest, making him wake up and scream out in pain as his ribs shattered. "I thought you were going to kick my ass, that's what you said right?" Saizo was trembling beneath him as he tried to block another blow with his arms, but Tsukune descended his foot on him once more and this time broke his arm in half, with his bone sticking out of his skin.

"Enough! No more, please! You win man!" He said as he clutched his broken arm to his chest, but Tsukune grabbed him around the neck and held him high in the air as he started to suffocate him. "Tsukune! Stop! You don't have to kill him, I'm okay!" Said Moka who was now back on her feet and ran to hug him from behind, calming him down from his rampage as he released a coughing Saizo who was gasping for breath. "Take this as a lesson then and spread the news of who did this to you. If you, or any other scum bag come for my Moka ever again, then I won't be so merciful next time. Consider you and those other future fools dead if you cross me again." Saizo had reverted back into his human form and ran away, screaming his head off like bloody murder as he fleed away from the blood thirsty vampire. Tsukune sighed, sad that the fight was already over and smiled as he turned around and hugged Moka back while he rubbed his face in her flower scented hair. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Moka looked up at him, with her heart beating in her chest as their faces started to slowly get closer. "Y-yes Tsukune, I'm fine. Thank you…"

Tsukune too was now blushing as he placed a hand on her cheek and leaned down for a kiss, but before their lips could meet, he traced his hand down to her neck and accidentally took a hold of her Rosario, yanking it off without any effort at all. The pair stopped after hearing the clank of metal and looked at each other confused. "Did you just?" Moka said as she stared at the Rosario that was now in his hand. "Yeah, I think I did." Before too long, her body was enveloped in that same purple glow that previously was around Tsukune, as her true vampire power was released. Tsukune shielded his eyes from the blinding light, and when it settled, instead of the adorable innocent Moka standing in the embrace of his arms was now the silver haired version of her with those same piercing red eyes with cat like slits, that stared up at his with a dangerous expression.

"Who dares wake me up from my sleep?" She said threateningly. Tsukune gulped as he sensed her immense aura that rivaled his own. "It's good to see you again Moka…" He said with a cheeky smile as she tilted her head in confusion. After a few seconds of contemplation, her eyes widened when she finally recognized his face. He was much more handsome now than when he was a child, but her hatred for him still burned like hot fire as she stared at him. "You again?!" Tsukune chuckled nervously, and accidentally squeezed her body a little tighter which caused her to jump. Moka noticed their embarrassing awkward embrace as she looked at the ground with her aura growing even more intense. "N-now calm down Moka. Let's not freak out here! We haven't seen each other in such a long time and-" "And you thought it was okay to try and take advantage of me while my other naïve persona was out? Tsukune Aono…" She said menacingly as Tsukune quicky released her with sweat dripping down his face. "LEARN YOUR PLACE!" She yelled out as she kicked him in the stomach sending him flying back as he crashed into a conveniently placed rock, little bats now flying around his head. Well, there goes his chance at getting them to start over. They were now back at square one.