

ON HIATUS [Currently editing] WARNING: MATURE CONTENTS Set in the city of New York, The story begins with Liam and Jenna O'Brien, abandoned by their father, soon later the death of their mother leaving the two siblings in the difficult world. Liam being the father figure wants nothing more than to make sure his kid sis get through school and have a good life, but all that changed when Jenna is wanted for killing three of her classmates, why she did it wasn't much of the question... it was how she did. Now becoming a target of both ghouls and G.I agents [Ghoul Investigators] Both siblings are thrust into a world of pain and rejection, hunted in the city as 'New York's Most Wanted' A young female ghoul, Riley Leah, comes to their recuse giving them a choice of hiding forever or dying. Will they survive the hunt? Or is a sibling bond stronger than any other thing? Well, you will just have to find out. DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own The Pictures Used, Credits To The Owner.

Dy_zamite · ファンタジー
222 Chs

Black Friend

"So a woman you thought wasn't your woman but actually your woman was the woman that put you behind bars?" Big Guy said scratching his bald head, trying to understand the story Liam just told him.

Liam dropped the bread he held back to the plate.

"It's fucking confusing if you put it that way" Liam said sarcastically.

"Well your life is confusing" he shrugs, chewing on his bread.

"The agency was using her from the start, it wasn't her fault" Liam said with sad eyes.

"Ghost gave her back her memory, didn't he? So she should be okay".

Liam just made a hmm sound shifting his nose back to the socket as it made a crack sound, he groaned in pain.

"Sorry for breaking your nose, I just love testing others' strength, it was an honor to test yours" Big guy said smirking.

"Well it's obvious you do," Liam assessed his muscles once more.