

'A Plague Monster!'

Evidently, just because he had unleashed the Plague didn't mean Vector would just kick back and relax. His goal was still to kill Black Knight and that would be achieved through whatever means possible.

The Kraken Plague Monster shot four tentacles at him but they were swiftly cut off when Shiloh suddenly appeared.

This didn't perturb the monster, however, since the tentacles immediately grew back. And not only that but, eight new tentacles appeared, increasing the lost four by twice the amount,

'This is going to be a terribly tough fight.'

Creating water-based Plague Monsters made sure that the weakness of fire couldn't be utilized at all. The Plague Monsters were the easiest of his creations to defeat since any pyromaniac with a lighter could finish the job.

But Vector clearly put his creativity to the limits in order to extend the use of the most useless foot soldiers.