
Black Tiger with a System

After Thiago sacrifices himself to save a woman, he awakens in a mystical cultivation world as a black tiger with supernatural abilities and a mysterious system. He navigates a world filled with rival factions, discovering his true purpose and pushing the limits of his newfound strength. *If you want to support me: patreon.com/WangLing3 *The cover is not mine. If the creator wants to take it down, write to me and I will take it down. *English is not my first language, so please bear with any grammar or word mistakes.

WangLing3 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Breaking through and devouring the human corpses

After the subordinate left the room to obey the man's instruction, the room fell silent again, and only the man could be seen sitting there in complete silence, seemingly thinking of something.

"Heh, even though I don't care about the younger brother's useless bastard son with almost no talent, the fact that someone might have done something to him is still a slap in my Wang family's face! Whoever tarnishes the reputation of my Wang family must be killed! The man muttered while narrowing his eyes, and as he reached the last part of the sentence, a faint yet majestic killing intent was revealed from his body, which shortly after receded and disappeared, causing the room to revert to silence...

As Thiago had already finished telling Faye about his experience, he told her to continue her practice and then left the mansion to the empty outside, where he emptied his spatial storage space where he had previously stored the corpses that had appeared in the tavern because of him, as they were the witnesses that he had killed.

The reason he did not do this in the mansion was simply because he did not want to stain anything with the blood that might still be spurting from these headless corpses once he removed them from the spatial necklace.

After that, a small mound of the various corpses formed in front of him, which he then looked at, feeling a little strange inside, as these corpses were completely different from the ones he usually dealt with.

The difference lay in their race, as they were human bodies and not the bodies of some beasts, but this did not really hinder Thiago in what he was about to do, it just made him feel a little different and that was all.

"Alright, time to see how many system points I can get from them," Thiago muttered before activating his Black Hole skill, which he had not used in a while.

Now that Thiago was already in the Superior Student Realm, the Black Hole had also grown in size and its pull had increased accordingly, causing these low level and light human corpses, none of which had any power above the Student Realm, to be easily sucked into the dark vortex, many at a time.

Immediately, he saw many notifications pop up, one after the other, on the light curtain that was the system panel in front of him.

[Received: 274 System points]

[Received: 96 System points]

[Received: 725 System points]

[Received: 351 System points]


"Well, not bad, I guess," Thiago muttered as he looked at the many rows of notifications and then roughly counted the points, coming to the approximate conclusion that the points he had just received were about four thousand points, which was not so much considering his current point total which was well over one million and six hundred thousand, but it was never bad to get free system points, so Thiago would certainly not be so unreasonable as to complain.

Thiago was completely unaware that he had also devoured the artefact that the middle-aged majestic man surnamed Wang had mentioned earlier in the conversation between him and his subordinate, which had been in one of the pockets of the corpse of the member of the Blue Moon Hunters group who had harassed Armelia earlier.

Not that the artefact was of any use now that the man was already dead. The poor fellow had not even had time to activate his treasure or call for help before he was decapitated.

Even if he had not devoured it, since its owner was already dead, and since the artefact could not transmit any signals from Thiago's inner world to the outside world, Captain Hu, who was searching for Master Wang's nephew, had absolutely no way of receiving any signals from the artefact.

After that, Thiago went back to the mansion, and the whole thing, including getting there and devouring the corpses, had taken no more than maybe two minutes, which was incredibly fast.

Now reappearing in the pool area, he saw that Faye was cultivating at the side of the pool, while also lying on one of the sun loungers, although that sun lounger did not seem to be far from breaking, as Faye was a tiger, and that sun lounger was definitely not made to carry that kind of weight.

Thiago didn't really care if the sun lounger broke, as it would be really cheap to replace, so he left Faye alone and decided to cultivate as well, as he wanted to get back on track with his cultivation, which hadn't progressed much over the past few days, as he had been training Faye or practising his techniques most of the time.

So he chose another recliner some distance away from Faye, so as not to disturb her with possible mana fluctuations caused by his cultivation, and lay down comfortably, closing his eyes.

You would think that Thiago would be sitting cross-legged while cultivating, but he chose to lie down comfortably, which makes you wonder if there was something wrong with his head, or if he simply had another reason.

Actually, the reason for this was that Thiago found that it made absolutely no difference whether he lay down comfortably while cultivating or whether he sat cross-legged.

Maybe it was true that other cultivators had to sit in the lotus position while they cultivated in order to get the best flow of mana, but for Thiago, it was definitely pure nonsense, and he could cultivate however he wanted, no matter what position he was in, Heck, he could even cultivate in a handstand if he wanted to.

It seemed that his body structure was slightly different from others, or his technique was simply superior, so he did not have to worry about his posture while cultivating.

This meant that he could now cultivate comfortably while lying down - was there anything better than getting stronger while lying down? Well, there was, being able to get stronger without having to do anything, but for Thiago, being able to cultivate while lying down was already quite pleasant.

Thiago felt that his cultivation speed had slowed down a bit since he had reached the superior student realm, but it was still extremely fast, and he felt that he was already approaching the late stage of the first stage of the superior student realm.

Well, this was obviously not just the result of this short cultivation session so far, but rather the cumulative effect of all the few times he had cultivated since he had advanced to the superior student realm some time ago.

The seconds slowly turned into minutes and then seamlessly into hours, so that five hours had already passed since Thiago had entered his cultivation state, and he was just about to break through to the next small realm, having already reached the peak of the first level of the Superior Student realm two hours ago.

Then, twenty minutes later, a small vortex suddenly formed above Thiago's body, furiously sucking in the surrounding mana and then transferring it into Thiago's body, where it was drawn into his demon core and successively purified, compressed and stored. This obviously indicated and initiated his breakthrough to the next small stage.

This process took about five minutes until the demon core was saturated and an explosion, which only Thiago could hear, occurred within his body as the thin illusory barrier between the first and second levels of the Superior Student Realm was broken, and he successfully progressed to the next small stage.

Suddenly Thiago's eyes opened as he felt he had successfully made the breakthrough.

Although he seemed quiet calm on the outside, he was actually extremely surprised that the had been able to break through so easily as he had just recently advanced to the superior student realm.

'I thought it would take me at least another day before when I started this cultivation session, well better earlier then alter, no?' Thiago thought.

If any cultivators in the outside world were to hear his thoughts, they would surely curse Thiago and scold him to death for his impudence, because how could they know that someone could really break through so quickly?

Normally, even for an extremely outstanding genius, it would take at least half a month to break through from the first level to the second level in this realm, depending on the resources available. And that time would increase after each breakthrough. So it was clear why outsiders would consider Thiago to be a madman and crazy for daring to utter such words.

Just then he also saw the usual system notification that appear every time he made a breakthrough.

[Congratulations! You have advanced: 2nd Tier of the Superior Student realm]

After a quick glance at the message, he also shifted his gaze from the system panel to Faye, who seemed to have been awakened from her cultivation state by his unexpected breakthrough and was now staring at him with an inquiring gaze that seemed to ask him why he was able to break through again in such a short time.

Thiago pretended not to see anything and instead made a statement: "I'm sorry for disturbing your cultivation state just now, next time I will cultivate somewhere else."

"No!" Faye immediately rejected his proposal, which immediately confused Thiago, who had no idea why Faye's reaction was so sudden and asked uncertainly: "What do you mean by 'no'?"

"Um, this self thinks it would be a bit boring for you to cultivate all by yourself, don't you think?" Faye replied a little vaguely, and it seemed to be only half true, which made Thiago feel a little strange, but at this moment, he did not think too much about it, because he had really thought about her before, because he did not want to unnecessarily disturb her cultivation in the future due to some breakthrough.

"Are you sure?" he asked for confirmation.

"Yes" she replied concisely as if she wanted to quickly be done with that topic.

"All right," Thiago conceded, and just as he was about to say something, Faye interrupted him and congratulated him:" This lady congratulates you for your breakthrough just now, seeing you break through again, this lady guesses that you might possibly have a tenth of this princess's talent, which is already quite strong".

At first, when Thiago listened to this, he was quite happy that she was congratulating him, but when he heard the second part, where she claimed that he had a tenth of her talent, and that only possibly, his eyes twitched a little, because he was quite speechless at her arrogance.

Calm down, this is normal and nothing to feel strange about, considering her personality", Thiago kept telling himself for a few moments before his mind returned to a calm state and he seemed like a peaceful ancient well that nothing could disturb.

It seemed that talking to Faye from time to time could strengthen one's state of mind and mental fortitude, as Thiago had just experienced at first hand.

"Thank you for your congratulations and your praise that I might have a tenth of your talent," Thiago thanked her with a calmed mind.

"Speaking of which, how far do you think you are from breaking through to the second level of the student realm, Faye?" Thiago asked Faye curiously, for although he could tell her cultivation realm by sensing her aura and such, he was not exactly sure how far she was from breaking through, he could only guess.

"I might need a few days to reach the fourth level of the student realm." Faye replied after thinking about the question of how long it would take her and apparently doing some rough calculations in her head.

"Well, not bad, you are already quite fast." Thiago complimented and then said: "Well, I will go to my room now to sleep and tomorrow I will go back to the city, so you can practice during the time I will be gone.

"Good night then!"

"Good night!"

After that, Thiago went to his room while Faye practiced for a while, until she also went back to the mansion to relax and sleep about forty minutes later.

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* 2049 words

*if you wish to support me: patreon.com/WangLing3

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