
Chapter 4

Bright's POV

Every person has a stupid love sick story...


It was a sunny day, the clouds were slightly covering the sun, but the sun still shined through. The atmosphere seemed happy, but little did I know it would be the start of an endless war inside of me.

The wind blew hard, her hair danced with the harsh wind. I stare in awe as her eyes seem to shine brighter than the sun.

My hand instinctively held hers, interlocking my fingers with her. She looked at me in shock, but soon smiled.

As I look back at it now...

The smile seem like it was forced.

It is forced.

But I ignored it because I was too in love with her. I ignored it because I couldn't admit to myself that she has fallen out of love.

And I haven't.

"Every cloud has a silver lining."

When I was at a young age, I always thought that life has no silver lining, that you can never find such comfort in life, that it wasn't worth it to live.

But there is a silver lining to life after all.

She was my silver lining, my one and only silver lining in this life of mine.

But I didn't know that her silver lining wasn't me...

it was my brother.


Later that night...

"I'm sorry my brother..."

"Please...stop." I said in between my sobs. My life holding her life by the hand.

My brother held a bag in his hand, and her hand in the other. Tears were streaming down her face, the little water droplets glistening under the moon's light.

"Sorry." My soul mate said.

My silver lining said.

My life said.

It was one word.

I tried to convince myself so bad that one word couldn't break me.

But she was a wrecking ball that's destined to wreck me.

She was successful.

She destroyed me so much.

To the point that I don't even know if I'm incomplete or I just don't feel complete without her.

Before I knew it they left.

They left.

But she didn't leave her heart behind, she left a pool of pity behind.

A pool of her tears of pity.

But I was thankful.

Because she atleast left something behind.


I don't know how long I've been sitting on the floor, my mind full of disturbing thoughts.

"Bright?" I heard my mom call.

I didn't respond, I just looked at the sky.

The night sky looked so beautiful, the stars were burning more, the gas in them hotter. The moon was a gorgeous crescent this night, it was radiating light.

The clouds in the sky were almost transparent as it gave way for the star embroided sky, the stars complimented the night sky, like a blank canvas that's been splashed with a little paint here and there.

I suddenly heard foot steps from behind me, and I felt a warmth reside beside me. There was a hand on my shoulder, as I turn my head, I was face to face with the most beautiful thing present at the moment.

The smile of my mother.

Her smile was refreshing amd reassuring.

It almost made me whole again.


But it didn't.

It didn't make me whole.

She traced the letters on my right wrist with her finger, a sad smile on her face.

She looked at me, the pity in her face evident. She whispered words of comfort in my ear, her fingers trying to wipe the tears that were trickling down my face.

-End of flashback-


Narrator's POV

After Bright finished telling his story, they were enveloped in an eerie silence. Bright was trying to contain himself, while Win looked at him, his eyes showing concern.

"Is that the reason why you don't believe in soulmates?"

"One of the two reasons, yes."

Win looked at him, their eyes meeting, a wave of unknown feelings comes rushing through them, their heartstrings getting repaired by each other each second.

Perplexity filled Win's eyes, his mouth would open but words wouldn't come out, he was shocked. But he soon spat out the words he wanted to say.

"What's the other reason then?" Win questioned.

"That's another story for another day, now you tell yours." Bright replied, his eyes avoiding Win's.

Win smiled cheekily and he stood up, while Bright looked at him puzzled.

"Well, it's getting late, we should separate ways now."

"But---" before Bright can finish his sentence, Win already dragged him out of the place.

Bright was questioning Win's actions. Why he acted impulsively and what was going on his mind at the moment. Is the cells in his brain arguing with each other or is his heart trying to get out of his chest.

But he chose to stay quiet, because he was afraid that he would take it the wrong way.

So they separated ways, residing in their households.


Win lied on his bed, the thoughts of Bright comes crashing down on him, a grin slowly forming on his face.

Blood rushes to his cheeks as he feels the unusual warmth surrounding his room, his heart felt warm.

He felt sick, like someone is drumming on his heart. It's like he was about to vomit out flower petals on the wooden floor.

He place his head phones over his ears to try to ignore the feeling that's overpowering every other feeling in his body.

He knew that at that moment..

he was flying into oblivion.


Bright was sitting down on his swivel chair, facing the computer. He played games to try to clear his mind but images of Win would pop up every second.

He thought that he was growing attached or admiring him a little.

He thought that his feelings wouldn't grow into anything more than that.

That it couldn't.

He didn't want his feelings for Win to flourish, like a garden full of flowers of many kinds.

He despised the feeling, even though it felt so great.

He hated it.