
Chapter 6

Narrator's POV

This part of the story takes place a year later...

Win was staying over at Bright's house, since they wanted to spend time with each other.

They decided to watch a movie together, Win was contemplating what movie to pick while Bright was preparing the snacks.

Win finally picked a movie and Bright placed the snacks on the coffee table. They sat down on the couch, their bodies tangled under the thick blanket.

Their hands intertwined, their bodies served as artificial warmth for each other. The movie started playing as they scoot closer.

They look at each other, their eyes showing pure bliss and love.

Win smiled at Bright, and it made him melt. It made him melt into his arms. Bright cuddled with Win, trying to sniff out his scent and get more of his warmth.

They were in the middle of the movie when Win's phone started ringing continuously.

Win was confused but answered it anyways.


"Win!! It's me Gun, Love's in the hospital!! She got into a car crash, her condition's critical." Gun said, his voice breaking.

Win suddenly dropped his phone, his world stopped. Tears started spilling out of his eyes like a overfilled glass of water.

"Win? Are you okay?" Bright asked, worry painted his face.

"Love..." Win whispered and he wore his sneakers, dashing out the door.

"Bright...drive me to x hospital please." Win said, his voice was shaking uncontrollably.

Bright nodded and he went to grab his keys.

Bright started the car and drived. They sat in defeaning silence, the only thing that can be heard was the rain and Win crying hysterically.

Win looked out the window, the sky painted with just gloominess and dullness. The clouds spilling out its' contents unto the world.

The sky looked exactly like Win at the moment.

Gloomy, dull, motionless.

But so fvcking precious and beautiful.

That's what Bright thought at the moment.


-At the hospital-

They pull the hospital doors open, speedily going to the reception area to ask about the patient.

"Emergency room."

They sprinted to the emergency room, but they were too late.

There were people outside, crying their eyes out.

Win dropped to his knees, a river flowing through his eyes.

Bright kneeled beside him and whispered to his ear words of comfort. He tried to cheer him up.


-1 week later, at the funeral-

Win and Bright attended the funeral, Win didn't shed any tears this time, for he has grown tired in doing so.

They were paying their respects when Bright's wrist glowed a little bit.

"Love Pattranite"

The letters were floating, he was confused then suddenly he heard a whisper.

"I'm sorry, my supposed to be lover- for I have died before we even met." He heard a sweet high pitched voice, that's mixed with sadness.

And there, the faucet in his eyes started opening by itself. Water flowed endlessly as he waited for the funeral to end.

When it finally ended, he asked Win to a date at a local coffee shop.



He proceeded to show Win his wrist, the letters still floating.

Win's eyes widened, he bit his lip in sheer frustration, he looked up at Bright and saw his eyes enveloped with anger.

"I can explain...please"

"Did you lie to me?"

"Yeah but---"

"Stop playing with me..."

"I didn't play---"

"You know I was actually going to ask you to be mine but..." Bright wasn't able to finish his sentence because he can't hold all the pain that he's feeling.

Bright finally saw the black rabbit in Win, he was cunning, the epitome of bad luck, deceiving etc.

He can see the black rabbit in his little orbs. The rabbit was wailing for it has been found.

"Let's stop seeing each other." Bright mustered up all the courage that's left in his body and managed to spit out these words.

Win's eyes were like glass figurines. The tears that were forming were little glass shards. The tears envelop the eye and make it seem like there's a glossy barrier between the eye and outside world.

The barrier broke, the glass figurine breaking apart, the glass shards falling and shattering against the ground.

And like on cue, Bright immediately left as soon as he saw those little glass shards.

Bright also noticed the letters on his wrist disappear, and a new name is imprinted.

There, he started to look for his unknown lover.


There were letters floating on his wrist, the name "Bright Vachirawit Chivaree." started to disappear as the brand new name resided.

Win tried to untangle his heart strings by finding his soul mate but to no avail, his heart only beats for Bright.

Bright was happily dating his soul mate, but the figment of his thoughts were still filled by his ex lover.


-5 years later-

Win was in the middle of doing nothing when his phone suddenly rang.

It was Bright.

He picked it up almost instantly. He heard Bright's raspy voice for the first time in five years. He was crying, words coming out of his mouth so carelessly.

"My soulmate died." He cried out, absoulate remorse evident in his voice, he sounded like a person that has lost all will to live.

"Same." Win said, his reaction completely opposite from Bright. He was wearing this nonchalant facade, his voice was monotonous. Yes, he was sad and pitied his lover but after some time, he started to grow weary and just didn't care.

For he left his heart at the sea.

The sea being Bright.

Bright continued to cry on the phone loudly as he tells Win what happened.

Win didn't say anything, he only listened to Bright's voice and the words spewing out his mouth.

At one point they were in total silence for a while when Bright suddenly talked.

"Hey Win..."


"Are you okay?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Win answered him immediately.