

Paul Veussia was a young and talented boy. But his future potential put him in a life and death situation. A life-and-death situation, so life-and-death that no one has lived for years. And you know what happened? She lived. He lived and continued to grow stronger, destroying his enemies one by one, continuing the legend of the one who gave him power while creating the legend of the 'Black Wizard'. ( Sorcery : Wizard - Sorcerer - Wizard - Master of Magic - Grandmaster of Magic - Saint of Magic - Great Saint of Magic - Lord of Magic - Emperor of Magic / Each is divided into Beginner - Low - Middle - High - Peak level. ) ( Martialism : Fighter - Warrior - Weapon Master - Weapon Grandmaster - Weapon Saint - Weapon Great Saint - Weapon Lord - Weapon Emperor / Each divided into Beginner - Low - Medium - High - Peak level. ) (Note: The 'Weapons' listed here vary according to the warrior's mastery. A swordsman is recognized as a 'Swordsman' while a spearman is recognized as a 'Spearmaster').

Ah_ren · ファンタジー
6 Chs


That day Veussia Manor was in a state of complete excitement. Paul Veussia, the youngest son of the house, had awakened his mana sense two days earlier and had become a real Magician.

The moment he awakened his mana sense, he immediately retreated to his room and started absorbing mana to create a mana core. Paul had always been a calm person since he was a little boy and now he was not excited. On his bed he calmly absorbed the mana into his body, concentrating it in his heart. With each passing second the mana became more dense. In two days, half of his core had already condensed. Two more days and he would become a Wizard. Once he reached the Sorcerer level, he would be able to control the mana.

He was deep in thought when suddenly the door to his room opened. Paul opened his eyes. It was his father, George Veussia, coming in. He looked at Paul.

"How's it going son, have you managed to get a good grasp of mana?"

"I have already condensed half of my mana core."

Hearing this, his father's mouth hung open for a moment.

"Well, being a warrior I don't really understand it, but shouldn't this normally take longer?"

"I thought so too, but I can do it, so I will."

His father started laughing.

"Hahaha, I was happy that you became a Magician when you were 14 and you say you will be a Sorcerer soon. Veussia my parents have really produced a genius."

Paul smiled as his father laughed.

"Did something happen in the meantime? I told the guards not to let anyone in except in case something important happened."

"Yes, I was held for a long time by my own family's guards when I entered my own son's room." George frowned but then turned to Paul as if something had occurred to him.

"You're halfway to wizard level, aren't you?"

"Yes, very close."

"Can you reach it in a week?"

"Easy, but did something really happen?"

Normally it takes at least a year for a Wizard to become a Sorcerer, but his father wanted him to reach it in a week.

"Actually, the City Lord invited us to his mansion for dinner a week later on Sunday to congratulate us. You know we don't get on very well, and I think he's trying to get closer to us now that you're a Wizard, so he'll reduce his competition with our shops, but if he sees my son become a Wizard in a week, we can eliminate the competition altogether and divide the city's trade completely. He is not a fool. He will understand the potential of someone who becomes a Wizard in a week. That's why I want you to become a Wizard."

Paul nodded as his father finished speaking.

"Please don't let anyone bother me during this one week. This way I have full confidence that I can become a Wizard."

His father smiled and left the room. Paul heard his father shout to the guards before he went back into meditation.

"If anyone or anything comes in that might disturb Paul, I will castrate you all, do you understand?"

Paul was smiling as he entered meditation.

-----A Week Later-----

Paul came out of his room. The sun was just overhead. He smiled and bowed to the guards.

"You can go back to your old positions and don't worry, no one will be castrated."

Hearing Paul's words, the guards returned to their old positions with a slight smile. Paul headed for the courtyard. A woman with light brown hair and eyes was standing there. A large amount of mana was gathering around her. The mana brought the wind with it and created a small tornado in the courtyard.

"Mother, you are damaging my brother's flowers."

The mana and wind around the woman suddenly stopped. The woman looked at Paul. "Little Paul, you have come out of meditation. Why don't you show your mother how much you have improved."

The woman took a defensive position. She gathered the mana around her. Paul smiled. He pointed his hand at his mother and focused the mana on his finger and threw it. He threw a line of mana at her. His mother suppressed the attack with her mana and looked at Paul with a surprised expression.

"Mana control, this is Wizard level! Little Paul you have become a Wizard!"

His mother ran and hugged Paul. Her face was full of happiness as she brought Paul to the brink of suffocation.

"Sylvia, could you please not drown my son? I don't want my son to be a dead Wizard." George followed Paul into the courtyard. He was smiling too.

Sylvia let Paul go without breaking her smile. "I wonder what the City Lord's face will look like when he finds out. He was ecstatic that his son became a Warrior in two years."

George approached Paul. "You finished just in time. That's good, now you can go and do what you want. Later this evening I'll send you some clothes to wear."

With these words, Paul left the courtyard. He headed for the entrance of the house. A man in blue and white robes stood in the doorway. His body didn't look strong, but from his posture alone you could tell he was intelligent. His black hair gave him an air of nobility and his sky-blue eyes seemed out of this world.

"Oh, little brother. You have come out of meditation. As far as I can see, you have also succeeded in becoming a Wizard. Congratulations."

"Nothing escapes your eyes, big brother. I have indeed reached the Sorcerer level, and now I can also feel the strange aura your eyes emit."

"My Angel's Eyes are a different entity. Even if you feel it, it will be hard for you to understand. Anyway, now that you are a Wizard, your big brother will give you a gift." He reached into his robes and pulled out a pouch and threw it to Paul. Paul caught it.

"Then I'm going for a walk, big brother." Paul smiled as he passed the man and started to walk into the city.

"Ah, he's really different from the other boys. Very calm, too calm." He turned to the guards as he entered the gate.

"Greetings, Mr. Aguille." He had a nice, innocent look on his face.

"Greetings, Young Master Luke."

At that moment Paul was looking at the pouch Luke had given him. Inside was ten gold pieces. For Paul, who spent about 20 pieces of silver a month, this was a lot of money. After all, 10 gold pieces were equivalent to 1000 silver pieces.

Even if his brother was a scholar, this money was not something that could be given easily. His brother had been really generous with the gift. While he was thinking these thoughts, he finally reached the place he wanted to go, the market area.

There was a different shop on every corner. Paul went into a small shop up ahead. The shop looked as if it had never been cleaned. There were cobwebs everywhere. The shelves were so old that the Spirit Stones on them looked as if they would collapse, even though they were light.

Behind the counter stood a man with a stubble beard and a hat. In the past, Paul wouldn't have even looked at this shop, let alone entered it. But there was something in this shop. He didn't know what it was, but it gave Paul a feeling that was both disturbing and attractive.

After walking around for a while, he approached the counter. He didn't know what was giving him this feeling, but he knew where this thing was. It was in a black box behind the counter. Paul pointed to the box with his hand. "Can you tell me what that is?"

The old man reluctantly got up and took the box, put it on the counter and opened it. Inside the box was a blood-red stone. After seeing the stone, he was even more attracted to it.

"I got this from a Master of Magic who apparently found it in the remains of a monster but couldn't figure out what it was. Neither do I."

"How much do you want for it?"

"Two gold pieces."

Paul's pupils dilated when he heard the price. Two gold pieces were worth 200 silver pieces, and that was the equivalent of ten months of Paul's expenses.

"You are asking too much for something you don't even know what it is. Can you give me a reason?"

There was cunning in the man's eyes. "It's something that even a Master of Magic wouldn't know what it is, so it has a chance of being valuable. Besides, no one would randomly come and ask about a box behind the counter, so even if that Magic Master doesn't know anything, you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked."

Paul bowed his head with a slight sadness. The man was right. What customer would come and ask about a box behind the counter that didn't even know what was in it?

"One gold piece. I won't give you more."

"Peh, cheapskate."

The man grumbled but held out his palm in a gesture of acceptance. When Paul took a gold coin out of his pouch and put it in the man's hand, the man closed the box and handed it to Paul. Paul put the box in his breast pocket. After leaving the shop, Paul wandered around the marketplace until it started to get dark. When he couldn't find anything else that interested him, he went back home. His father was pacing in the doorway. His face lit up when he saw Paul.

"You're here at last, Paul. I was afraid you were going to be late, so go inside and get changed. The clothes are in your room."

With that, his father went inside. He was going to change his clothes too.

Paul crossed the courtyard to his room and went in slowly. He put on the clothes on his bed and stood in front of the mirror. He was wearing white pants with gold embroidery. His shirt was also embroidered in gold and white. On his chest was a golden phoenix with the crest of the Veussia family.

Paul styled his dark brown hair with his hands and put the black box he had bought at the market in his breast pocket and left the room. When he got to the entrance of the house, his parents were waiting for him. His father was dressed just like him. A red scabbard was around his waist and the red hilt of the sword inside was visible.

His brother was still wearing his white-blue robe. His mother wore a dazzling silver dress.

Together they got into the carriage and began to talk. The City Lord's reaction, the division of trade, and the reaction of more City Lords.

As the carriage approached the manor house, Paul looked out of the window. Paul didn't normally leave the house much, and if he did, it was to the market place, so these areas were new to him.

Outside was a bottomless hole with no formation or seal protection other than the 6 soldiers around it. When his father saw Paul looking, he explained.

"The Abyss is said to be the place where thousands of years ago the gods executed dragons who defied the heavens. That hole opens into an endless void and there is no way out. It's what gave Dragon City its name. Nowadays it is used as a means of execution."

"Why are there no formations around such a dangerous place?"

"All mechanical spells are neutralized when you get close to it. Except for pre-prepared alchemical and enchantment products."

Paul listened to his father, then sat back in his chair and began to think.

"The place where dragons are executed. The endless void that eats dragons..."

While he was lost in his thoughts, the carriage arrived at the City Lord's mansion.


Hello everyone, I'm here with an interesting novel.

I apologize if the series didn't interest you. Because there will be a lot of clichés.

I'm not a very good writer, but I've been experimenting.

If you want to support me, don't forget to send me a Power Stone.

Hello everyone, I'm here with an interesting novel.

I apologize if the series didn't interest you. Because there will be a lot of clichés.

I'm not a very good writer, but I've been experimenting.

If you want to support me, don't forget to send me a Power Stone.

Ah_rencreators' thoughts