
Black Tiger with a System

After Thiago sacrifices himself to save a woman, he awakens in a mystical cultivation world as a black tiger with supernatural abilities and a mysterious system. He navigates a world filled with rival factions, discovering his true purpose and pushing the limits of his newfound strength. *If you want to support me: patreon.com/WangLing3 *The cover is not mine. If the creator wants to take it down, write to me and I will take it down. *English is not my first language, so please bear with any grammar or word mistakes.

WangLing3 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Buying a Shop, falling into a trap?

The next day, after saying goodbye to Faye, Thiago left the inner world directly and reappeared in his untouched room in the inn where he had disappeared before.

'Yes, I guessed right, it is already morning,' Thiago thought as he looked out of the small window that was the only source of light he could see in his small room at the moment.

There he could see that it was already quite bright outside, and he could see a small number of people walking along the road next to the inn, either carrying some items or on their way somewhere.

Seeing this Thiago did not bother to continue watching and turned his gaze away from the window to the door of his room.

"I might as well find a location and buy a shop today since I already bought some money from the system shop which should be enough." Thiago muttered as he walked towards the door, opening it and then closing it behind him after he had gone through.

This time, however, unlike the last time he had entered the inn and then his room, Thiago actually met a person as he left his room, because across from his room a woman who was neither beautiful nor ugly, just average looking, left her room at the same time and their eyes collided in mid-air for a second as Thiago looked at her and she looked at him.

Although the woman did not appear to be beautiful, her eyes were jade green and gave her a somewhat charming look, but Thiago did not look at her too closely and after a brief glance, he averted his gaze and turned to the left, walking down the corridor to leave the inn.

Meanwhile, the woman gave him only a quick second glance, her eyes gleaming a little as if she had seen something interesting and muttered when she saw that Thiago had already left: "Oh, how interesting, that boy did not seem to be the least bit captivated by my special jadeite eyes. Or was he not looking at them? Yes, that must be it, how could a mere boy in the novice realm not be attracted to the abilities of my jadeite special eyes? I guess I was thinking wrong, and besides, if it were true, it would mean that the boy must be some kind of genius, and what kind of genius would stay in such a cheap inn, well, besides me, cough, cough."

She left the inn shortly after Thiago did, but in a different direction, with an unclear destination.

And by that time, she had already forgotten the red-haired boy whose real name was Thiago, as if they had never met, because she had told herself that it was only because he had never looked into her special eyes that he had not been affected by her special eye ability, and she had already come to the conclusion that this must be the truth and that he was definitely not some kind of genius.

In truth, it was only because Thiago's mental strength was too strong, even passively, for him to be drawn into her special eye ability.

But it was just as well for Thiago that she had forgotten about him for now, because it was usually a bad thing to be remembered by someone you knew nothing about and whose background you did not know.

Thiago, who had already left the inn, did not think too much about this brief encounter in the corridor. The only thing that made him feel a little strange was that the woman's realm, as far as he could sense it, was around the eighth level of the Student Realm, which was already quite strong.

He found this strange because with such a realm it should be absolutely no problem to be able to afford a better inn, but this was not something he needed to worry about as this was everyone's own business and had nothing to do with him, so he quickly discarded all these useless thoughts and concentrated on finding a good location for his shop, well, and of course the shop itself.

So now, after half an hour of walking through a few streets, he came across something that made his face light up, for it could very well be that he had found something suitable.

'Well, let's have a look at this,' Thiago thought as he approached a rather normal looking pale white painted two storey building with a sign on the entrance that read: "For sale, at least ten thousand spirit gold" on the side of this street with not so much flow of people as he seemed to have unknowingly walked into a rather poor district, well maybe not exactly poor but definitely less lively and less crowded.

However, Thiago did not care whether he would be able to make a lot of profit or have a lot of customers, these were not in his considerations, so this place was quite good in his opinion.

Thus, he walked towards that building and knocked on the wooden door to see if anyone was at home.

And fortunately, after about ten seconds of waiting, the door was indeed opened by a man who looked to be in his thirties, with an unkempt beard and a few strands of hair hanging down his face, giving him something of a hooligan look. The man also had something, even though he tried his best to hide it, of an evil, or rather cunning, temperament, which was also evident in his piercing eyes and angular face.

Nevertheless, Thiago was not the least bit concerned about the man's appearance, although the man's temperament made him pay a little attention and reminded him to remain cautious.

However, when he scanned the man's cultivation realm, he was relieved to see that the man only had the strength of the ninth level of the student realm, so he would certainly be able to handle him in a fight if anything happened. Still, Thiago did not underestimate the man and decided to remain cautious.

All of this assessment of the man's temperament, appearance, and cultivation realm was done by Thiago in a fraction of a second, and there was no abnormality in Thiago's facial expression, and the man across from him who had just opened the door did not see anything in Thiago's behaviour either.

Thiago also acted normally and formally introduced his purpose for knocking on the door: "Hello, I saw your sign on the building, is it still for sale? If so, I came to buy it today."

"Oh, this is great, I have been hoping for a long time that someone would buy this building, as I really need the money, so you can come in and we will discuss this business, okay?" The man replied and seemed to be in a good mood when he heard Thiago's purpose for coming here, after which he also secretly checked out Thiago's cultivation realm, or so he thought. When he saw that Thiago's realm was only at the first level of the novice realm, the man was happy inside but showed no abnormality on the outside.

Although he was not quite sure whether Thiago was an adult or a boy, it did not matter to him.

"Sure," Thiago replied, following the man through the door and then into a small hallway where various utensils were stored, from some sort of what looked like cauldrons to various materials such as different metals and ores that Thiago was not yet familiar with.

"Sorry for the mess, I wasn't expecting anyone to visit today," the man apologised for the chaos in the hallway.

"Oh, don't worry, it's entirely my fault for coming in so suddenly," Thiago said, to which the man responded with a few polite words, just the usual polite remarks between adults.

Then, having passed the end of the short corridor, they came into a living room where the man pointed to a comfortable chair for Thiago to sit in first, while he went to make some tea in a room next door.

While the man was making the tea, Thiago looked around the room, but found that there was nothing special about it, just five chairs made of an unknown material that looked like leather, and a low table that was probably used for drinking tea, well, to put the teacups on.

There was also a small bookshelf with a few books in one corner of the room, and just as Thiago was about to avert his gaze from this bookshelf, which he did not consider important, he saw the title of one of the few old, dilapidated, ancient looking books on its spine. – 'On how to refine human bodies to create alchemy' and was immediately attracted and even shocked.

'What? You can't be serious, surely? Wait, could it be - maybe,' Thiago thought directly.

Just then he also took a glance at the book next to the one just now and was left speechless immediately.

The title of this book was not really better than the previous one - 'Recipes on how to congeal various human meat pills'

'Damn, there is definitely something wrong with this guy, and here I was thinking that maybe I had misjudged him before.' Thiago thought as he was already sure that the man who was making tea had a deep and evil secret, judging by the two books he had just seen.

Just as he was about to look at the title of the next book, he heard the door open, which made him stop immediately and pretend that he had been sitting there peacefully the whole time, seemingly lost in thought.

"I brought the tea," the man said after entering the room through the open door, handing Thiago a cup before putting the full tin on the table and sitting down on a chair opposite Thiago, also with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Well then, before we get down to business, my name is Chu Tian" the man began taking a sip of his tea, which made Thiago look down at his cup as well, but he could see immediately that something was wrong, but he first also introduced himself: "Nice to meet you my name is Han Jue" This name was undoubtedly a fake name but Thiago saw no reason why he should tell his real name if the man opposite him had no good intentions anyway, since he gave him poisoned tea to drink.

"Nice to meet you, well then let's discuss business." The man returned the greetings.

Thiago guessed that the tea was poisoned with a certain odourless and colourless poison, as he would have not been able to tell that something was wrong with that tea if it weren't for his powerful soul sense that had immediately sensed it.

Nevertheless, Thiago immediately was not the least bit scared of this poison as he firstly had the poison affinity and thereby already had a certain amount of resistance against poison, but secondly, he had no intention of drinking the tea at all and had a way more sophisticated way of not coming into contact with the poison at all.

His idea was to pretend to drink the tea but when the tea would be about to reach into his mouth, he would just transfer the tea into his inner world, well obviously not somewhere near Faye but somewhere where she had no access to, in the inner world, which would be extremely far away from the mansion.

Having already decided on this, Thiago did not hesitate and lifted the cup to his lips and then made it look as if he was really swallowing the tea whereas he in reality just transferred the tea to his inner world.

And judging from the man's slight upward curvature of the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he had felt that Thiago had really already drank the poisoned tea.

"I would like to buy your building and as you said it will need at least ten thousand spirit gold, and I am willing to pay that exact amount without haggling about the price to get ownership of this building as soon as possible. What do you think?" Thiago spoke up after having taken a sip of his tea in order to find out what the man's objective was, even though he could just stop this farce now, which would be no problem with his strength, but it was just that he was really curious what the man was going to do and regarded this all just as a play or as some kind of entertainment for himself.

"This offer is naturally great if you really don't want to haggle about the price than I am willing to directly sell this building to you, because as I mentioned earlier, I am really in need of money at the moment." The man replied to which Thiago nodded and then asked the man: "Should I pay directly, as I have enough money with me?"

"No, I don't think that will be necessary anymore, right, don't you feel that you are getting kind of sleepy?" The man asked as if he had just counted down the time and was already ready to shed his pretence, while also looking at Thiago smilingly with a hint of deep malice in his eyes who did not change his expression and also did not pretend anymore and also looked at the man smilingly so that his razor sharp teeth were sticking out and were looking intimidating and dangerous...

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