
Black Magus

What kind of realm would you choose to live in after digitizing your mind? For Amun, that was a magical world where he could be free to learn until his end of days. What he got was to become the living god of a vast realm in an odd universe. A being who'd be born with the world. And later stripped of it all. A being of juxtaposition and contradictions. A sinner and a saint. A wise sage and a genius scientist. A loving creator and a baleful explorer. An elf and a devil, living in a world of might and magic. But all is not what it seems. Peace is fleeting. Figures loom in the light. Forms strafe through the trees. And one Amun is woefully ignorant to the ways of a realm so ripe for change. Yet he is one who cannot help but change it. So he devotes himself to forming the greatest guild the Mortal Plane has ever seen, intending to change his world and others for the better. And yet, somewhere along the line of his undying march, Amun evolved into the being all denizens of the Mortal Plane either revered; or feared. The Black Magus. *** This novel’s lore, story, and characters are entirely fictitious. Certain long-standing countries, institutions, organizations, agencies, public offices, etc. are/may be mentioned, but their histories and the characters involved are wholly imaginary. *** This novel’s lore, story, and characters are entirely fictitious. Certain long-standing countries, institutions, organizations, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but their histories and the characters involved are wholly imaginary. Look for the story on RR. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/202907/fictions

Liden_Snake · ファンタジー
419 Chs

The Champion's Era


29th of Trescia, 1492.


As great as this time was, it was not without worry, for I could see the machinations of my patron at work both in and outside of this realm. In and of outside this plane of existence, the time was nigh.

"Celd, go check on the outside, will you? It's almost time."

Case in point. However… "Ugh! Why me? It's always me."

"It's your job!" Cindra sang, popping a small fireball at me for good measure.

"Fine, fine. But if I'm late, remember, dear sister, it was you who sent me."

I ducked out of the way of another fireball as I stepped out the door and proceeded to pluck the Tweedledees and Tweedledums as I scoured the yard for a tree. It was always such an arduous task, going outside. The trees aside, the… dreariness aside, the people there were too uptight. You cast one water hose on someone and they're Hells-bent on starting a war over it.

It's insane.

That said, she and thus I were right. The time was nigh. Things would surely get interesting soon- for the outside. Things were always interesting on the inside. Our Goddess ensured of that. Thus it would only make sense for the long-awaited God to make the same true out there. That provided a little pep in my step once I found a tree at last.

After taking some Tweedle puffs, I put on my arcane gloves I got to work pushing through the brambles surrounding the trunk of this dreary old tree. The window I drew was big. Perhaps too big. But too big was better than too small by far, for it enabled me to see the eleven or so bright lights scattered around a new outside.

Well, it was the same outside as before. But now it was interesting. So, rather quickly, I drew a doorway and waltzed outside. But not without my manners, of course.

"Why, how great it is to see you again King Dememus, I-" I halted upon entering the lands of Vruria, for I did not expect to see so many… outsiders- Maruleans, Betrartheans, and even foreign-born Youterans so close to the Nonusians. And more…

"Celd, old friend! Come! You've come at a most auspicious time." The great centurion King called from his throne.

As I approached, the drugs in my system allowed me to see King Dememus as he was in battle, appearing as a centaur with the upper body of a great lion with black and gold fur proudly wielding a powerful glaive. But that was more like a ghost on top of what he truly looked like. A centaur with black fur and white hooves with brown skin and silver hair adorned with golden trinkets and jewels.

"This is Imperator Jaimess A. Corey of the Second Noctis Legion. Imperator Jaimess, this is Prince Celd'lahan Vrur." He gestured to a spectacled Marulean boy with a long-nosed mask and a colorful plume of down feathers covering his lithe body. A sight I couldn't help but laugh at.

"A pleasure to meet you as well." Jaimess huffed through his nose.

"It's a laugh of disbelief, friend," I said, raising my palms. "It's not every day you see a Marulean with arcana and magic of the divine flowing through him. Much less anyone accompanied by Tengu. Adding to that, you have the essence of what I can only assume to be the Eternal Champion about you.

"And… did you just say Nox?"

I said that last part to King Dememus, who leaned forward to whisper. "Noctis."

"Ah, potato tomato!" I waved him off. But King Dememus continued.

"They are the guild of the nomadic Empire of Eotrom."

"Empire?" I rocked back as I looked at the young Marulean in a new light. He dressed as if he was unsure if he wanted to be a politician or a ranger. Regally, with a flowing cape and trinkets galore fastened atop a belted tunic dyed tan with hints of red, blue, and green. "I didn't take you for an imperialist."

"Not in the same sense as Polaris, if that's what you're thinking," Jaimess said. "We are an Empire of scholars and explorers that does not conquer. We are militarily mighty out of necessity, for that is what exploring the realms requires."

"It is the contrary, old friend," Kind Dememus trotted forth. "They rescued one of our fawns who was taken during the most recent intrusion upon our hunting grounds; her and the many others outside. They are our honorable friends, like you, for they are working to ensure they do not disturb our way of life, even while they help us; all of their own accord."

'Okay, now I'm interested.' I turned to Jaimess with a great grin. "Please explain."

"First and foremost, each Legion is a self-sufficient empire existing beneath the umbrella of a larger empire, Eotrom. We Eomen are, at heart, explorers. While we are in our infancy and thus many things are due to change in the coming years, that much will remain true." Jaimess began, and liking what I was hearing thus far, I urged him along.

"Many of our Legionaries are Nonus-born Maruleans from either here or the lands of Polaris, thus we had a strong foundation for what the Empire should not be. That was built upon by our experiences thus far, and now, those like King Dememus are sharing what they believe to be oppressive for the sake of establishing a new policy in the Empire. The Anti-Expansionist Measure.

"In short, the Legions will only be permitted to take direct advantage of resources in hostile enemy territories. Direct, as in used for their personal or professional ends. I could not chop down a single tree in this forest, for example. The only exception would be if King Dememus requested something that required it. The Legions provides all so we may freely explore. Thus we take nothing from the locals we meet on our journeys. And should anything fall to collateral damage, repairs, and reparations will be made and paid in excess."

"Hmm." I tossed over the words in my mind. But they just didn't make sense. "How many Legions are there?"


"And how in Faenya's name do you provide all for eleven Legions?"

Jaimess smirked childishly, making me match his fervor in kind. "You don't spend much time in this plane, do you?"

"What gave it away?"

"Your ignorance regarding common knowledge." He snorted.

I shook my head. "I don't understand."

"Come, old friend. I will show you."

I followed King Dememus through the palace without a word, uncaring of the glistening tapestries and strange architecture I was usually so fond of, for more Nonusians were clinging to Maruleans, Betrartheans, and foreign-born Youterans just like the tengu flocking around Jaimess.

Once outside, King Dememus gestured his great arms to the canopy above, splitting the branches to reveal magnificent marbles of elements and energy floating above the mortal skies, under the domain of the Gods. Many more stars or… something shone around them. Small, as if countless new deities had been birthed into existence.

Like the days of yore, the times before Zefroth. Before the Rending, even.

"Those are our imperial lands. The woven worlds of Mani. Telin's Champion, Amun. That one is mine. Naubuuru." Jaimess said, gesturing to the second marble from the silver one at the center. A sphere of paradise.

"I… I see." I gasped, shocked by the casual proclamation of this most awaited time. "With a… a world's worth of resources, what need is there to expand? Especially when it follows you above the skies."

"Should we ever need more, we have the means to make them. Forged fresh from the stars that live and die in the divine realm of Eotrom. But that's only a part of it." He strangely gestured to himself, and I had to focus to see the potent magic within his clothes. "We are also in possession of technology- enchantments that often use no magic to function."

He paused to hand me a monocle framed in wood. As I settled it over my eye, strange things began to appear in sequence, all around my field of view. At a glance, I knew my location, the time, who these people were scattered around me, and more, I could see what was on the other side of countless scrying eyes.

They showed me acorns, large enough for four people to fit inside, being carried through the forest by handshaking vines; stones that recorded sound and produced light or heat; machinations of trees and stones that… did things; mined, constructed, farmed. Tasks we often employed magic to do. Duties those of the Mortal Plane often employed or forced others to do.

"These things, the resources from our worlds, and our Guildmaster can and will bring great change to the societies we visit, simply by visiting them, for he is the Father of Evolution. The God of Change. Those changes will be both good and bad, we are aware. Thus we have policies in place for those we conduct business with. The Assist, Overwatch, and Uplift Initiative." Jaimess proudly proclaimed. "When exploring new realms going forward, we will match the level of technology used by the natives, even when we assist them via requests. Or war against them.

"At the very least, allying with Eotrom or her Legions comes with many boons." He smirked in that childish way again, making me giddy at the thought of hearing something even more exciting. "An alliance comes with access to the boundless knowledge of our Eternal God-Emperor. By learning these things, our allies will be guided toward developing new technology and discovering new things in ways that align with their culture.

"Assistance applies to those unlike King Dememus, who wish to fully absorb Eotrom's knowledge and don't mind a guiding hand to address their most prevalent needs. Eomen and Legionaries alike will migrate to their lands and vice versa, where they will work in tandem with the natives to address problems in infrastructure, healthcare, education, security, and several other metrics. Divine Trees will be raised in the cities so the locals can evolve. A Protectorate, essentially.

"For our allies like King Dememus, who wish to continue about their way of life with some distant friends, we will remain out of sight and out of mind but always in contact with the locals as we provide overwatch from the skies. We will only protect them from existential crises or if their liberties are at stake, such as the kidnapping of one of their fawns. We'll do this until they either rise to our level of self-sufficiency on their own or until either we or they find ourselves unaligned. In either case, their Overwatch will then cease, Eomen and Legionaries would withdraw, and they shall be left to their ends as a sovereign nation."

"I would assume the Uplift part is something akin to what's happened in Bakewia." I openly mused. 'I suppose I should see Zapp while I'm out.'

"Partially," Jaimess said. "Most of what was done in Bakewia was done on request. The Uplifted are those who ask to join our Empire. While we will make it known such a thing is possible, we make it a point not to ask and certainly not to demand it. If any nation wishes to join us, it is done on the condition that the citizens decide a vote. Should the vote pass, their lands will be uplifted from the Mortal Plane and made to dwell in the skies as moons or asteroids orbiting the worlds woven above."

"So your duty is that of the guilds of yore. Back when they were honorable." I openly mused before looking at this young Marulean in a new light. "Fascinating. With all that power, this is what you all chose to do. Why?"

"Well, the simple answer is the Emperor." Jaimess shrugged. "Not so long ago, he taught us that if we are to help someone, we are to truly help them. We are to take care of not just the slavers that raid their cities but their lack of food, shelter, security, resources, or anything else. The place where we learned that lesson is now the capital city of our Empire, located in Maru.

"Even before then, however, from the time we left our homeland, we've mainly seen the impoverished and the disenfranchised populating the realms. Such things got old and boring after the first time we saw them. So." Jaimess shrugged again. "Amun decided to make those dreary places more interesting."

"Heh. Hahaha! Ahh, I see!" I cackled madly, smiling wide at the woven worlds above in ways that brought a tear to my eye. "So this is the great era Telin's Champion will bring? Not an era of arcana as we so thought. Not entirely, no." I cackled louder spreading my arms to the vibrant sky- to Him; and Her, his mirror. "This is to be an Era of Prowess! Prowess of any kind! Magic! Might! Skill! Knowledge! Classes! Culture! Nothing is out of bounds in this era of His, the Eternal Champion! Haha! How exhilarating!

"I can't wait to meet him!"

"I'm sure you will in due time. In the meantime, however, are you up for a little play?" Jaimess childishly smirked.

"Play of what kind?" I smirked back, then felt it die down with his next words.

"The Tengu kind." He snorted, then full-on laughed at my wide-eyed silence. "To answer your earlier question, we are affiliated with the Nox by virtue of our Guildmaster, Amun of the House of Cole. And so, the slavers we killed told us their tales. Tales of their headquarters in Ligin's Khuld Territory."

"I may not dwell in this Plane," I began. "But all the same, my… interference would still be frowned upon. Especially in Ligin."

"Well." Jaimess sighed to pet his disappointed tengu. "Whose to say you can't watch?"

There was nothing to say I couldn't watch, and so I did. Right there next to King Dememus, staring out of the window through one eye while the other looked through a window that showed me this Era of Prowess firsthand.

Of course, it showed Jaimess' Legionaries huddled inside massive bugs of metal as they flew at great speed, doing much the same as I was doing now- learning all they could about their enemy from the small windows and annotations flooding their senses.

"This is unbelievable!" I wowed, tapping my monocle. "I'd heard of the new Grandmaster Artificers, of course. But seeing is believing."

"Indeed." King Dememus mused. "We are forever good friends and thus allies with Eotrom and her Legions, regardless of anything. Yet, I believe her to be a waking ancient giant. I cannot begin to fathom her scale. That's the reason I chose the overwatch. Being uplifted is too abrupt a change for my people. Especially considering recent events. And there is much for me to learn about Eotrom, her Legions, her other allies, and her Emperor before ask for assistance. If I do."

"All fair points. But…" Reaching down, I palmed the ground to feel for the energy billowing from the Bodhi Trees' roots, feeling much less heat than ever before. "Things may not be so simple."

King Dememus had known me for a long time. He knew what I meant. And if he didn't, it didn't matter, for we were quickly enraptured by the sight of Jaimess' Legionaries leaping from their metal bug in the dead of night, kilometers away from their intended target.

They dove through the skies like mad lads, relying on the enchantments within their clothes to bring them to a gentle landing sprint amid a swamp spread between two rivers.

At the forefront were those who grew close with the Tanuki over the past days, commanded by ones Melek Jubal and Gwenddydd Grandspire who remained in the far distance, watching their subordinates use their Tanuki-given abilities to shapeshift and meld into the crowd of those they were hunting.

They caused discord by stealing information, spreading misinformation, causing distractions, and freeing those the raiders had captured; sneaking out just before the other group began to sweep in to perform an elegant dance of destruction.

As we watched, so too did Jaimess, using another of those glass things to observe more of his Legionaries entering the fray to secure the hostages, consolidate enemy equipment and information, provide healing, or engage their enemy. At least until the bandit leaders appeared in their midst. Then Jaimess darted into action, fighting to his heart's content while his subordinates seamlessly moved in to support him with levels of efficiency I'd never seen before.

They didn't even talk, which stupefied me until the Tweedledee and Tweedledum wore off, allowing me to sense the subtle ripples of mana cascading in and out of the device in my hand.

"Of course, that's how it works!" I slapped my head. Then tossed the remaining bulbs in my hands with contemplation. "I gotta stop using this stuff.
