
Black String of Fate

"Is Fate the excuse of the forsaken, is Free Will the delusion of the chosen?" Such was a question that Xavier, the Demon King, never had the chance to ask himself. As he lay defeated, awaiting his death, he wondered about the wretched life he lived. 'The hero who killed me, the one who held the same ambitions as me. We both wanted good for the people, for the world. We are both two sides of the same coin, yet, fate decided that he will be the one the light will shine on. Perhaps it was me too, perhaps it was my karma for flowing the rivers of blood with my sword. But still... It was fate that squashed the humanity in me first! Damn fate, if I had one more chance, I would've lived for myself more, I wouldn't have taken this arbitrary role of being a necessary evil... This world, this game of destiny... It can burn to ashes for all I care.' As he sunk into the cold embrace of death, a certain [REDACTED] heard his dying wish with amusement and cast their die, reversing the wheel of time one last time and going all in on him on a risky gamble with the stakes of their world. ************** Discord Server: https://discord.gg/GkVmSkr8

Audatic · ファンタジー
96 Chs

Xavier's Stats (1)


"Welcome back, admin. How was my chosen?"

"Haha, I have no words. I see why you have chosen him, even at such a great cost."

"You see? I told you that it was the right choice, but those old fools thought that I went crazy again…

But, I have to ask this…

How dare you mess with his destiny?"

In an empty realm with the ground made out of a chessboard pattern, a classy wooden table with tea arranged for two people, the admin and a child who looked to be around six sat while sipping tea.

None of them emitted any aura, they looked like the most ordinary beings one could find. But, they were far from ordinary.

They were gods, full-fledged gods with their own divinity and power of miracles.

The admin, who was the avatar of a particular god, set down his cup as he spoke.

"Azaleth. Are you threatening me?"

"...Are you taking this as one?"
