
Chapter 5

Win's POV (Flashback)

Every person has a failed love story...


We met at 7th grade.

She left me at 10th.

We were alike, a lover both lost in our prophecies, our hearts both in grief.

A name not to seal our fate, a lover not found in any date.

We were alike, our wrists showed no name, our hearts synchronized and beats the same.

And because of that, we fell for each other.

Even though we weren't bound by fate, our names not on each other's wrist.

We fell in love because of how different we are with other people.

We were both destined to have no soulmate.


She looked in others the prince she couldn't see in me.

Slowly, letters started to form on her wrist, a name appeared.

The inevitable was coming, it was as clear as the blue sky that day.

Clouds gave way for the blue sky to shine, the mix of light and dark blue makes the sky look, beautiful.

It looked beautiful.

Like how she looked when she left me.

In her blue dress, holding another's hand. Her pearly whites on display, her sweet and innocent voice ringing in my ears as I look at them.

She looked exactly like the blue sky that day.


Absolutely beautiful.

She looked like the sky, the very sky I fell in love with.

The sky I fell in love with, hard.

She looked exactly like it.

But I was the clouds who gave way for her, the sky.

I thought that, she deserves the world and if I'm not her world then, I should give way.

Like the clouds that day.

That day, our heart strings untangled, mine got cut in the process as hers got tangled with another.

The stinging in my eyes won't stop, I remember how her eyes looked, it was like an amber was inside it. She seemed so satisfied and outrageously happy that time.

More than she was with me.

These are the embers of my past, that I wish I wasn't capable of reviving.

But it keeps coming back to haunt me, these are memories that I wish to bury so deep so that I would forget about them eventually.

-End Of Flashback-

Bright's POV (Flashback)

The second reason...


It was the weekend when it happened, I was hanging out with my friends, eating outside in a popular fast food chain or something.

We were laughing our hearts out, making jokes here and there. I was playing with my phone that time while eating my food when my mom suddenly called me.

She was crying, I could hear her sobs through the line. Her pained breaths can be heard.

I sat there, motionless not knowing what to say, just waiting for her to say a word.

"Your dad left."

Three words...that broke me, but broke my mother more.

My hand that was gripped tightly on the spoon suddenly let go of the spoon.

A loud metal clanking was heard after seconds of me dropping the utensil.

I could hear mom sob even harder, I swear her tears were already wetting the phone.

My eyes were stinging, tears started to form up until the brim.

I was on the verge on crying but I stopped, I told my friends that I would be going home now. That it was an emergency.

My mom was crying loudly on the phone, I could hear her playing a familiar song.

Their theme song.

I quickly wiped the tears that were trying to fall and I just rushed home.

-After a few moments-

I slammed the house door open, and there I saw my mom sitting in a pool of tears, crying until her eye balls fall.

Their theme song was loudly playing in the back ground.


She looked at me, her eyes all red and puffy, tissues laying around her.

She smiled painfully as she stood up and approached me.

"Thank you." She whispered.

-A week later the incident-

I was coming home from school, there wasn't anything good that happened today.

It was as usual, boring.

So I sprinted home, hoping to see my mother by the kitchen, cooking while a smile graced her face.

I opened the door.


There was no sound of water boiling or food getting fried. It was so quiet, I couldn't even hear vegetables getting chopped.

"Mom?!" I screamed.

No response.

"Mom!!" I shouted even louder.

No response.

I quickly went upstairs and opened her bed room.

No sign of her.

I went to the bath room and knocked. I hear the water running.

"Mom!!!" I screamed with everything I got.

Still no response.

So, though how rude it may seem, I busted the door open.

And there...

I saw...


She was submerged into the tub though her arm was out of the tub, freshly made cuts were present.

Blood was running down her wrist, I quickly brought her out of the tub, pain was etched on her face.

I noticed the empty bottle of medicine by the tub, I then got a towel, pressed it on her cuts gently and called an ambulance.

I cried silently, hoping that she survived.


-End Of Flashback-


Narrator's POV

Win was staring at the void, thinking about Bright and other random things when he suddenly received a text.

It was from Bright.

He asked him if he wanted to hang out today.

Obviously, Win said yes.

So Win showered while his cheeks were scarlet red. A bit his lip in order to stop himself from screaming.

While Bright was busying himself with what outfit to wear, repeatedly throwing his shirts on the floor if it didn't satisfy him.

But he soon realized what he was doing, dressing up for a guy he's yet to know a lot about.

It was not cool.

He sighed and rested his face on the table, embarrassed by his actions.

"What are you even doing Bright?" He asked himself.