
Endgame (16)- Locating Vector

Hugo had reached the designated location in no time. It was the middle of the desert with nothing but dry, arid ground and a few trees sparsely distributed all over the place.

There were hardly any monsters in sight, and each one of them proved to weak to even bother dealing with.

The real location was a small booth under the blinding hot sun. Hugo spotted an old man out front. His glare seemed to scare even the monsters away. After a while of looking, he surmised that this was probably the Engineer that IA V-1 always talked about.


"Hello, nice to meet you." he dropped to the ground, folding his wings back into nothingness and waving at the old man.

"You got here quick, huh. Weren't you the one that was just whining to Gerald over the phone?"

Hugo's eyes twitched slightly at the old man's words, but he stood his ground in the end.

"I have my reasons for being worried."