
Black Tiger with a System

After Thiago sacrifices himself to save a woman, he awakens in a mystical cultivation world as a black tiger with supernatural abilities and a mysterious system. He navigates a world filled with rival factions, discovering his true purpose and pushing the limits of his newfound strength. *If you want to support me: patreon.com/WangLing3 *The cover is not mine. If the creator wants to take it down, write to me and I will take it down. *English is not my first language, so please bear with any grammar or word mistakes.

WangLing3 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Preparations for the opening of the new restaurant

Twenty minutes later, Thiago was done with that and then took a look with his soul sense into the spatial ring he had received from the man before, as the soul imprint on it had already been shattered the moment the man had died.

Inside, Thiago could see many herbs as well as many books and furnaces, which made him suspect that the man had been a real alchemist and had not only tried to make this human flesh pill but had been an alchemist in the true sense of the word, or at least had tried to be one.

'Alchemy, interesting, maybe I will have a look at that later,' Thiago thought before taking his eyes off those things and looking for the plaque that was more important to him for now.

"Damn, where did that bastard put the plaque," Thiago cursed as he searched for a long time without finding it, until he suddenly saw a thing that could possibly be the plaque, lying in a cauldron for whatever reason it had been placed there.

"There you are, I finally found you," Thiago muttered as he inspected the tablet with his Soul Sense and roughly confirmed that this must be the tablet he was looking for, as it contained things like the confirmation of the identity of the building's owner and such.

Although the name on the plaque at the moment was 'Arthrey Xi', which should be the name of the previous owner and not his own, Thiago was pretty sure that it should be fairly easy to change this name, otherwise how would other people settle transactions involving houses.

After he was already quite sure that this plaque was the right one, Thiago removed the plague from the spatial ring with his soul sense so that it appeared before him, and he took it into his hands and felt the material a little out of curiosity.

It felt like a smooth polished jade which seemed to be often used in many things as Thiago had noticed since coming to Half-Moon town.

"I guess they really have a certain liking for jade;" Thiago mumbled as he further inspected the plaque with his soul sense and soon found the way on how to change his name.

"Ah, so it works like that, quite a good solution I have to admit, which would fool many people who get such a plaque by underhanded means, unfortunately they met me, heh" Thiago chuckled as he prepared to change the name inscription on the plaque.

"And... done," Thiago exclaimed as he had finished changing the name on the plaque into his own name, which indicated that he was the house's new official owner- without having had to pay anything.

"Wow, so that's how I came to own my first house in this world, Haha how truly unforeseeable," Thiago lamented when he carefully thought about it.

"Well, maybe it is not so uncommon to get a house the way I did, maybe I am still thinking too conservatively with my out outlook on the world," Thiago thought out loud in the next second.

"Anyway, I should not worry so much about that, I should rather get some decorations for this house and turn the lower floor into a shop now, oh and I should tell Armelia that she can start working from now on, she should be enough to decorate the shop and everything, just let me be a relaxed and easy-going shopkeeper, heh." Thiago said to himself.

Subsequently Thiago sent a message with the communication talisman to Armelia who should receive the message soon and it only depended on whether she would immediately see it or if she did not have the talisman in her at all, which would naturally delay the time in which she would see the message.

After that Thiago opened the system shop as he had decided to buy some things needed for a shop or at least he thought that were needed and necessary. All things he wanted to buy were cheap anyway as they were nothing special.

He bought a sign, which he would later hang outside the building, with 'TFC' written on it, alluding to 'KFC', a popular fast food restaurant chain in Thiago's previous life, which stood for Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Thiago changed the "K" to a "T" so that his three letters stood for Thiago's Fried Chicken, which he thought was a funny name, anyway nobody here in this world would know it anyway, so the name did not really matter, and he was not planning on just selling chicken, which KFC did not do either, it was just the name, so who cared.

There were many other names that Thiago could have chosen, but somehow, even though he had never been to KFC in his previous life, having worked for their rivals MC Ronalds, it was the first one that came to mind, so he did not bother changing it and would use it for now.

The reason why there was "TFC" written on the sign already when buying it, was because Thiago was able to search exactly for such a sign in the advanced search, and as one could buy literally everything in the system shop it was no problem to find such a sign.

Having already finished buying the signboard, Thiago next bought some wooden chairs, but nothing modern or such as he did not really want to attract too much attention keeping aside whether the food would attract attention, which was still easier to explain by for example having found a secret recipe in an ancient ruin or in a faraway land or it being an old inheritance or such.

Anyway, one could definetely speak nonsense and it would still sound believable, but if he took out some modern equipment it would be a little bit different as it would not be so easily explainable where he got them form and how he as a small shop owner was able to get them and where he got the from.

Obviously, these were just examples, but it could really cause some problems in the future, which was the reason why Thiago had decided to keep everything normal in his restaurant except the food which was the easiest to explain.

This would remain the case until he was strong enough not to be afraid of anyone, which was still a long way off, at least for the time being, as he did not even know the Red Star's maximum strength, but Thiago was sure that if he continued to make steady progress, it would not be long before he became extremely strong, otherwise he would be too ashamed to be a person with a golden finger.

After he had bought the chairs and tables, he was already quite satisfied and at that moment he also received a response form Armelia's side and she asked where she should be coming to as she had no idea yet where Thiago's restaurant was.

"Oops, I forgot to mention that" Thiago mumbled a little embarrassed, nevertheless he quickly described where he was and how he had come there form the inn as he had no idea how to explain otherwise since there were no street names, at least he had seen none for now, maybe he had just overlooked them.

After he had explained the way and the location to the best, he could only hope for her to be able to find the place, well it was not as if he had no other ways, if that did not work, but it was naturally the best if she was able to find it by herself.

While he waited for Armelia, he also made some preparations, emptying the man's spatial ring completely and putting all its contents into his own spatial ring, so that he could buy some fast food in large qualities from the system shop and store it in the now empty spatial ring, so that he would not even need to be present when the restaurant was open in the future.

[System Shop]- - - [1617261 points]

[General search: McRonalds Burger]


[5 Points]

[Hamburger: The Classic McRonald's Burger

The traditional McRonald's Hamburger commences with a 100% pure beef patty that's delicately seasoned with a touch of salt and pepper. Subsequently, it is garnished with a tangy pickle, chopped onions, ketchup, and mustard, resulting in a classic and satisfying flavour.]

[5 points]

[Big Mac®

Description: The Big Mac® by McRonald's is an exceptional 100% beef burger, made with two all-beef patties, Big Mac® sauce, and sesame seed buns. It is topped with American cheese, shredded lettuce, finely chopped onions, and pickles.]

[5 points]

[Double Quarter Pounder®

Description: (…)]

[5 points]


Description: (…)]


'Well, let's buy a thousand of each first, that should last for a while.' Thiago thought and was about to buy them when it occurred to him that there might be a way to get them cheaper if he just bought the ingredients for each burger in large quantities and then let the future workers assemble the burgers themselves, which should not be too difficult.

'Wait, this would work, but it would certainly be easier if that step of having to assemble the burgers could be omitted, well lets first see if there is a way to buy the burgers in large quantities for cheaper.' Thiago thought further as he searched in the system shop for 'McRonalds burgers large quantities'.

And surprisingly the same burgers as before appeared before him with the only difference that they were now in huge quantities with a lower price if calculated per burger.

One example was the Big Mac® which had costed five system points per burger before, and now it looked slightly different.

[7500 points]

[5000 x Big Mac®

Description: Five thousand times The Big Mac® by McRonald's]

After a quick calculation, Thiago came to the conclusion that the price per unit was only 1.5 system points and had been reduced by three and a half points, which was a large amount when you buy in large quantities, as he was about to do.

And when he looked at the prices of the other burgers, Thiago saw that the price difference per burger was not exactly the same, but still about the same.

"Phew, good that I looked for these burgers in large quantities, otherwise I would have been completely cheated out of my system points." Thiago muttered as he let out a deep sigh of relief, because even though these amounts of system points were not that much for him at the moment, it was better not to spend them unnecessarily if possible, because Thiago could never know if he would need them urgently at some point in the future, and then it would be too late to cry if he had none or far too few left.

"Well then, let's buy them," Thiago muttered as he selected all the burgers and left the amount at five thousand per burger, although he could actually increase the amount, but Thiago thought that he didn't need that much right now and the amount he was about to buy was absolutely enough, also due to the fact that his restaurant hadn't even opened yet.

[Are you sure you want to spend 31200 System points to buy the selected items?]

Thiago immediately approved the question and the even though nothing appeared before him, Thiago was not feeling weird as he had already learned in the recent period of time to let items bought form The systems shop appear in a by him designated place instead of always appearing straight before him which was many times more convenient and better than before.

So when he peered into the prepared spatial ring with his soul sense, he could see a couple of extremely large crates containing the burgers.

"Well, then the next thing to do would be to buy some drinks, I guess," Thiago muttered, when he was suddenly interrupted by a knocking at the door downstairs.

'Huh, is it Armelia? Or someone who came to find Arthrey Xi?' Thiago thought immediately and was relieved when he scanned the outside with his Soul Sense and saw that it was Armelia standing in front of the door instead of someone else.

So, Thiago immediately went down to the first floor to open the door...

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